BREAKING STORY: NYPD Arrests Major Hate-Crime Suspect

nypd2.gifSubsequent to an investigation by the NYPD Hate Crime Force, the following suspect was arrested yesterday, and charged with 44 counts of criminal mischief, and aggravated harassment – including the painting of numerous swastikas – WCBSTV / CBS2 reports.

The incidents all occurred in the confines of the 61 PCT.

The suspect is 22-year-old Pavel Andreenko, of 2152 East 18th Street, in Brooklyn.

Among the incidents being charged includes:

Wednesday, 12/19/07:
2474 Ocean Avenue: 3 swastikas in white spray-paint on a front door.
2086 East 19th Street: Swastika on door to office.
2060 East 19th Street: Swastika on a door.

Thursday 12/20/07:
2235 East 17th Street: Swastika all opposite location.
2201 EAST 17th Street: Swastika on a lobby wall.
1725 Gravesend Neck Road: Swastika spray painted on a wall.

Friday 12/21/07:
Avenue V and East 14th Street: In a NYC PARK: 2 swastikas on a wall of the Park House.

Saturday 12/22/07:
East 16 Street and Avenue U: (Parking lot): Swastika spray-painted on a 1997 blue Ford van.

Thursday 12/25/07:
2005 East 17th Street: Swastika on a wall

(Source: WCBSTV / NYPD)

9 Responses

  1. This guy is sick in his head and a real Jewish anti semite. I hope they put him in jail and throw away the key to teach him a lesson. They should also make him go back to the locations that he spray painted and make him clean it up.

  2. He needs a psychologist- the Nazi’s ym’sh are dead and gone, and swastikas will only get him arrested- he’s not accomplishing anything by any means besides for getting attention. Anyone that desparate needs help. He didn’t harm anyone, so I doubt he needs a prison sentence. Not that he’s not an anti-semite- that he for sure is.

  3. I heard that the boro park shomrim were very instramental in the aprehension of this vial person toghrther with the NYPD. “Credit were credit is due”.

    Editors Note: This information is 100% false. YWN is always ready to credit the appropiate people.

  4. sorry smart1 but if any one desirves credit YW is the first one to say so just go look at all the other news story from a few days ago
    ps just curios why you would think NYPD needs BP shomrim to help in an investigation (not to say they don’t help PD out in all the things they do )
    next time don’t just run with a rumor that you heard if its something that has to be known YW is on the job (credit where credit is due!!!)

  5. They should borrow from gun control regulations and mandate a license in order to purchase spray paint. P.S. A gun is the item used to shoot people.

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