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  • in reply to: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims #1117620

    Sam2: You’re right that it’s surprising. Tzitz Eliezer quotes the Ran who says that Islam is a”z because muslims bow down to their leaders, even though they don’t consider them gods. This shitah does go against Rambam and seems counter-intuitive to what a”z actually is… but which other rishonim reject the Ran as a daas yochid?

    in reply to: when happens when you kick a pebble on Shabbos #1094693

    thank you mw13, I misunderstood the question. the chazon ish mekor about muktzah is on orach chaim 47:14. Regarding haavarah b’rishus harabim, its a great question. I wonder if kicking something is considered haavarah, since is there really akirah and hanacha? The Kitzur SA (82:1) defines haavarah as this: ????? ????? ???????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ????, ??? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????? ????

    Can we maybe be medayek from his lashon that since he doesn’t mention kicking (but does mention carrying, passing, or throwing), it is mutar?

    in reply to: Poverty #1094752

    about food specifically, do some research to find coupons and sales ahead of time. buy stuff in bulk, buy cheaper cuts of meat (and eat less meat too), be mindful about wasting food, make new meals out of leftovers, do not eat out so much, price match. Also, if you live in Brooklyn and are really in the pits, there are soup kitchens that look like restaurants and operated by Masbia.


    Shkoyach. Is rabbeinu bachyah paskening like Abaye in nedarim 10a, against rebbi elazar hakafar who holds that the nazir is a choteh, because “shetzier atzmo min hayayin?” as the rambam writes in deios ch. 3, a person actually can’t assur extra things on himself that Torah didnt assur: ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ????? ????? ????. There’s also that Yerushalmi that a person is going to give din vecheshbon al kol mah sheraasah eino velo achal.

    Is this a long-running contradiction that goes through the amoraim and rishonim, or is there a way to resolve it?

    in reply to: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims #1117616

    Well the Tzitz Eliezer disagrees, but for sefaradim it is okay.

    in reply to: first date #1094980

    be nice, listen, smile/laugh when appropriate. in my experience, first date conversations are usually about lighter topics like hobbies, family, work, school, childhood, etc. Talk about that stuff and try to relax. conversation should flow naturally, just like if you were talking to anyone else you know, so don’t barrage him with questions or stay totally quiet, and take turns.

    also remember that he might very well be nervous too (especially if he hasnt dated much yet and is more yeshivish), so just accept that there might be some awkward silence. Gam zeh yaavor…

    if you can still stand him after 2 hours or so, it’s a good sign. hatzlocha!

    in reply to: when happens when you kick a pebble on Shabbos #1094691

    the action of kicking the rock is kilachar yad, which is muttar to move any muktzeh object (such as a rock). iirc the chazon ish is machmir and says even using your foot or other body part is assur to move the muktzeh thing.

    in reply to: Things that are avoda zara #1094595

    It would have been more appropriate, (as well as pride-inducing for a litle kid) to learn that that value of Spiderman is taken from the Torah. Big chunks of Devarim is Moshe reminding bnei yisroel that when they became a great nation in EY, they shouldn’t forget the weakest members of society. this is our value, 3,000 years ahead; mi k’amcha yisrael!

    in reply to: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Prayers to be Held for Arson Victims #1117611

    I agree with DY that a protest rally should’ve been the way to go. Even so, “interfaith prayers” between Jews and Muslims aren’t obviously assur. I know Rav Ovadia writes that it’s muttar to daven in a mosque. I’m not sure if he’d extend that to actually praying with Muslims at the same time, though. Is there any rayah one way or another?

    in reply to: Literacy Test with Voter Registration #1094920

    that’s a dumb point then. why is it logical for every fool have a say? and anyway, the u.s. is a republic, not a democracy

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1191318

    You’ve been getting attacked by a lot of people tonight, so I won’t call you out on being choshed biksharim, motzi shem ra, etc. Maybe take a break from posting and let the steam out… I can’t help but ask, though: what about liking cholent (and expressing that like in a humorous, over-the-top way) makes you think I’m a fraud? You seriously think that someone would only say they like cholent *if and only if* they are lying about their gender/level of frumkeit?! Shtus v’hevel.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1191316

    cholent is not a game. cholent is a derech hachaim. the card game creators are guilty of motzi shem ra.

    in reply to: Ban the CR-No Mechitza! #1095503

    exactly. the gemara itself says hirhurim are so powerful because they can happen even without someone right in front of you. that’s why there are so many harchakos to arayos.

    in reply to: Literacy Test with Voter Registration #1094904

    Agreed 100%. It is sad how ignorant Americans are: 32 million adults cannot even read! The fact that someone who is illiterate or an ex convict (even of a felony) can vote seems silly to me. We already have an age restriction; why not add a basic intelligence one?

