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PM Calls on Mofaz to ‘Work Out a Solution Together’

Speaking to Kadima leader Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz on Monday afternoon, 11 Tammuz 5772, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called on Mofaz to sit with him and work out a solution that will satisfy all regarding “sharing the burden”.

Following the resignation of Yisrael Beitenu, HaBayit HaYehudi and Yaakov Weinrot from the Plesner Committee, the committee has “broken apart” Netanyahu told Mofaz, encouraging him to sit together and the two would work out a draft law that would be presented in Knesset.

“I remain committed to evenly dividing the burden” the prime minister is quoted as saying, reminding Mofaz that he made statements calling for equal service back in January 2012, before the High Court announced a ruling regarding the Tal Law. He feels that the chareidi and Arab communities must implement change gradually. “That has been and remains my position” stated the prime minister.

Mr. Netanyahu adds that in light of the resignations from the committee and the latter’s inability to reach a consensus, he views the committee as it has broken up and stopped functioning.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The burden – The yoke of Torah- should be shared amongst all Jewish men in Israel even those doing military service – with the ladies learning the basics of Yiddishkeit from frum Orthodox Jewish educators.
    It is not only our “yoke” but also our supreme pleasure!
    This is the greatest security for us.

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