Shiva Asar B’Tammuz Program To Stream LIVE Here At 7:00 PM

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Rabbi Shmuel Dishon, menahel of Mosdos Yad Yisroel of Karlin-Stolin and Rabbi Dovid Refson, founder and dean of Neve Yerushalayim College for Women in Jerusalem are the featured speakers at the annual Shiva Asar b’Tammuz Program of Flatbush.

The program will take place Today, Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 7:00 PM at Merkaz HaSimcha, 1898 Bay Avenue (Corner East 19th Street – Near Avenue M), Brooklyn.

The Shiva Asar B’Tammuz and Tisha B’Av programs were established over thirty years ago to educate the community about the magnitude of our tragic losses during the Three Weeks and to teach of our individual and collective responsibility to repair the breach. These programs attract a diverse crowd of hundreds of people from many different communities.

Rabbi Dishon has worked tirelessly over the last number of decades to bring Jews around the world closer to Torah. His powerful and penetrating words are the hallmark of his divrei chizuk and message.  

Rabbi Refson, in founding “Neve”, as it is affectionately known, in 1970 created a place where Jewish women with minimal religious background could explore their heritage an receive an excellent Jewish education. Tens of thousands of women have partaken of the sweet taste of authentic Judaism at Neve! Many of the alumnae and their families have gone on to become active members, leaders and educators in communities around the globe. It is our honor to host Rabbi Refson at this program.

Men, women and children are all welcome; Mercaz HaSimcha is wheelchair accessible. Admission fee is $10 ($25 maximum per family). Maariv follows the end of the program.

The program will stream LIVE here on YeshivaWorld at 7:00 PM. The online broadcast is sponsored in part by Hindy and Kevin Chorney.

Donation are welcome via clicking on the donation link to help cover the cost of this program as well as the upcoming Tishah b’Av program. To become a partner in these endeavors or for more information, please call (718) 998-5822 or visit

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