Rav Elyashiv’s Yom Kippur

Reports regarding Yom Kippur and the condition of HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita indicate the Posek HaDor was quite weak, continuing on intravenous antibiotic treatment.

The Rav participated in Kol Nidrei in the caravan minyan adjacent to his home as well as maariv. During the day, a minyan was held in his home at 10 Chanan Street in Meah Shearim. The Rav was too weak to take part in the regular minyan.

Maran was connected to the intravenous during the entire day Yom Kippur, providing the pharmaceutical therapy along with hydration. On motzei Yomtov, after maariv, the Rav did take part in the minyan for Kiddush Levana. The Rav then took part in writing an ois in a Sefer Torah for a Sefer for Yeshivas Shalheves HaTorah in Modi’in Illit.

Kol HaChareidi reported the Rav left his home for mincha on erev Yomtov too. It was also reported that a Jewish physician, a nurse, and a non-Jew remained in the rav’s home during Yom Kippur to tend to all medical treatments.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Thanks for the continuous update on the day by day of the Gadol and Posek Hador. It’s amazing to see that when there’s a will, there’s a way!

  2. I’m with number 1, but I was thinking more along the lines of intrusive and pandering to the voyeuristic side of people.

  3. To #1
    Im very glad YWN keeps us posted. I daven for Rav Elyashiv in Refainu every day.

    If u feel a connection to Torah and the Torah velt then you care very much about his health.

  4. If this was your father you too would ask for and want to hear details. Harav Eliashiv Shlit”a, the Gadol Hador, is our collective father and therefore we are interested in reading about his condition.

  5. To #1. I’m sure you’ll agree that anybody with a Parent that is R”L not well, they want to know every day if there’s any change, and yes although it may seem like private information, ppl want to know about every doctor visit, with all results.
    I shouldn’t even mention this in the same paragraph, but in America, any medical event with any public official, (President, Governor, etc..) is all over the news.
    “We” know who and what is important to us, and whose health we want updates on.

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