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Mir Yerushalayim’s Weekend Of Chizuk In NYC

YW-MIR-HST-13.jpgYeshivas Mir Yerushalayim will be having A Weekend of Inspiration in the U.S. with two of the Yeshiva’s well known Rabbeim, Harav Nissan Kaplan Shlita and Harav Eytan Joffen Shlita. They will recreate the ruach hatorah and excitement as many have experienced as talmidim of the Yeshiva.  Over Shabbos Parshas Shemos, all will be afforded the opportunity to meet and hear divrei Torah and divrei hisorirus from these Rabbeim, The enthusiasm can already be felt in Lakewood, Far Rockaway, the Five Towns, and Brooklyn as the final preparations are put into place.

Harav Kaplan and Harav Joffen will be spending Shabbos in Lakewood.  A major Lakewood Alumni Asifa is planned for Motzai Shabbos in the Ateres Yeshaya Simcha Hall, 908 E. County Line Road at 8:00pm.

A Sunday morning Asifa will take place in Far Rockaway /Five Towns in the Agudath Israel of Long Island, 1121 Sage Street and the program will begin at 9:30am. The final Alumni Asifa will take place in Brooklyn on Sunday evening at Mercaz Hasimcha, 1898 Bay Avenue (East 19th Street, between Avenue M and N).  The reception is scheduled for 6:00pm and the program will promptly begin at 6:30pm.

Although the weekend Asifos are presented as Alumni Asifos, past and present talmidim and yungerleit, as well as community members and friends of the Yeshiva are welcomed to participate.

Harav Kaplan and Harav Joffen will arrive in Lakewood on Friday morning and will return to Eretz Yisroel on Sunday evening.

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