Child Struck By Vehicle In Monsey – Critical Injuries [UPDATED 7:26PM EST]

6:09PM EST: Monsey Hatzolah is currently on the scene of a child struck by a vehicle on 38 Monsey Heights Road. The child is reportedly pinned underneath the vehicle, and is in traumatic arrest.

Arriving units are requesting paramedics to expedite their response.

UPDATE 6:18PM EST: The child is reported be 3-years-old, and has been extricated from under the vehicle. He is currently being transported to Good Sam Hospital in traumatic arrest.

UPDATE 6:44PM EST: A Chopper has just landed at Good Samaritan Hospital, and will be airlifting the child shortly (possibly to Westchester Trauma Center).

UPDATE 7:26PM EST: Please be Mispallel for Rivka bas Avigayil.

Further details to follow…

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. #1

    Look besides for the fact that everything is Yad Hashem…

    It also has to do with the current turmoil that the world is going through the economic downturn is having a devistating effect on us particular, the stress is really putting us in a chaotic situation.

    I advise that any one experiencing any type of test in life and is not in the fullest state of alertness to get your hands off the wheel.

  2. #3, I’m well aware everything is Yad Hash-m. Obviously if things like this is happening, then that means there’s something wrong with Klal Yisroel. It’s right before Rosh Hashanah. A family of 6 was killed last week, two parents were killed yesterday, leaving behind 6 yisomim. Yesterday a 5 yr. old was killed because something fell on him, and today another 5 yr. old was critically injured because someone ran over her.

    These are not freak accidents, and it’s not because of the economic downturn or stress factors either! There’s a message being sent here that we have to do teshuvah!! Klal Yisroel is still not getting the message, which is why these things are happening to us!

    What’s frightening here is how many more tzaros have to happen before we finally wake up and take a long, hard look at ourselves in the mirror.

  3. #4 i think you need to cool your jets just a bit.

    We are in the teshuva mode and making takanos for change,,looks like klal yisroel is awake and shaking.

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