Rav Shick of Yavniel Discharged from the Hospital

The Tzaddik from Yavniel Rav Eliezer Shlomo [ben Malka] Shick has been released from hospital after suffering a major heart attack while in New York.

The rav was released after about 10 days in a hospital and he arrived in Boro Park on Rosh Chodesh and asked for a sefer Torah for laining after which he benched gomel.

The rav had warm words of praise for all those who were mispallel on his behalf credit the Tehillim and tefilos for his recovery.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. After all the recent losses the klal has experienced in recent months, its good to hear of the positive outcome with Rabbi Schick. May he continue to have a refuah shelamah.

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