PM Netanyahu to Meet Chareidi MKs on Wednesday Over Emanuel Crisis

It appears that with a coalition crisis brewing accompanied by audible threats from MK Moshe Gafne that Yahadut HaTorah MKs will not automatically support the government in no-confidence motions, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has decided it is time to become involved in the Emanuel Beis Yaakov crisis. Not because of the biased and blatantly discriminatory rulings of Justice Edmond Levy, or the principle of the issue at hand permitting citizens to live and educate their children with their religious belief, and not even the welfare of the 250 Emanuel children; but because he is aware that the Emanuel issue is a deal-breaker, one that pierces the heart of the chareidi community and its core values and may compel Yahadut HaTorah to break from the coalition. This could trigger a chain reaction that moves to Shas since the battle is no longer about discrimination, but adherence to Torah Law or secular state law.

Interestingly, polls are showing a shift and increased support for the chareidim as it becomes evident to open-minded secularists that the so-called discrimination in Emanuel is exactly what the Beis Yaakov parents have been explaining from the beginning, the acceptance of suitable students and rejecting those who are not — based on the religiosity of their homes and lifestyle, not ethnicity as the court would like us to believe.

It should now be clear to all that 35% of the Beis Yaakov Emanuel student body is Sephardim, while there are many Ashkenazi girls who were not accepted the school. Who put Yoav Lalum up to his battle, and why Emanuel, and who is backing him financially will most likely be disclosed at some point. Yahadut HaTorah MKs point to the viciously anti-frum New Israel Fund as the source of funding. Others question the active role of HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Yosef Shlita, also questioning why in Emanuel when it is clear this small community of 700 families, a bastion of the Slonimer chassidim is not the venue for to seek to set precedents.

As the prime minister’s schedule today, Wednesday, demands that he attend a Knesset plenum session, he is taking advantage to meet with Yahadut HaTorah officials in Knesset at 1:30pm.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. we all know that there is a maximum number of sfardi girls that this school in emanuel would ever accept .if there is no discrimination , then why will the school not allow an impartial beis din decide which girls that will or will not be accepted?

  2. Read the article here
    for the answer.

    On Sunday, YWN-ISRAEL reported that Lalum signed an arbitration agreement with the Yerushalayim Beis Din, giving the beis din total authority to adjudicate matters. Lalum’s responsibilities included withdrawing all High Court petitions within three hours of signing the document. On Monday at 11:00am, the beis din came to the realization that Lalum has no intentions of doing any such thing, but he abused the beis din by taking cynical advantage of it, using the arbitration agreement to feed the media.

  3. I am confused. If these girls were not accepted because of their lack of religiosity, why would their parents want to send them to that school in the first place? Wouldn’t they want to send their children to a school more conducive to their lifestyle?

  4. We don’t appreciate the freedom we have here in U.S.A. with religious schooling and yes with alot of funding.
    Smart are the institions in Eretz Yisroel who run their mosdos with emunah and bitachon and help from generous Yidden there and abroad.
    The Israeli government is sick and will doing anything to help our enemies rather than religious institutions.
    Look what happened in such as Gush Katif. Do we ever hear the aftermath or see photos of what was done to the beautiful community that they demolished with hatred. Where are the so called housing the enemies claimed they needed?
    A larger number of young Americans who would have made their homes in Eretz Yisroel are returning to America this summer because of the backward thinking of the Israeli government.

  5. I have a number of questions for Yechial Spira:
    1. What polls are showing a shift in support and how much is that shift? 2. The story is exactly like the Beis Yakov parents have been saying. Since the children on both sides of the fence were Beis Yakov? which ones? How many Ashkenazi girls were not accepted in the school? How many Sfardi were not accepted? How many were accepted? How many children are there in the two schools? How many children were turned down because their mother doesn’t wear a Sheitel because Rav Ovadia Yosef holds it’s assur and wear a kirchief instead? How many were turned down because they daven with a Havara Sefardis because that’s מנהג אבותיהם בידיהם? How many were perfectly happy to remain in the general program but refuse to accept the apartheid program instituted by Slanim?

  6. i don’t understand it… why does the Israeli government have to be involved in anything involving yiddishkeit? we are definitely spoiled in golus regarding our avoidance of the government… simply because we know we are dealing with goyim and goyisha institutions, we automatically keep our Torah activities private, separate, and safe …. in Israel, there is this insidious feeling that, because the government is Jewish, it is not dangerous to include them … hello!!! don’t Jews know that anything secular … Jewish or not … is dangerous to Torah? don’t we ask Ha-Shem every morning that He ‘protect us from any evil, Jew or non-Jew’ that will distract us from doing mitzvot? anything that will keep religious activities in Israel isolated from government involvement should be immediately adopted (why have we waited until this crisis?)… Frum Jews of every heritage (Sephardic, Ashkenazim, and others) need to form their own separate, unified organization and committee that oversees all the halacha of Israel … separate from, and excluding, all government involvement whatsoever … examples of this are the OU or the OK, etc. in the U.S….. kashrus and frum organizations that have become very successful as private religious authoritative entities… it is the only way to protect Torah for the future of Israel…

  7. ‘A larger number of young Americans who would have made their homes in Eretz Yisroel are returning to America this summer because of the backward thinking of the Israeli government’.

    Nefesh Benefesh has airplanes full with olim arriving this summer as they did last. Perhaps you are referring to the American yeshiva families who were learning in Eretz Yisroel and are returning to their lives in America. Do not join the group of “Meraglim” to speak ‘diba raah’ that is inaccurate and slanted?

  8. #10 – “‘A larger number of young Americans who would have made their homes in Eretz Yisroel are returning to America this summer because of the backward thinking of the Israeli government’. ANY PROOF ON THIS RIDICULOUS STATEMENT?”
    This statement may be unproven, but what makes it so ridiculous?
    “Do not join the group of “Meraglim” to speak ‘diba raah’ that is inaccurate and slanted?”
    The Meraglim spoke negatively about the kadosh land of Eretz Yisroel. Commentor #5 spoke negatively about the secular government currently in power in the stater of Israel. Do you really think that there is any similarity at all between the two?

  9. To #10
    You are quick to comment on the unknown.
    What if you want to live in Eretz Yisroel without becoming a citizen. You live there, pay taxes and rent, should you not be qualified for health insurance without becoming a citizen???
    What they do is try to force citizenship on you because your great grandfather passed through the medina on his way to America.
    The people of Nefesh want to become part of the medina and do such as serve in the army even if such as Hesder something us Chareidim will not do.
    Our children were denied insurance and are being hounded for narishkeiten.

  10. We all know that most avreichim and bochurim learn in Eretz Yisroel on tourist visas that almost always have expired. Why should they be granted health insurance for being in the country illegally? In the US or UK they would be deported. Does a tourist visiting the US or UK receive health care from the government? And don’t give me the usual mantra, what right do the Zionists have to prevent a Jew from being in EY because you have to look at reality and unfortunately at the moment they are in control.
    Anyways if a person has a student visa and is legally in the country you can receive bituach leumi.

  11. #13 – “We all know…”
    Speak for yourself.
    “…that most avreichim and bochurim learn in Eretz Yisroel on tourist visas that almost always have expired.”
    Even if this is true, which you have not brought any proof to, what does this have to do anything?

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