Rav Yisroel Hager: ‘Help Every Jew Without Exception’

A ceremonious event was held to usher in the new director of the Refuah V’Chaim organization, Rav Baruch Himmel. In attendance was HaRav Yisrael Hager of Vishnitz.

Rav Hager addressed the tzibur, expressing his tefilla that the organization will deal more with “chaim” and less with “refuah”.

“The organization was started by my father, the Vishnitzer Rebbe to assist all Yidden in need during that difficult period”, Rav Hager added, stressing the need to come to the assistance of any Jew of any walk of life, without exception.

He stressed that during today’s difficult financial times, we do not have the luxury of ignoring those in need and everyone must receive assistance despite the challenges posed by the new economic situation.

After the event, Rav Himmel entered to see the Rebbe Shlita, presenting him with an assortment of Tu B’Shevat fruits.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Someone should show Rav Hager’s comments to a few members of the Coffee Room who believe that many Jews of other walks of life are not Jews at all.

    A message of Achdus from a well known Rav would be a nice change of pace in there.

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