Photos: Boyan Rebbe Visits NY

YW-Boyan Visits NYC-04.jpgClick HERE to see photos of the Boyaner Rebbe Shlita on his recent visit to NY.

4 Responses

  1. Kevod Kedushaso, Shlita, spent Shabbos in our community a few weeks ago, and I had the zechus to talk to him privately.

    The Rebbe Shlita is a very ne’imosdike person, and will speak to anyone at any time in any language that the person is comfortable with (we conversed in English, although Yiddish is my first language, chronologically, that is).

    He has graced our community on several occasions (he has mishpachah here); each time he has given me personally, as well as the klal, great chizzuk.

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