Rav Sholom Kamenetsky Attends Einikel’s Bris in Yerushalayim

sk1.jpgRav Sholom Kamenetsky Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia, flew to Yerushalayim for 48 hours, to serve as sandak at his grandson’s bris. The bris, which was attended by an overflow crowd, was held in the Beis Yisrael Shul in the Tel Arza neighborhood of Yerushalayim.

The baby, son of Rav Yehuda Kamenetsky, was named Yaakov, after his illustrious zaide, Hagon Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky ZATZAL. The baby’s other grandfather, Rav Yisruel Muller, Rosh Kollel Raavad in Toronto, was honored with brochos.

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