Chareidim Walk Out on PM’s Opening Address

bibi2In a move that did not appear to earn sympathy points among fellow lawmakers, but nonetheless displayed their disapproval with the current reality, chareidi MKs in Knesset picked themselves up and walked out as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu began to announce his new cabinet ministers on Monday afternoon, 7 Nissan 5773.

As the members of the Yahadut Chareidi party walked out of the plenum session they could be heard saying “A Jew does not expel another”, the slogan borrowed from the opposition to the government’s Disengagement Plan, the expulsion of Jews from Gaza Katif and N. Shomron in 2005. The move did not cause a disruption and the prime minister continued with his address. While their gesture was registered among members of the incoming government, it seemed to have done little else than generate news for those reporting on the plenum session.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

29 Responses

  1. Quite silly.
    What does this accomplish? besides showing disdain which has registered strongly the last week or two. With signs of Geulah imminent in Chodesh Nissan, miracles and wonders are on their way.

  2. Not a smart move. The elections are over. This is the “current” Government. You still have to deal with them to get things done. Stop being such immature babies. The last one you should be alienating, is Bibi. You will probably need his cooperation next time around (apparently the Labor Party still hates the Frummah), so grow up already! You’ve made your point.
    Like Barbara Bush told her husband after he lost to Clinton, GET OVER IT!!!

  3. This goes beyond sour-grapes. It is time for the charedi tzibbur to find new political representatives. The current ones are a disgrace.

  4. who the heck is “Yahadut Chareidi party”? I know of shas, and agudat yisroel and degel hatoah, but I have never heard of the Yahadut Chareidi party. Maybe things have changed?

  5. #6- Consider the theory that Neturei Karta has applied to be the new spokesman, and has recruited Lapid and Bennett to give the Hareidi tzibbur a good argument to switch.

    After multiple generations of being a typically limited junior partner to whomeever ran the government (support us and do whatever else you like), they are learning new skills. THey are rookies at being the opposition. Patience is called form.

    The walkout sent a thinly veiled threat to the Dati Leumi crowd. If economic policy and conscription become the defining issues, and now that means the Hareidim and the Dati Leumi are on opposite sides of the conscription, then a Labor-Hareidi-Arab coaltion becomes mathematically possible (a switch of less than 10 seats,which is the normal swing factor)- the Dati Leumi are warned they can’t count an hareidi sympathy if the “price” for ending conscription is giving up most settlements.

  6. akuperma,

    Not even Meretz would invite the Arab parties to sit in a government. Stop being ridiculous. The charedi parties were never right or left wing. Their only issues are charedi issues.

  7. #9 –

    a. Most D”Ls have long ago despaired of any charedi sympathy, respect or even menschlichkiet.

    b. Mainstrean charedim in E”Y are even less trusting of Arabs than D”Ls.

    C. Labour and other Zionist parties have always refused to enter into coalition with Arab parties.

  8. Well I think its time for the chareidi parties to leave the knesset for ever, like the satmar Rabbi sad many years ago!!!

  9. akuperma – So go sit with your Arabs. Please, go. Have hummus with them and plot to overthrow the land of Israel together. Maybe they’ll invite you over for some photo ops with their militant brethren.

  10. to apukerma: I usually don’t comment on your (long) posts- well written but totally wrong in their analyses. However, your most recent one is even more lunacy ! You keep on pushing that Labor- Hareidi-ARAB coalition. have you been at the slivovitz bottle too much? Do you sincerely believe that any substantial amount of chareidim would ally themselves with their bitter enemies? See that happen and see the chareidi parties disappear!

  11. #13, actually, if more of the satmar /NK type would have voted then the chareidim might actually be in the government right now.. and could be stopping the anti religious insanity!!!

  12. To chareidirbs. if the chareidi parties would never start join the Zionist government, they would never think to take in to the military ppl that are not ANERKENING IN THIS TUMENE MEDINEH like r z”l Teitelboum just sad by his big speech I jerusalem ….
    well they r seeing that the chareidim take money join the government they r just right, and asking pls come in join us in the military as well…
    wouldn’t we start taking money from tham in ignoring tham in the beginning we wouldn’t see r self in the position where we r now……

  13. #13 – You may get your wish – if UTJ keeps behaving so disgracefully it might not pass ‘achuz hachasima’.

  14. did the charedi parties offer a better plan? this plan that finally allows charedim to work legally is very fair. It will help the israeli charedim in the long and short run. akuperma’s fantasy about joining with the arabs is simply crazy. You think the arabs will give so much money for the yeshivos? do you think they wil allow us to live in peace? The charedi political parties will lose more political power as more of us start working. We will finally see that they are no there to help the working guy.

