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Hundreds Gather in Boston In Tribute To The Bostoner Rebbe

This past Shabbos Parshas Vayechi, scores of Chassidim came from across the U.S. to participate in a special Shabbos of tribute to the Bostoner Rebbe. Together with many of the local residents, they joined for the Seudos and Tischen lead by the Rebbe.

Shabbos night, the Rebbe spoke of the importance of the concept of Chassidim gathering together for a Tisch, to share the experience of Shabbos with zemiros and Divrei Torah.

Tomorrow, Sunday Parshas Shemos a Re-dedication for the newly renovated Bostoner Beis Medresh  will be held at 10:00am.

2 Responses

  1. Which Bostoner Rebbe is that the one from New York or the one from Har Nof? I thought the original Rebbe from Boston moved to Florida last year and isn’t so well there.

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