An Emotional Rosh Hashanah In The Vishnitz Beis Medrash

It was an emotional Rosh Hashanah for Chassidei Vishnitz as mispallalim in the main beis medrash in Bnei Brak were joined by the Rebbe Shlita for some of the tefilos.

There was an outburst of joy as the Rebbe entered on erev yomtov, and this continued on the second day as the Rebbe entered and joined the minyan for tekios shofar and musaf.

Nevertheless, chassidim are aware of the Rebbe’s difficult condition and they continue reciting Tehillim for R’ Moshe Yehoshua ben Margalis.

Rav Feibish Miller, a prominent Vishnitz chossid is quoted as telling Kikar Shabbat on motzei Shabbos “This yomtov, we truly saw miracles and wonders. We merited having the Rebbe Shlita join us – for ‘Malchius, Zichronos and Shofaros’. Thousands of chassidim went past the Rebbe and wished him gut yomtov.

Rav Miller calls upon the tzibur at large to continue davening for the Rebbe’s wellbeing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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