FIRST REPORT: (Photos) Possible Murder In Lakewood

YWN-Lkwd Poss Murder-007.jpg9:50AM EST: (Click HERE for photos) YWN has learned that a dead body has just been found in the wooded area between Wyndham and Highpoint. A large police presence is on the scene – including detectives from Lakewood PD, Ocean County Sheriff Department, and Ocean County Prosecutors Office.

Although it can’t be confirmed at this time, a source tells YWN that this incident might be gang-related.

YWN will have a complete report as soon as information becomes available to us.

Misaskim & other Chevra Kaddish services are not needed in this incident.

(Photos courtesy of Voice of Lakewood / YW-50)

4 Responses

  1. According to eye witness a person was walking in the forest toward highpoint when he spotted the dead person. He contacted police. amblance and police responded. E.C. was on top of the situation. Thanx to the wonderful voice of lakewood for keeping us informed. its a great paper.

  2. from the scene ;looks like one bullet hole for sure the detectives are waiting for the medical examiners office to arrive the body was discovered by a teen a resident of windham taking ashort cut thru the woods the detectives are now going house to house asking residence if they saw any thing or heard any thing in the early hours of the morning apparently when the murder happened

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