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Rav Malkiel Kotler Visits Australia

Horav Malkiel Kotler SHLITAH, is spending this Shabbos (Parshas Vayigash) in Melbourne Australia. This is his first visit there. He is spending 3 days in Melbourne to be Michazek the Olam. He is being hosted by Dr. Daniel Lanzer a local Askin. The Rosh Yeshiva will partake in Oneg Shabbos and will be eating the Seudos at Rabbi Wurzburger the Rosh Kollel. This trip has particular significance considering that Rav Shneur ZTZ”L sent Rabbi Wurzburger along with 10 Yungeleit to open the Kollel and had planned to come and visit but unfortunately he was Niftar shortly there after.

During his short and intense visit he has a full schedule of Shiurim and Shmoozen for various parts of the community. He will travel to Sydney for 1 day to try to be Mechazek the Olam there.

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