Chasunah Of Son Of Nadvorn Rebbe (Lakewood)

Tonight is the Chasunah for the son of the Nadvorna Rebbe Shlita (Lakewood) to the daughter of the Lelov Rebbe Shlita (Boro Park). The Chasunah is taking place in Ateres Chaya Hall.

6 Responses

  1. The Rebbe is Harav Hagon Hatzadik Hamaforsom Mran R’Berel Lifer Shilit”a he is from the choshevste yungerliet in BMG. He is an Iyvid hashem with great mesiras nefesh. He will run to the other side of town to do a chessed for anyone.
    Mazel Tov!!

  2. Not to mention that before he was nisgale as a Rebbe, he ran a good auto repair shop and helped poor yeshiva leit get another few thousand miles out of their jalopies.

  3. why make choizek don’t look back look at what he is doing now what a beuatiful bais medrash he build for the oilam and the overnight potatoe kugel etc.

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