Yeshiva Darchei Torah Alumni Asifah in Lakewood

This year’s alumni asifah of Yeshiva Darchei Torah will be held THIS Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Sivan (June 4th), at the home of Yosef & Rachel Novoseller, 567 Eighth Street. The Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Yaakov Bender, will be at the gathering and will deliver divrei chizuk.

With well over a hundred alumni living and learning in Lakewood—including yungeleit, bachurim and baalebatim—the Yeshiva organizes this gathering each year to renew the kesher between the Hanhala and the alumni as well as the kesher between the alumni themselves.

The Novosellers are the proud parents of two Darchei alumni: Yehoshua and Yissocher Dov, both married and raising families of their own, Baruch Hashem.

The event will begin at 8:00 PM and conclude with Maariv. Hot refreshments will be served. For more information, please call 718-868-2300, extension 317 or e-mail [email protected].

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