Harav Yisroel Hager in Montreal

R’ Yisroel Hager, the oldest son of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak and Av Beis Din of Vizhnitz, is currently in Motreal on a visit to benefit Mosdos Vizhnitz.

R’ Hager, who is visiting with his brother-in-law, R’ Menachem Ernster, son-in-law of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, spent this past Shabbos in Motreal and davened at the Vizhnitzer Beis Midrash in the city.

Monday night, R’ Hager attended a gathering at the Skverer shtiebel in Montreal. He also visited the Tosher Rebbe during his stay in the city.

R’ Hager is expected to move on to Toronto for Shabbos, and will be greeted by the Vizhnitz community there. He is scheduled to daven Kabbolas Shabbos in the Agudas Yisrael shul, Shachris at Kahal Avreichim, and Mincha in Ulam Beis Yisrael.

He will be staying at the home of R’ Nosson Verner, on Caribou Rd.

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