Charedi MK Moses: Netanyahu Has Fallen Captive to Lapid

labiMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Menachem Eliezer Moses attacked Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in his address in Knesset on Tuesday, 19 Kislev 5773.

Moses lashed out at the prime minister for his lack of leadership, sitting by as efforts directed against the chareidi tzibur continue while he does nothing to intervene. He accused Netanyahu of being a part of the planned closure of yeshivos and throwing bnei Torah into jail in line with the new world order in the State of Israel in line with the vision of Finance Minister Yair Lapid.

Moses explains that the efforts to compel the draft on the chareidim are contrary to the voice of the professionals, the persons who have worked for years to bring about change, gradual change, which is evident in many areas of the IDF today.

Directing comments to the prime minister, Moses added “Mr. Prime Minister don’t exert too much energy to prevent Yair Lapid from becoming prime minister in the next term for he is already the prime minister. You Mr. Prime Minister fell into Lapid’s honey trap which hints while providing you with a feeling that you are prime minister.”

Moses concluded by stating “Bnei yeshivos will continue their limud Torah as we have for generations and they will not be drafted because our source is the Gedolei Yisrael and we will fulfill their every word in line with the Holy Torah which instructs us ועשית ככל אשר יורך ולא תגורו מפני איש”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The man is right. Netanyahu/Lieberman have fallen off the face of the earth. Just to save face & still be able to look in the mirror and tell his ego, wow, I’m the Prime Minister of Israel, has given over the mantel of leadership to the inexperienced spoiled brat, Yair Lapid! If Bibi had any “legacy” going, it is totaly destroyed now. He will go down as a LOSER who helped give away precious land to the murderous Arabs! Maybe there is some new scandal with Bibi that we’re not aware of, that’s keeping him quiet & out of the spotlight.

  2. Unfair. Netanyahu, and Likud, loved the Hareidim as allies since Hareidim are perfect allies in a parliamentary system since they demand something no one else wants (to be left in peace to learn Torah and other follow a religious lifestyle), and in return gave Likud a free hand on matters of national security and economic policy. However Bennett and Bayit Yehudi are the ones who have “captured” Likud. I suspect the speaker in the article doesn’t want to be overly harsh on Bayit Yehudi since he realizes that if they get uncomfortable with the new status quo, they will be the ones to allow Likud to dump Lapid. Netanyahu probably hopes this happens before the Hareidim become so disaffected with the nationalist parties that they start finding new friends, who will give the Hareidim what they want in return for a free hand in matters of economics and national security.

  3. There is no plan by anyone to close Yeshiva’s. That’s a big stretch from wanting Chareidim to participate in society. Many Chareim are NOT sitting and learning. There is no reason for them sitting on their behinds doing nothing.

    People are really learning should be able to sit and learn, the rest are a different story.

    Personally, I agree with Moshe Feiglin. Israel should have an all volunteer professional army. Others should have basic training for a real emergency. Many Chilonim dodge the draft and this situation will come back to bite them.

    All to often you see Chareidi women with 8-10 children working 2 jobs, taking care of the kids and household, while their husbands aren’t learning like they are supposed to. You can see those guys walking around the streets of Yerushalayim and Bnai Brak all the time. Those guys should be embarrassed that they are goofing off, while their wives are like slaves, believing that they are making the sacrifice for Torah.

    Again, real learners should stay and learn, all others act like men.

  4. #3- Throwing the students and rabbanim in prison, and seizing their property is NOT closing down yeshivos?

    If you to people sitting on their behinds doing nothing, try the “inner city” in America – you will see people on street corners sitting around, engaging in substance abuse, occasionally engaging in petty crime for parnasasah. While you see some of that in the disreputable neighborhoods of Tel Aviv (base on published pictures, I don’t go to such places), you don’t see it in frum neighborhoods. What you see is a large amount on small businesses, often harassed by a hostile government, and people hanging out in shuls and Beitei midrash.

    If fact, “kollel” is employment. If they receive more than tuition waiver, a bed in the dorm, and meals in the dining hall – they are employed. Do you consider places such as Morningside Heights (home of Columbia University) to be a place of mass unemployment – if someone teaching or receiving a salary for advanced study at Columbia is emmployed, so is someone teaching or receiving a salary for advanced study at Mir.

  5. #3-

    This law does not deal with people who are not sitting and learning – there are already laws about that. This law deals with bochurim and recently married young men who ARE learning (except for 1800, that no one knows how they will be chosen or by whom).

    It also doesn’t deal with men with 8-10 children. They are old enough to be exempt according to this new law. It deals with 18-22 year olds.

    And don’t worry about the wives. They know better than you how much their husbands are learning. If they work it’s because they want a career, or they want more income.

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