Sanzer Rebbe Shlita Visits Rubashkin in Prison

The Sanzer Rebbe Shlita is in the midst of a two-week chizuk visit in the United States, touching the lives of his chassidim and others wishing to take advantage of the opportunity. The rebbe on Tuesday, 5 Adar 5772 visited with Sholom Rubashkin in prison along with other Jewish prisoners in the facility. The rebbe was there for four hours.

Prison officials approved the request for the visit, permitting five people to enter with the rebbe but cameras and recording equipment were prohibited. The rebbe davened mincha in the prison, relying upon six Jewish prisoners to complete the minyan.

Following mincha the rebbe sat with Sholom Rubashkin, seeking to give him a chizuk. The meeting lasted over 30 minutes. According to a Chadrei chareidim report, the rebbe also met with 20 chareidi prisoners. The prisoners took part in a ‘l’chaim tisch’ as it were and they reported were very uplifted by the visit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. How much longer is this Tszadik going to be tortured by being kept in prison. Please – let’s all pray every day that Hashem will bring justice & set him free.

  2. This is the true picture of a Chareidi leader, a compassionate Yid, who cares about the well-being of every single Jew, even those who have been forgotten in prison.

    May the Rebbe, and all the other Tzaddikim like him, be with us Ad Meah Veesrim Shanah.

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