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1191314

    Monopoly is probably more assur cause of bitul zman than anything else. Also, a message to Comlinx: Cholent is not a game.

    in reply to: Ban the CR-No Mechitza! #1095501

    Yekke2: “anything public is automatically less intimate”

    –not necessarily. I have seen posts on here between men and women that seem like banter, kalus rosh, etc. if the conversation was in real life, it would be assur.

    “you aren’t really having a conversation with another person, you are just having a conversation about something”

    — Right now, I think I’m addressing you pretty directly (although it might take you a while to respond). Especially when posters are on here for a few years, they can build a decent relationship thru commenting back and forth, and get to know each others’ style and personality.

    I don’t see how a CR comment thread can’t induce improper feelings. If comments about all sorts of topics can make one happy or get angry, what stops them from giving one hirhurim?

    in reply to: Girls name Raylah #1094649

    l’aniyus daati, Rav Chaim feels strongly about this because we’re living in a time of shmad that requires extreme measures, per the gemara. To back this up, I found online that davka the name “shira” was the 2nd most popular baby girl name in Israel in 2012. The other names on the list were either modern Hebrew inventions or biblical names that were never (or rarely) used by Jews throughout history.

    Bishlama there is no halachic issur against modern names, but as frum Jews we strive to be “muvdal” from all the negative trappings of modernity, especially its incarnation in eretz hakodesh r”l. Names is a critical aspect of any culture, and by borrowing Israeli names, it shows where our allegiance lies…

    in reply to: Girls name Raylah #1094638

    To answer the OP, I’m pretty sure that Raylah is a Yiddish version of the name ‘Rochel’. Not sure how it is spelled or where it comes from, but I assure you it’s a real thing.

    About names bichlal, Rav Moshe has a teshuvah (I.M. orach chaim 4:66) where he says clearly about non-lashon kodesh names–“?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?????.” In case this is shayach, he also says it is fine to name your kid after a relative that had a sheim laaz, since it’s an inyan of “kovod hamishpacha.”

    Aside from the halacha, there is a midrash that says ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??, and some kabbala/chassidish mekoros (arizal shaar hagilgulim, sefas emes, etc) mention the power that a name to effect your neshama and reflect your whole purpose of existence. vehameivin yovin… Maybe that is why Rav Chaim frowns on certain modern names. Or, he sees Israel as a time/place of gezeiras hamelech (ie shmad), in which case Jews shouldn’t even change their shoelaces (sanhedrin 74a). Rashi there implies that any “minhag b’alma” that has a “tzad yehudis” should not be changed during shmad, which certainly includes old customarily Jewish names. Tzarich iyun..

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #1165438

    The Mishnah Berurah (o.c. 555:8) writes about smoking on tisha b’av as follows:

    ?? ????? ??, ?????? ?? ?????, ?? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ????

    Basically, you are allowed to smoke in private and after chatzos on tisha b’av if you smoke frequently and it’ll be painful for you not to.

    in reply to: Paying to hear a shiur #1093469

    in that gemara in yoma Hillel is the example brought of why poor people are also chayav to learn torah. ??? ????? ?? ??????. while there is a halachic issue with charging money for teaching torah shebaal peh, lots of heterim exist cause you’re also charging for s’char batalah and all the costs that other posters mentioned.

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #1165432

    “Rabbi Belsky holds that it is Mutar to smoke on Tisha BeAv.” A quote from this article: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/99369/practical-halachos-for-tisha-bav-2.html

    in reply to: Why do women like flowers? #1151376

    Joseph- Thanks for linking to the posts. In the future though, I’d prefer if you could so kindly give precise maareh mekomos to save me the time of scrolling thru dozens of irrelevant comments.

