Tens Of Thousands To Gather Tonight To Commemorate Escape Of Satmar Rebbe From Nazi Germany

Tens of thousands of Satmar chasidim will gather on tonight, to commemorate the escape of the Satmar Rebbe, Hagon HaRav Yoel Teitelbaum ZATZAL, from Nazi Germany in 1944.  Already a prominent leading Rov in his native Hungary at the onset of World War II, the Rebbe ZATZAL was smuggled out of Hungary in 1944 in a deal brokered between Adolf Eichmann and Rudolph Kastner, a leader of the Hungarian Aid and Rescue Committee, which allowed 1,685 Jews to go free in exchange for money, gold and diamonds.

The annual gathering for the Satmar Kehilla under the leadership will take place at the New York State Armory, located at 355 Marcy Ave, Brooklyn, NY.

The event will be attended by many dignitaries, VIPs, elected officials and heads of community agencies who will join together to celebrate this momentous event in Satmar history. A full detail of over one hundred members of the NYPD will be on hand to manage security and traffic.

The annual gathering also serves as a dinner and the main fundraising event for the Satmar school system in Brooklyn, which currently has an enrollment of over 13,000 children in their yeshiva and schools and according to reports in the press owns properties valued at over $500 Million throughout the state of New York.

The event, which will mark the sixty seventh anniversary of the Rebbe’s escape, will begin at 9 PM and will feature an address by the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, HaRav Zalman Teitelbaum Shlita and other Rabbonim and Admorim who will be attending this special gathering, which has evolved into an annual celebration of Satmar Chasidus.

The event for the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel, HaRav Aron Teitelbaum Shlita will be held at the Armory in Crown Heights.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Its really a tragedy that these two brothers cannot come together even to honor rav Yoelish’s memory and the neis of his redemption from the Nazis y’s. Couldn’t they bury the hatchet for even one evening and celebrate together their father’s memory together rather then continuing the sinas chinam Aaron and Zalman seem to thrive on.

    MODERATORS NOTE: It’s not their father who was saved….but whatever…..

  2. The Event of the Elder Brother Reb Aharon is twice as big as the Younger brother Reb Zalmen, this year Reb Aron advised his leaders not to call any politicians to the gathering as it interferes with the shorter program of Motzei Shabbos

  3. Does anybody know that it was an event organised by the Zionists ? U dont believe this?????????? google it and they hate them –how ungratefull

  4. Although it is truly sad that the two side are feuding, there is no way that there is a site today that can hold both crowds all at the same time.
    As for ffb, your saying that Reb Aaron has twice the crowd of Reb Zalmen Leib; why don’t you allow the readers to look at photos tomorrow and they will come to their own conclusions.
    As they say in Yiddish: “Es felt nish mentchen bei keinem!”
    The two Rebbes have very different MOs and enough Chasidim each that many other Rebbes would be thrilled to have half of each.
    Kof Alef Kislev is celebrated all over the world in honor of a Tzaddik, who after the Holocaust, did so much to restore Yiddishkeit.
    This is the Ikkur.

  5. #4 – the train was organized by Adolf eichman ym’s together with kastner, who were in cahoots together. If you think any gratefulness is in order, you should be advocating they be grateful to Eichmann for organizing providing permission allowing the escape train.

  6. To No. 4

    There were no zionist organizations listed as a sponsor of either Rav Zalman’s or Rav Aron’s gatherings at the Armories tonight. The Satmar have very few contacts with the religious zionist organizations either here or in EY.

  7. Godolhadora-Sorry but you’re obviously clueless. What #4 was referring to was the Rebbes escape in 1944 not the feuding brothers (Rav Yoel ZTLs great nephews not his sons) dinner parties.

    (Maybe they hate the zionists for executing Eichmann who saved the Rebbe????)

  8. #5 a jew sais My agenda is that if someone did you a favour you must show gratitude. This is basic .You can appose their hereticle ideas ,but not with such poisen .If you would show some derech erets for what they did for your Rebbi , the machlokes would be more l’shem shamayim, on our side, and there would be no sina between one group and another .THATS MY AGENDA!!

  9. #4 NO to KASTNER WHO PUT THIS TOGETHER CASH FOYIDDEN.#8 your ignorent of 1944 J history #9 correct,.#10 correct also. Ah Licteger Chanuka Torah Yid

  10. Kastner did not put up any cash for him. The passengers had to pay themselves. Furthermore, Kastner used 95% of the slots for his family (all of whom were on the train) and his colleages. He allowed a small token amount of slots for others to hide how he otherwise distributed the slots.

    And what is more, Kastner was one of the bad guys. He hid what the Eichmann was planning in order to get on Eichmann’s good side. If anyone needs to be thanked, it is Eichmann since Eichmann provided the authorization for the planning and permission for the train to escape Hungary. Without Eichmann, Kastner could do nothing. So any “hakoras hatov” must be directed to Eichmann rather than Kastner. But they were both bad guys who were wheeling and dealing in business with each other and neither deserves anything.

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