FIRST REPORT: Boro Park NYPD Investigating Possible Abduction; Hikind Offers $10,000 Reward

11.jpg1:30PM EST: [UPDATE BELOW] The NYPD is currently investigating the possible abduction of a 14-year-old girl in Boro Park, YWN has learned.Highly credible sources tell YWN that a 14-year-old girl was walking on 14th Avenue near 41st Street on Sunday night, when she was reportedly abducted by a “white male”.

As of this report, no description of the suspect nor any statement to the media have been released.

12.jpgThe NYPD has beefed up their security in the Boro Park area, and the NYPD Mobile Command Post has been set up on the corner of 41st Street and 12th Avenue.

It is important that all parents be vigilant, and keep an eye on their children. Especially, since we are in the middle of the summer, and many parents tend to let their children play outside without supervision, it’s imperative to always keep a watchful eye on them.

UPDATE 6:30PM EST: NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind has just released the following statement:

The NYPD is looking for a white male, 20-25 years old, approximately 5’9”, black hair, in connection with this three-hour assault.
“We are going to protect our children and our streets,” said Assemblyman Hikind (D-Brooklyn) alerting residents to a vicious three-hour assault on a Borough Park resident.
At 8:45 p.m. Sunday night, an unknown attacker forced a fourteen-year-old girl into a four-door black sedan, drove the victim to a secluded location and attempted to violate her. The teen fought with her attacker; he then drove on and left her at Fort Hamilton Parkway and 36th Street after midnight.
“At 8:45 p.m. the streets of Borough Park are still well populated; someone must have seen something. We are urging witnesses to come forward with any information. Parents and teens must be more alert and vigilant to their surroundings, until this attacker is caught,” Hikind added.
Offering the $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the assailant, Hikind said, “The perpetrator will be caught and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”
Anyone with information regarding the suspect should contact the New York Police Department Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN NYC)

25 Responses

  1. It’s about time we teach our kids Karate or Judo.

    And yes-we have to pray. (Now all of you who were going to write that-don’t have to).

    The point is- the same way theres a mitzvah to teach your kids to swim-you gotta teach them to defend themselves.

  2. The ‘Ohev Yisroel’ in parshas Matos writes, that the ONLY protection for children is when the parents do Mitzvos Bikedusha, they create malachim that protect their children.

  3. no video camras in the nighberhood??????????????

  4. ok … seriously don’t u feel bad for this girl, for whats happening these days? stop bashing one another or every little thing that YW writes. seriously.
    I hope this “animal” is found ASAP. and that we will only hear good things from YW. Amen!!!

  5. This is right near the Fire department building and there are many security cameras around but not enough.

    It is time for the NYPD to install cameras all over the place. The NYPD does this on other neighborhoods so why can’t this be done in Boro park in certain locations which are creepy at night time?

  6. abi meleibt is 100% right.
    krav magga- quite deadly!!! would be fantastic. i’m sure my husband (black belt- but not krav magga) will volunteer to teach martial arts. we just discussed this tonight.
    i hope the girl’s parents will take her to see a therapist. i’m sure she’s bruised for life.
    the guy should be tortured.

  7. Yes, we should all daven
    Yes, we should have our children (especially girls) learn how to defend themselves

    But most importantly, we have to watch our kids! How many times do I walk down the street (no, I’m not saying which neighborhood/city) and see three-year-olds playing in the middle of the street! On a weekday!

    Yes, this girl was older, but perhaps it’s a small tap on the back to alert us to a greater threat. Does some baby have to CV”S be hit before people start thinking about it? We should use this as our message so it doesn’t come to that!

  8. I hope the local community catches him first and gives some old fahioned street justice before the police are called to arrest him…..this very sick individual needs punishment!! Please no liberal sob stories for this guy!!

  9. to davidk, you write;
    “The ‘Ohev Yisroel’ in parshas Matos writes, that the ONLY protection for children is when the parents do Mitzvos Bikedusha, they create malachim that protect their children.”

    Can you please tell me where the “Ohev Yisroel” got this from”
    Does he have “mareh mekomos”?

  10. Why the comments about teaching martial arts! Do you all really think that all our daughters are now going to become black belt karate experts?
    Let’s get real! The girl was molested and she is messed up for life. Let’s show compassion for her and come up with useful practical solutions how we can protect our kids.
    Perhaps it is time to keep kids home after dark. This is the case in many countries and should be considered. No kids out without adults after the sun goes down. This may be more pratical.
    I the 9 days we are always reminded that we are in Golus and our Avoido is to fix up bein odom lachaveiro which was the cause of the churban. Let us work on this and IYH we will be zoche to see the geula bekorov and see an end to our Tzoros!

  11. Okay Chevra – Time to move to the safety of Eretz Yisroel.
    The eyes of Hashem are there ALL the time. We all know that!
    Move HERE in Eretz Yisroel, and see how children grow and blossom!
    Come here in an upright position – and be mekayem the mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel!
    Even the Rambam does not consider it an Aveiro!

  12. We need to daven and sy tehilim Hashem should watch our evrey move! Also we need to have an expended shomrim patrol the streets with some type of weapons, we cannot wait for the nypd to do anything, they don`t have the resources to patrol every street, we would have to form a civic patrol of at least 200 pepole every day. and patrol the streets, just like that!
    i am sure we will have plenty of voulnteers, we will have to do what they do in high crime areas, because face it we live in an area that borders lawless places.
    Well why are the suspects almost never caught? I heared a policewoman say: “We have too uch work to do” and she left a crime place” Yes just walked away, It is time to patrol our streets and bring back security to our Neighrberhoods

  13. The Chassidishe SeForim write that a Goy cannot assault a Yid until the Yid himself assaults another Yid.–We are doing it to ourselves.

    Child abuse is happpening in our community, and we are not taking it seriously.

    So, Dov, you see these two issues are related. Get moving!

  14. Perhaps with the amount of attacks on children in the summertime , we ought to institute a rule- no children on the streets alone. Although, are the adults any safer?

  15. this is terrible. how traumatized this young girl must be.
    The city must have cameras installed. Like we have street lights, we should have cameras every few feet. this will help for any crime including kidnapping, and even burglers wont be able to get into houses this way.

  16. In order to further prevent these incidents in the future, NYC (or any city or state) should put into law that if anyone’s caught kidnapping and raping an individual either 2 things will happen to them.

    A)They get the death penalty.
    B)Or we neuter him like the dog they are. Followed by sending them to jail until they drop dead.

    Both of which will have the victim present to give them some kind closure for what was done to them. It seems these days jail is not enough to prevent these heinous crimes.

  17. there is nothing we can physically do to protect this-unless there is constant patrol–which there should be–the 66th precinct should have their force patroling at night–just like they search in the morn for parking violations!!-a 14yr old out 8:45 at night should be the normalist thing

  18. To Native Israeli (no 21):


  19. Teaching martial arts should be just one component of the education that the religious schools lack. They are so terrified of education, that they neglect to inform them of the other “dangers” surrounding it, such as attacks of this nature.

    The religious schools must crawl out from under their shell and acknowledge that Jewish teenagers are just as likely to engage in these acts, and be victims of these crimes. Most public schools have this as part of the curriculum, and teach the children to fight back at all costs. It sounds like this victim did do so, but many others may be scared to do so since they have no knowledge of what is occurring to them.

  20. I take krav maga the beauty of it is anyone can become quite proficient at it in 1 month of training and yes kids can nail a much larger attacker

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