Minister Rabbi Hershkowitz a Guest at Seret Vishnitz on Lag B’Omer

Science Minister Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz was a guest at the Seret Vishnitz Chassidic Court on Wednesday night, Lag B’Omer.

The presence of the minister, who heads the HaBayit HaYehudi party and is affiliated with the dati leumi community, was a surprise to many. It appears his grandson is three-years-old and he came to participate in the rebbe’s upsherin for children.

After his hair was cut, the rebbe shlita presented the child with a pair of aleph beis tzizis. The minister was received by the rebbe in a very warm fashion.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Number 1
    Who are you to have the Chutspe to speak about a Rebbe of many hundreds of followers….
    The Seret Vishnitser Rebbe SHLITE is known for his Ahavas Yisroel to anyone who comes to his court etc etc
    It doesnt make a difference who comes and why the person has come he will welcome you and make sure you feel at home.

    If I were you I would apologise for his kovoid and the kovoid of Hashem

    Just remember there’s another world up there and everything gets written….

    You DON’T achieve anything by putting another person down you just lose….. and especially a rebbe

  2. Hey Barlev,

    Before speaking nonsense, why don’t you do your research?

    I know Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz personally. He has his own Shul in Haifa, and he is the Rabbi for all of the Ahuza community in Haifa.

    He is not only a Talmud Chocham, but he is also a Mathematical genius.

    He was Dean of Mathematics at Technion.

    Just continue to sit in your comfortable Shtetl (Williamsburg or Boro Park [take your pick])in America.

    You show your lack of worldly outlook.

    I don’t usually respond to posting on these Frummy websites, because most are posting are from intellectual morons. But in this case, I feel the need to defend a friend.

    And for you RabbiofBerlin, YES he does have Semicha.

    And for you to pick RabbiofBerlin as your nick and not show intellectual depth, does not do justice to the title Rabbi of Berlin.

    Prior to its closure in 1938, the Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary in Berlin was the foremost yeshiva of Torah and secular knowledge.

    Germany Orthodoxy from Rabbi Hirsh’s time has been known for its deep understanding of Torah, coupled with secular knowledge (Torah im Derech Eretz).

    To point, Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz is the embodiment of this. Although, he is originally from Hungary and not Germany.

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