Israel: Gag Order Placed on Investigation into Disappearance of Rose

mishtara21.jpgEarlier today, YWN reported about the ongoing search in Israel for a missing 4.5-year-old child [YWN Israel News Section].

The following is the latest update from the YWN Israel News Desk: 

A court has placed a gag order on the ongoing investigation into the disappearance of a 4.5-year-old Netanya girl named Rose. What is being reported is that she has been missing since mid-May, but the matter was only brought to the attention of police some 11 days ago. It has also permitted to publish that her family situation is quite complicated.

A person did notice her disappearance before it was reported to police, but more information may not be released at this time. Some senior investigator involved in the case report this is among the most difficult cases they have ever been involved in, stating when the details are released, it will be shocking to all.

Anyone with information regarding events surrounding Rose’s disappearance are urged to phone 08-9279466, or 08-9279575 or to report to any police station.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. editor, why dont u update this news? 2 days ago!!! her father confessed to killing her and dumping her body into a river in israel.if u start a story u should finish it!!!!

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