Videos: Large Kaliver Yartzheit Tish Scheduled For Thursday

This Thursday Night, ז’ אדר, the Yohrtzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu and of Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac of Kaliv, The Kaliver Rebbe Shlita will be making a Yahrtzeit Tish in Kaliv, on Rachov Chana 23 in Yerushalayim.

230 Yungerliet of the Kollelim will be awarded Teudot upon finished and being tested on Yoreh Daya Chelek Beis. The Tish will be attended by Rebbes and Rosh Yeshivas, as well as hundreds and hundreds of guests. The Rebbe is a has a very close Kesher to most of today’s Gedolim, across the spectrum, From The Gerrer and Belzer Rebbes, to Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, to Rav Ovadia Yosef.

The Kaliver Rebbe, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Taub, is a sixth generation descendant and the only ben-achar-ben of Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac of Kaliv.

The Kaliver Rebbe is well known in all circles for his work to memorialize the six million kedoshim who perished al kiddush hashem in the holocaust, and The “Ani Maamin Museum” will be starting construction in the next few weeks.

Click HERE to see a video of the Kaliver Rebbe Shlita singing, and click HERE to see a 43 minute video of the Rebbes history.

One Response

  1. When I was a kid, I learnt in the kerestier shteibel in miami. We had a small cheder (about 12 years ago) one day I wanderd into the beis medrash and saw the kaliver rebbe sitting on a bench in deep thought.. he had just come out of the mikva.. it made a lasting impression on me seeing him in deep concentration..all alobe in a empty beis medrash.

    I am a lubavitcher chasid and I was a kid then.. I just knew he was a rebbe.. years later I came to eretz yisrael and was shocked to see thousands of chasidim.

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