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Yahrzeit of the Lev Simcha of Gur ZATZAL

Tonight, the eve of 7 Tammuz marks the 20th yahrzeit of the Lev Simcha of Gur ZT”L ZY”A. Gerre chassidim will take part in atzeres hisorarus being held around Eretz Yisrael and worldwide.

The Rebbe Shlita will take part in tefilos in the main Gur Beis Medrash in Yerushalayim on Tuesday and a yahrzeit seuda will be held after mincha in the main beis medrash, which is located on Ralbach Street.

Chassidim will visit the rebbe’s tziyun on Har HaZeisim throughout the day on Wednesday, 7 Tammuz. Police will be providing additional forces along the route to Har HaZeisim and the tziyun.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The Rebbe Shlita will take part in tefilos in the main Gur Beis Medrash in Yerushalayim on Tuesday and a yahrzeit seuda will be held after mincha in the main beis medrash, which is located on Ralbach Street.

    Since when is the main shtiebel in Ralbavh? The main 1 is on Yirmuyhu street…..

  2. Zechusoi Yagen Aleinu.
    The Lev Simcha (Like all Gerrer Rebbes) was such a GREAT Tzaddik ! He was so hidden but his “Moifsim” were so evident…..Every word he uttered meant the world……True Manhig Hador – POWERFUL !
    Zechusoi Yagen Aleinu V’Al Kol Yisroel !

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