    As to the content: If you recall, the question here is about you telling a wife to ask her husband halachic shailahs as opposed to telling her to ask her rov.

    I looked at the links you posted and found little that addresses the inyan directly. The sources you (under the names ‘shlishi,’ ‘avhaben,’ et al) brought do say that the wife has to honor her husband a lot. ein hacha nami. But no mekor says that a husband is a “rebbe” to his wife and children, as you put it earlier.

    So unless I know for sure that a woman’s husband is a talmid chochom, I would not tell her to ask him a shailah. It’s a bad chazaka to assume all frum baalabatim can pasken. So, I’d advise her to either ask a rov or look it up herself if the shailah is uncomplicated (per rema, she should know it anyway!).

    in reply to: Camp Ideas #1093085

    depends what age and gender. but sports, hiking, some learning, arts/crafts, board games, etc are good general categories.

    in reply to: Why do women like flowers? #1151364

    Joseph- “A husband is a rebbe to his wife and children.”

    If you have s halachic source for this concept, I’d love to see it. As I said before, you’re right that a wife should ask her husband about family minhagim. But when it comes to halacha, she should either learn the material herself (if its shayach and easy), or ask a rov.

    Golfer- I wasnt trying to imply that women (or anyone) should learn instead of asking a shailah. when in doubt, ask a rov (especially if its a time sensitive/complicated matter). and never ever feel ashamed for asking a question!

    in reply to: Showers in the 9 days #1094023

    I don’t know if not showering is a kulah. While in his teshuvah Rav Moshe says “beemes yeish lehakel,” implying a kulah, the Aruch Hashulchan just flat out says showering is muttar. ????? ?? ????? ????? ?????, ??? ????? ???.

    Also, I saw s source online b’shem rav moshe soloveitchik that our minhagim during the 9 days are copied from minhagim during sheloshim. Because the shulchan aruch says the minhag during sheloshim is not to shower, the minhag also developed not to shower during the 9 days. Now that there is no minhag to not shower during all of sheloshim, maybe the minhag by the 9 days changes too?

    in reply to: Showers in the 9 days #1094010

    the gemara says (eiruvin 46a) “???? ????? ????? ????,” which means that regarding aveilus, the halacha will follow the lenient shitah in a machlokes. I can’t say why chazal made it that way, but they clearly had holy intentions in mind when they said we should be lenient by aveilus. To think otherwise and say “no, I want to be machmir anyway” seems to be daas baal habayis hepech daas torah.

    in reply to: Why do women like flowers? #1151360

    Depends what you mean by halachic authority. While the wife has to follow her husband’s minhagim (igros moshe orach chaim 1:158), if she has a shailah about halacha- *as opposed to minhag*- then she should ask a rav. Her husband has no ability to pasken a shailah for her (unless he is a talmid chacham), other than when it comes to clarifying his own family’s minhagim.

    Besides, on a basic issue like berachos, women should know the halachos anyway (per the rema in yoreh deah 246:6

    ??”? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ????).

    in reply to: Best Tuna Soup recipe #1092481

    Put some noodles in as well and you’re good. enjoy!

    in reply to: The ends don't justify the means #1093426

    ends sometimes justify means. yaakov avinu lies to get eisav’s berachah, yael lures in sisera in order to kill him and save klal yisroel (the source of aveirah lishma), you’re allowed to save someone’s life by breaking shabbos (means) so that they’ll go on and observe more shabbosos (end), at least acc. to one of the gemara’s explanations for pikuach nefesh being docheh shabbos.

    in reply to: Showers in the 9 days #1093953

    Rav Moshe says it’s okay to shower if you’re hot and sweaty. here is his lashon from igros moshe even haezer 4:84–

    ????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ????

    ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ?????, ??? ???? ?????, ???? ?? ????.

    This wasn’t rav moshe’s chiddush; the aruch hashulchan (orach chaim 551:37) says the same thing. Chazon Ish is machmir not to shower at all, though. so you are allowed to shower, if your minhag is to hold like r’ moshe, and not the Chazon Ish.

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