  15. they can’t count an hareidi sympathy if the “price” for ending conscription is giving up most settlements.

    A reminder to those who want to know what a SETTLEMENT is in the eyes of the Arab War: Start with Nvei Yakov, the Rova, Sanhedria, Maalot Dafna, parts of Areza Habira, Beitar, Kiryat Sefer, etc. etc. Please Charedim do not vote your brothers out of their homes…

  16. #15 – Both Gafni and the leaders of Shas have been talking about working with the left. This isn’t my idea.

    The leaders of Labor, Yachimovitz and Herzog, people who one would suspect would trying to jump on the “share the burden” bandwagon have been deliberately silent. Yachimovitz even belittled it in an interview. The left wing parties, which used to be enthusiastic about universal conscription, seem to have lost interest in the matter – perhaps because they have been courting Arabs who see Israel as their best hope of avoiding an Islamic Palestine, and perhaps because many left-wingers have been evading conscription – and once they decide to draft hareidim into the army they know they are in trouble. The Arabs parties obviously oppose conscription and fear losing their exemption (as Lapid also wants to draft them).

    The an anti-conscription coalition is viable. The same parties agree on economic and welfare as well. It has always been unacceptable for the left to include the non-zionist or anti-zionist Arab parties, but if in fact a partner in the coaltion are the Hareidim it would make it possible to include the Arab parties, especially if they merely support the government without taking ministries (but taking other forms of patronage – something the Ashkenazi hareidim usually do).

    The bottom line is that an Hareidi-Socialist-Arab alternative is viable and with their present 52 seats are a threat to get a majority at some point in the future. And because of this, Likud and Bayit Yehudi will seriously try to prevent “share the burden” for alienating the hareidim – and the easiest way to do this is to abolish conscription (which will appeal to the “yuppie” components in Bayit Yehudi and Yesh Atid, since they like the idea of professionalizing any thing (it sounds so streamlined).

  17. They walked out as Bennet’s (yms) name was announced. The video looks like it was 8 mks that left, so that would be more than just Gimmel.

  18. First of all, let us stop bashing our brethren in israel, sefaradi or askenazi, shas or UTJ,
    I’m sure thei’r move to walk out was well thought through and isn’t just baby games.
    Keep in mind politics in Israel is a different ballgame than the U.S. And what may look foolish in America can be a worthy statement there.

    And to whether or not the satmar/NK should have or still should be used, that is irrelevant to this subject.

    Just keep in mind who started Shas and who started UTJ, it wasn’t you and me.

  19. Let’s look at the positive…
    According to the coalition agreement, on August 1, bochurim/avreichim over age 22 will be granted a permanent exemption from the army.

    And all Israeli students, including chareidi students, will be given the opportunity to learn English (i.e. marketable jobskills) so they could become gainfully employed.

    (Not everybody can remain avreichim all their lives. And it seems that jobs in chinuch and sofrus are diminishing).

    In addition, bochurim who are required to do national service can do it in a chareidi unit or national service, such as Zaka and Magen David Adom — maximum of two years national service.

    Sorry, but I don’t exactly see this as “shmad” as the chareidi politicians like to paint it so black.

  20. “so silly” “what does this accomplish” “childish at best” When the UN leaders walked out on Ahmadinijad y”s did you say the same thing?

  21. Before anybody construes what
    I am saying, let me clarify: I am not comparing the UN to Degel Hatorah, and not the PM to Ahmadinijad; I am just showing that there is an accepted mussag of a walk-out protest

  22. These bareheaded pork eating secular israeli leaders are embarked on a mission to destroy Torah. They think they are clever like pharoah in egypt. Just join us for the building of egypt. But Moshe said don’t and only shevet Levi refused the draft. Our leaders say don’t join israel secular army,so we good Jews won’t.

  23. Are you saying that bad Jews serve in the army? Who made you gadol hador to make such a judgment on a fellow Jew? If Hashem has put these soldiers serving for their country and being Hashem’s messengers for protecting the people who live in this beautiful land, then ALL of us must pray for their welfare and thank Hashem for them, not the gedolim.

  24. #17- while I do agree that the yeshivos should not have taken funding. That does not discount the fact that if the Satmar/NK type would have voted that this could have been avoided. The other Gedolim knew exactly what they were dealing with.. The Satmar Rav is known to be a Daas Yochid for that reason.

    It’s one thing to talk about what is going on in the Israeli government and kvetch about it and another thing to actually be pro active about it..

    With all due respect to the Satmar Rav .. that approach didn’t help either. In fact it is the Satmar/NK type that are making the violent protests and therefore causing big time chillul Hash-m..

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