A Special Elevator for Rav Wosner Shlita

wosnerA special non-electric elevator has been installed to assist HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita, who blei ayin hora is 100. The Shevet Halevy marked his 100th birthday last week. Despite his age, Rav Wosner continues to maintain his rigid schedule, which includes his duties as Rosh Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, giving many shiurim and receiving visitors.

The rav insists on continuing to daven with the yeshiva, hence the construction of the manually operated elevator which permits lifting him to the beis medrash on weekdays, shabbos and yomtov. The rav would not hear of using a “shabbos elevator” that operates on electricity. The new elevator should be operational this coming shabbos, Parshas Ki Tietzei 5773.

This week the rav is expected to attend the chasenah of his great granddaughter in Yerushalayim, a granddaughter of his son Rav Chaim Wosner, a son of Rav Aaron Wosner. The chosson is a grandson of the Zvill Rebbe Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I read around a year ago that he had turned 100, and arranged for sandakaus on his 100th birthday. Apart from his gadlus in Torah, he maintains excellent relations with all groups in the spectrum. May Hashem give him many, many more good, healthy years and may he greet Moshiach.

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