Photos: Tonight’s Kaliv Yartzheit Tish

YW-KALIV-14.JPGClick HERE to see photos taken tonight – Thursday Night, ז’ אדר, – which is the the Yohrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu and of Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac of Kaliv, The Kaliver Rebbe Shlita made a Yahrtzeit Tish in Kaliv, on Rachov Chana 23 in Yerushalayim.

230 Yungerliet of the Kollelim were awarded Teudot upon finished and being tested on Yoreh Daya Chelek Beis. The Tish was attended by Rebbes and Rosh Yeshivas, as well as hundreds and hundreds of guests.

The Kaliver Rebbe, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Taub, is a sixth generation descendant and the only ben-achar-ben of Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac of Kaliv.

Photos taken by Yehuda Boltshauser for YWN.

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