HORROR: Double Fatal Drowning In Lawrence R”L – Child & Maid Both Pass Away [UPDATED 7:25PM]

3:10:PM EST: Lawrence, NY – Nassau County Emergency Services has just transported two victims to St Johns Hospital following a drowning. One victim is reportedly a two-year-old child and is in cardiac arrest, and a 45 year-old is also reportedly in cardiac arrest.

UPDATE 4:55PM EST: YWN regrets to inform our readers of the passing of the 3-year-old child. The babysitter, reported to be a Hispanic female in her 40’s is currently in cardiac arrest as of this posting.

No further information can be released by YWN at this time.

UPDATE 5:00PM EST: Within minutes of the incident, Misaskim volunteers had picked up the father and arranged for him to be rushed to the hospital via police escort – as doctors worked feverishly to save both lives.

Misaskim is currently working with the NCPD and the Medical Examiner to have the body of the child released in a timely manner.


UPDATE 5:05PM EST From WCBSTV: A 3-year-old Long Island girl died and a babysitter watching her remains fighting for her life after the two were found floating in the backyard pool belonging to the little girl’s family on Wednesday afternoon, CBS 2 has learned.

Officials said the young girl and her nanny, believed to be in her 30s, were rushed to St. John’s Episcopal Hospital in Far Rockaway after they were pulled out of the water about 2:45 p.m. by a man painting the girl’s house on Beechwood Drive.

It’s believed the young girl’s 5-year-old brother found the two floating in the pool and ran to tell the painter. The painter apparently tried to do CPR on the two while calling 9-1-1.

“He rushed out the pool, he got the child out first, then he got the sitter out, and then he tried to perform rescue breathing on both of them and at the same time make the call to 9-1-1. The man was in a very hard place, you have two people that needed his help, and he had to make a phone call to get additional help,” said Nassau Co. Det. Lt. Kevin Smith.

Officers from the fourth precinct arrived and tried to perform CPR on the victims as well.

The toddler was pronounced dead a short time later and the babysitter was placed on a ventilator. Her condition is not yet known.

The identities of the victims were not released.

Nassau County police are on the scene investigating.

UPDATE 7:20PM EST: Misaskim, who has been stationed at the hospital since just after the incident has confirmed that the maid has just passed away.

UPDATE 7:25PM EST: YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Naama Markovits A”H, daughter of Yehuda and Cindy Markovits (of Lawrence-Sutton Park). The Levaya will be held tomorrow, Thursday, June 24th @ 1:00 PM at Shor Yoshuv.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

15 Responses

  1. CBS says “Police believe the woman in her 30’s was holding the child when the pair slipped into the deep end of an inground pool.”

  2. Gevaldt Yidden! Children are dying, adults are jailed, society is crumbling, and you wonder why “Ka’as” prevails? There is a Kitrug on Klal Yisroel”, Its Tamuz and we are reliving an internal Churban, and you wonder why “Ka’as” prevails! Sinas Yisroel has taken over for Ahavas Yisroel, and you do not understand why there is sooooo much Ka’as all around you? — What have you done to bring about Tikun Olam, starting with yourself, your family, community, etc.? — Fasting on Tish’ah BeAv is meaningless if you learn the contemporary lessons of a melignant Jewish disease called: Churban.

  3. tshuvah is needed now by everyone, from the biggest tzaddick to the lowest rasha. Please; go and apology to your “enemy”. Maybe Hashem will have mercy now

  4. For clarification purposes only: Which Markovits family suffered this tragedy. I know four sets of grandparents by that name but would not to call any before I know the facts. Please provide complete information to prevent Tza’ar and Rechilus. Thank you

  5. My heart goes out to the family, friends, neighbors and gantz klal yisroel. I don’t know this family but it hurts very much as if it was my own. The family should just know we all care greatly and Misaskim is a perfect organization that can help a grieving family at a time like this. May we only hear of simchas from now on.

  6. musicoutlet:
    To save you from foot in mouth disease in the future I will advise you to NEVER EVER SAY “it hurts very much as if it were my own.” Its pure sheker and its insincere and very hurtful. Even if you had lost a 3 year old child you still wouldnt be able to say it hurts like my own. Everyone is different, every family is different and every parent child relationship is different. You CANT know how they feel and its ludicrous to say that it hurts like your own.
    Just realize how insincere you come off because it cant possibly hurt as if it were your own.

  7. When a tragedy of this magnitude hits klal yisroel there’s always three things that must be addressed. The first to be ‘mishtatef ‘in the pain of another yid – one cannot imagine what this family is going through. And second to strengthen our ‘emunah’ in H-shem and realize that after all is said, it only happened because that was the rotzoin of Hashem and that everything Hashem does is for the good. And thirdly one has to be very careful not to speak negative or badly about Hashem that how could he to this or even to say every day another tragedy or what’s next, as if to imply that all is bad and all is wrong c”v. WHEN A PERSON IS A TRUE PERSON OF FAITH & TRUST IN HASHEM. HE GETS TO BE THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. This is a nisayon for the parents in bitachon & emunah in hashem (just like aharon hakohen when his children died he was quiet & had faith in Hashem…). If its not possible for a person to pass a test from Hashem he is not given the test. Its a time like this that one has to remind oneself of all the ‘hatovah’ and all the chesed that H-shem does for all of us ALL the time.
    Every person has a job to fulfill in this world. now the child has done his job & is ready to go to the olam ha’emes (true world)& you two special people (parents) were the chosen agents of Hashem to take care of this child. May hashem reward you for this.& may his neshama have an aliyah & your lives be filled with only Simcha.

  8. To AllAroundJew: I think the phrase tikkun olam comes from Aleinu. There we ask Hashem to effect the tikkun olam; it doesn’t come from us. We can be metaken ourselves and try to make the lives of others better. A little different kneitch.

    Sorry for the tangent in this horrific tragedy. My heart goes out to the parents of this child, and I wish well to the orphans of the nanny, as well.

  9. Wellinformedyid, I think that your words were a little harsh for musicoutlet. She or he made a comment expressing EMPATHY. OF course none of us can (or should) ever know of such a tzaar as this poor family is going through, as well as the babysitter’s family (she had three children). But that does not mean that we cannot put ourselves in their place and feel great tzaar for them.

    I don’t know the Markovitz family personally, but as soon as I heard news that a toddler drowned, I said Boruch Dayan Emes and broke into tears. Some of us do feel other people’s pain strongly. It is a characteristic that Hashem imbued us with, so that we always feel for all of klal Yisroel. Instead of being critical of this poster, perhaps you should be thinking what a sign of Ahavas Yisroel it is as we approach the Three Weeks, for a yid who is probably a stranger, to feel another yid’s pain as if it were their own. Give it some thought.

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