Hamas Rejects Israeli Call to Halt Abduction of Soldiers

Israeli officials have sent a message to Hamas, asking the terrorist organization to stop intended plans to abduct IDF soldiers, hoping to use the soldiers as negotiating pawns towards the release of additional terrorists imprisoned in Israel.

The response from Gaza was a resounding “no”, with Hamas leaders stating quite the contrary, realizing that terrorism pays and it will try its utmost to abduct soldiers towards gaining the release of additional terrorists imprisoned by Israel.

In fact, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh recently reaffirmed his commitment to continue his battle against Israel until such time, all terrorists are released. The terrorist leader added that he does not plan to show Israel any flexibility whatsoever.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Maybe a stronger repeat of the last time when gilad was abducted (hopefully killing haniyeh) will change his mind (or take it out altogether)

  2. WHATS THE PRICE? 1027 more terrorists released GET READY for 1027 more suicide bombings & tons of deaths R”L ALL FOR 1 SOLDIER too bad this is the way israel works & trades, sorry. be prepared for more bombs from them and rockets from gaza as they capture more soldiers to release more muslim prisoners.


    NOTE: this is what Klal Yisroel gets when all these Tzaros Happen & we don’t wake up to do Teshuva Especially now right after ELUL & yomim noraim

  3. Dear Prime Minister Haniyeh:
    Pretty please, with a cherry on top, don’t kidnap soldiers.


    If you do it again, I’m gonna tell!

    Can we have a “do over” on the Shalit deal?

  4. I continue to daven Gilad Shalit isn’t coming home in a body bag. We are dealing with the lowest forms of human beings here. Racoons and lizards have more scrupels than those the government of Israel is making a deal with.

  5. I’ve never heard of anything so ridiculous and awfully pathetic…a true embarrassment to anyone affiliated with Israel. 🙁

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