False Rumors About Bochrim Jailed in Japan

YWN story1.jpgNumerous text messages and emails are being forwarded across the globe regarding the three Yeshiva Bochrim currently jailed in Japan. In the past hour, YWN received hundreds of emails from concerned readers. The text messages state that 2 of the boys have been sentenced to death by hanging.

This is not true.

YWN has confirmed with Askonim heavily involved with the case that there has been no such court ruling. In fact just two days ago YWN posted a request (HERE) for people to say Tehillim – since the court cases are starting this Friday.

There is a possiblilty that these false rumors are based on a story reported (HERE) by YWN two months ago in which two 37-year-old Israeli’s were R”L sentenced to death in Thailand for drug trafficking.

The following is the Tehillim request posted two days ago by YWN:

As the trial of the youngest of the three yeshiva boys detained in Japan commences this Friday, 30 Jan ‘09 (Tokyo time zone is GMT +9 hours), and the other two bochurim’s trial commence shortly thereafter, please pray for these poor victims, that they should promptly merit returning to their homes & community.

Yaakov Yosef ben Reizel
Yoel Zeev ben Mirel Risa Chava
Yosef ben Itte Rivka

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

26 Responses

  1. Thank you for posting. As soon as I received the text msg I checked Yeshivaworld (I happen to be in front of my computer)and when I didnt see this horrible news posted I was glad because I knew it would be here first. May we only hear simchos in Klal Yisroel.

  2. Wait a second, two Israelis were sentenced to death in Tailand??? Why aren’t we saying tehillim for them?! What’s wrong with you people?! You waste your time arguing where you get your news and you completely missed both the main point of this article as well as other horrifying “tidbits” that got in there too. YWN editor, please get us the names of the two Israelis on death row in Tailand and let’s start saying tehillim for them now!

  3. 1–Please give us more info about the thailand case and what we should do both I tfilah wise(ie their names) and politically

    2-Also the Rubashkin(Agiprocessers) case-there was an excellent article by Nathan Lewin, esq in Mishpacha magazine 25 teves 5769 saying Yidden should be screaming and yelling to protect the Rubashkin’s as it seems from the article that there are a lot of wrongs being committed against the Rubashkins.

    I suggest that Yeshiva news keeps us updated on these 2 cases(and reprints if given permission the Mr Lewin article.

  4. geshicked- i think its more important to say tehillim for people who werent sentenced to death than to say tehilim for people who were already sentenced to death. I’m not saying you shouldnt daven for those two israelis but the japan kids are more important to daven for.

  5. Looks like YWN is hiding the facts again and waiting 4 the last minute like the Mumbai info, Japan deals accordingly, and jews are not exception we shall not discriminated and shall not be discriminated upon. Japanese Penal Code is long sentence, Arabian and muslim is death.

  6. BS”D

    As always when Thailand is involved, Chabad and Atty. R’ Mordechai Tzivin are handling the case of the 2 convicted dealers. Please check the Net for details; apparently one was an innocent victim similar to the boys in Japan in that he was asked to carry something illegal for a criminal.

  7. k9ohara, I never learned that there was a difference between convicted people and not yet convicted people. “Afilu cherev chada…al Yimna Atzmo min haRachamim”. Please pardon the insinuation, but isn’t it possible that people are concerned about the individuals in Japan because they are charedi while, I’m guessing, the two in Japan are not? I check this site fairly regularly and I don’t remember a report about two Israelis sentenced to death in Tailand. Certainly there has been no outcry. And YWN is not the only guilty party, I haven’t seen it in any of the charedi periodicals either. And while it’s possible that it was printed, it surely did not have the prominence that the Japan story received. Our priorities are messed up. There is should be no difference between a charedi Jew who needs tefillos and a chiloni Jew who needs tefillos. A Yid is a Yid. Please let’s correct this avlah and start saying tehillim for the Tailand Jews too and organize to help them!

    Editors Response: You don’t remember a YWN report about the Thailand case?! Save yourself some embarrassment, and click on the link which we placed in the above story. There were also two other stories (updates) on that incident. Do a search.

