Spinka Rebbe’s Sukkos Tisch in Yitzhar

A few weeks ago the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita visited Elon Moreh and Kever Yosef in Shomron and now, on chol hamoed Sukkos, the Spinka Rebbe Shlita followed, holding a yomtov tisch in Yishuv Yitzhar as well as visiting Kever Yosef HaTzaddik.

The rebbe was escorted by the rav of the Shomron area, Rabbi Elyakim Levanon Shlita, who is also mora d’atra of the township of Elon Moreh. The visit coincided with the Ushpizin of Yosef and the special visit to the tziyun was coordinated in advance with the IDF.

The rebbe conducted a brief tour of the area, which included a stopover in Gilad Farm and Yitzhar. The mora d’atra of Yitzhar, Rabbi David Dudkevitz greeted the rebbe upon his arrival in the community and hosted him in the sukka of the shul where the rebbe held a tisch, during which the rebbe gave a chizuk to the continued Jewish presence throughout Yehuda and Shomron, wishing them all a ‘גמר חסימה טובה’. He gave a special bracha to Gershon Mesika, who is the head of the Shomron Regional Council, that he should also become the mayor of Shechem.

Rabbi Dudkevitz explained that one of the responsibilities of נחלת יוסף is to feel “we are brothers” and cited the need for the different camps in the קהל יראי ה’ to move closer to one another.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “wishing them all a ‘גמר חסימה טובה’.”

    A good blocking? What block, a roadblock?

    In any case, I rather fail to understand what motivates these rebbes. I’m quite sure the Rebbe I was closer to in Yerushalayim is not, ever, going to do anything like this.

  2. Does spinka follow the ashkenazic ushpizin? I think either kamarna or ziditchov (i remember a story where one of those two followed the arizal’s ushpizin as most chassidim do, and the other follows the ashkenazic version) does, and spinka comes from both, but I didnt know if spinka follows the ashkenazic order. According to the ashkenazic order, last night was yosef. According to the arizal order, shabbos will be yosef

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