Shas Illuminated: The Newest Daf Yomi Revolution

[By Meir Scheiner]

Hardly a day goes by without someone mentioning something about the upcoming Siyum HaShas. The massive amount of preparation underway for the “local” siyum in MetLife Stadium belies an even more massive accomplishment by tens of thousands of Daf Yomi learners, who have been preparing each day for the past seven and a half years by learning daf after daf. As a Torah Jew, I can’t help but be incredibly impressed with those that made this daily commitment. Yet as a yeshivah graduate, I wonder: The beauty of learning Daf Yomi is so great, but for someone who was trained in delving into the world of the great meforshim, from the earliest Rishonim to the more recent Acharonim, is the standard learning of Daf Yomi satisfying enough? Gemara with Rashi is the staple of every Torah Jew, but for the yeshiva educated learner, is there any way to learn Daf Yomi with the wisdom and clarity of a profound Rashba, an insightful Pnei Yehoshua, or a relevant psak from Mishna Berurah?

To be sure, there are terrific programs for learning Daf Yomi “B’Iyun,” the in-depth method of Gemara study that yeshivos are famous for. Notable among these is the spectacularly successful Dirshu Program. But almost without exception, these programs require a substantial time investment well beyond the reach of today’s yeshiva educated working man.

I was pleasantly surprised to be appraised of a terrific idea that is being launched now. Rabbi Yacov Metz, a young torah scholar living in Waterbury, invited me to speak to him about his new organization, Shas Illuminated. Rabbi Metz was quite surprised himself at this “hole in the market.” Klal Yisroel today utilizes the most cutting edge technology, when sanctioned by prominent Rabbanim, to help educate others in Torah through all sorts of medium. Shiurim, publications and resources galore dot the landscape for nearly every sort of Torah Topic. Yet a comprehensive Iyun shiur on Gemara given in a realistic time frame – on every daf in Shas – was not available.

I quickly learned that Rabbi Metz doesn’t just take note of a problem and move on. He is in the category of “the doers” in Klal Yisroel. With a tremendous investment of energy, he painstakingly researched and then hired some of the most prestigious Magidei Shiur in the world to give a comprehensive, clear and concise shiur on each Daf incorporating the main points of the Rishonim, Acharonim, and relevant Halacha L’Ma’ase. This shiur is intended to be learned after one has completed learning the Gemara and Rashi on the Daf.

Shas Illuminated has received the enthusiastic support of many prominent rabbonim from across the spectrum including R’ Shmuel Kamenetzky, R’ Noach Isaac Oelbaum, R’ Dovid Cohen, and R’ Benzion Shafier. While the fundraising costs associated with this project were daunting, Rabbi Metz has experienced much hashgocha, and now has completed all shiurim for Brachos and is nearing completion for Shabbos.

Looking through the attractive and professional website of, I was thrilled to see that the downloads are free! Rabbi Metz assured me that source sheets for each Daf will be available shortly as well. A pilot run of an mp3-cd package will be sold in NY area seforim.

The future for those interested in revolutionizing their Daf Yomi learning experience is very promising. Shas Illuminated invites you to join them in this very exciting venture. Some prime dedication opportunities are available; the details are on the website.

I came away from my meeting with Rabbi Metz with the feeling that he is truly being mekayem “Machzir Atara L’Yoshna,” restoring the crown of learning to it’s former glory. Daf Yomi regulars and Magidei shiur alike have the opportunity to invest in listening to to the 45 min daily shiur, and reap the eternal dividends for their investment.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. Rabbi Metz is an amazing Yid whose concern for every member of klal yisroel is something I admire. I remember a few years ago when Daf Yomi was up to Kesubos, how he and his chavrusa R’ Pinny learnt through it be’iyun. At the time I wanted to join them, but, as the article mentions, the time commitment was too great. Now, I hope to IY”H start Berachos next week and use these shiurim. Yasher Koach Rabbi Metz.

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