  8. To the editor,
    You are right…my apologies. Your report was accurate and comprehensive. However, my point is still the same but may require more clarification. There were no names at the bottom of the article to include in tehillim. And look at the comments the readership posted — most questioning if the Tailand prisoners are even Jewish and others condenming their actions as ‘you get what you deserve’. No outcry, no calls to help them. Mind you, the boys in Japan also knew that smuggling is wrong but somehow they engender more sympathy. Possibly because somehow they are more relatable victims. We all know yeshiva boys like this who could R”L be easily caught up in a similar predicament. But backpacking Israelis? We’re farther removed from them. We’re lacking in sensitivity and in our areivus. Both stories should be horrifying to us, both should make us cry to shomayim and we should be moved to do whatever we can to help in both stories.

    Editors Response: We made quite a few attempts at getting names for Tehillim, but were unsuccessful. How about you take this mission upon yourself, and get back to us.

    Good Shabbos.

  9. #18
    Your first point is well taken.
    Your other point is not so accurate. The Frum community has embraced the Pollard cause
    (maybe very late but…) and he is certainly not what one may consider Charaidi.
    As for Pollard and other issues-
    YWN has strongly assisted that fight
    (ask Rabbi Lerner)and kept the Yeshiva world readership updated on an almost daily basis with calls for action.
    On the Stop Iran rally and other pro Israel gatherings YWN has informed and provided us relevant information as did the Weekly Chraidi newspapers.
    The sad story of the Thailand 2 was posted previously and was again posted last night.
    On these pages and within the Frum community at large our willingness to get more involved outside of our daled amos has increased. Sure we can do better and I”H we will.
    With the increased abilities of mass communication-email texting, web sites etc…, WE have been fighting for many more public and private causes for the Jewish people.
    The list is extensive.
    You are correct a YID is a YID!Lets keep fighting but we must avoid at all costs being negative to each other.

  10. Joseph, you are no more Jewish than a non frum yid. What a sick comment. Please everyone, he speaks for himself, not for the rest of us.

  11. Chaverim. The time has come for klal yisroel to organize SUSTAINED, worldwide demonstrations against the Japanese. Our tefilas are important, but we must do avodah be’poel ie. actual physical work, to accomplish the goal of freeing the yeshiva bochurim. The Japanese judge accused people by military tribunal, not by trial-by-jury (so prisoners do not get a fair trial). Their prison system evolved from the Japanese prisoner camps in World War II. It’s historical fact that while the Nazis were horrible, the Japanese were 100 times more barbaric and cruel to their prisoners. They consider themselves superior to the rest of the world, but are a barbaric nation.. ‘Shoichnei Ofor’. By worldwide demonstrations and protests, and if necessary exposing the world to the cruel, true face of Japan; boycott of Japanese products etc., they WILL LET THE bochurim go. NU?? ‘Im loy achshov, amoysai’- i.e. If not now, then when? When the boys chas v’cholila; become like ‘vegetables’ and are permanently damaged, from their treatment in Japan?

  12. The Japanese are very sensitive to world opinion. Due to demonstrations, Russia became a free nation and the Berlin wall was torn down. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were freed from bondage and emigrated to the West. Russia then split up into other, smaller countries. Many of those countries are now part of NATO and are democratic. The Japanese are very sensitive to world opinion. Through demonstrations in front of their embassy or consulate, it’s possible to get the Yeshiva Bochurim released or transfered to Japan. Only a coward woud refuse to help their fellow Jew, ‘acheinu bais yisroesl’ Hope to see you at the demonstrations!

  13. Correction: The Japanese are very sensitive to world opinion. Due to demonstrations, Russia became a free nation and the Berlin wall was torn down. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were freed from bondage and emigrated to the West. Russia then split up into other, smaller countries. Many of those countries are now part of NATO and are democratic. The Japanese are very sensitive to world opinion. Through demonstrations in front of their embassy or consulate, it’s possible to get the Yeshiva Bochurim released or transfered to Israel. Only a coward woud refuse to help their fellow Jew, ‘acheinu bais yisroel ho’oimdim batzoroh u’bashivyo’, rachmono litzlan. Hope to see you at the demonstrations!

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