Toldos Aaron Reminds Chassidim of Rules for Bein Hazmanim

For chassidim in Toldos Aaron the takanos for bein hazmanim has been published, providing members of the tzibur with the guidelines for the upcoming vacation. Among the regulations is the ban on vacationing in a facility with a video and girls may not be sent away without supervision. Of course kashrus is mentioned, compelling residents to validate kashrus prior to making any arrangements.

The letter in the rebbe’s name speaks of kashrus first. Then it addresses a facility which has either a video or television. Resorts in which men lecture to women, with the latter “prohibited by the badatz and gedolei yisrael in Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora” are also forbidden.

Even one vacationing for health reasons should avoid traveling as a group, but it is preferable that each family travel on its own.

Daughters are not to be sent traveling alone, without a parent accompanying them or alternatively, appropriate supervision.

Anyone planning a group vacation is instructed to phone one of the numbers in the letter to verify the place chosen is acceptable.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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