VIDEO: Lipman Quotes Shema & Shulchan Aruch Regarding ‘Foie Gras’ Bill


MK (Yesh Atid) Dov Lipman can chalk up a victory as his bill seeking to prohibit the sale of goose liver passed in Knesset in a 59-10 vote. Interestingly, as Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel was extremely critical over the bill, for he feels efforts must first surround feeding the hungry and addressing human issues, but for Lipman, it’s a matter of adhering to the Torah. Rav Ariel views these efforts as misguided and the result of a twisted ideology.

Lipman, in his plenum address ahead of the vote quoted how we learn from Shema, “which we recite twice daily”, and Shulchan Aruch to back his bill. Lipman quotes Rav Ovadia Shlita as well as Halacha, with the latter “instructing us to feed animals prior to eating” as he seeks to explain Jewish Law to his colleagues.

During his 7 minute Hebrew address the Knesset camera shows how the plenum is doing anything but listening, including the chareidim who are huddled into what appears to be a strategy meeting while other MKs are busy dealing with anything but goose liver.

End of the story, the bill’s vote passed its preliminary reading.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. What a joke! He’s an American? What is he ploppling about the duck’s liver, for goodness sake, when there are so many other more pressing issues?

  2. I don’t understand his lomdus. Those geese are well fed all the time. In fact, those opposed to the liver are complaining that they are fed too much. So what does it have to do with feeding animals first?

    On the other hand, it may be a good law for other reasons, namely sha’alos of trefus havesht, which at the least require a careful bedika of the vesht.

  3. My father A”H told us that the shechita (that’s what he called it) of the Jews in the Brisker ghetto was carried out by the Poles, not the Nazis ym”s. The Nazis opened the doors and the poles killed all the Jews over a 3 day period, including his mother, sister, brother-in-law and nephew. This Polish misplaced love for G-d’s creations is similar to Lipman loving the geese and hating the reliqious Jews.

    All enemies of Hashem’s torah and His people will soon be very surprised when Moshiach in his glory shows them for what they really are.

  4. Quite disappointing to see our charedi brethren (and the rest) taking such an active interest in everything other than what they are supposed to be there for.

    Unfortunately it is reminiscent of what I observe by davening from people who should know better.

    Lot’s of work to be done improving ourselves before we blame our tzures on everybody else.

  5. Apparently in the State of Israel only geese cannot be forced; Chareidi humans are still subject to the most coercive measures. Perhaps Chareidim should consider becoming geese and all problems will be solved!

  6. Yeshiva World – THIS IS PURE LASHON HORA AND I AM ASKING THAT YOU REMOVE IT! The entire purpose of this post is to ridicule Dov Lipman. Whether you agree with his politics or not is irrelevant. Rav Feldman was chozer with calling him a Rosha and he is still bichlal “amecha”. Please remove this post as it and all of the comments are extremely offensive

  7. Did any poskim cover this off? If it is wrong, why not stop it as part of routine government business? Isn’t it better to keep the government’s focus on such things and not throwing society upside down?

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