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  • in reply to: Help Spotting Trolls #1670561

    Haaah… This one troll-who’s-on-a-roll, is opening a bunch of threads, and I’m sure you noticed.
    Meanwhile he enjoys seeing posters arguing and getting all worked up for his quirky amusement.
    Don’t be surprised if he’s otherwise a sane-sounding , mussar throwing ,and serious-sounding schmoozer as he displays on many threads. I’m sure he’s quite normal looking with no hints of abnormality to the casual onlooker, but boy is there something wrong. Quite frankly, I’m about to tune the CR out altogether.
    He’s going to read this, so here’s a tip for him:
    In your ‘hood, there’s a shrink who specializes in this ailment. He’s on the corner of Ave J & Coney Island Ave, corner apartment house, on the northeast corner.
    Ring 4C.
    Come alone.

    in reply to: Life of my HighSchool son #1670488

    C’mon people ___________
    You can’t see that this leidigeir is just prancing about, trolling ?
    The other day it’s 5 Towns and ‘tznioot”.. Today it’s “modern orthodox” weeds.
    Can’t you see what’s he’s intimating?

    “……If you have any ideas please help…..”
    OK… Take the 5,000 mg. one, 3x daily and with food. Preferably, with your homemade lox bagel & onions you chow down lunchtime at the office on Central Ave. Lololol.
    Here’s what my mom taught me:
    When you see somebody overly obsess about a religious issue, then that individual has serious mental/emotional issues with that issue itself.. Hameivin Yovin.

    in reply to: Is it safe to invest in an up and coming Jewish community? #1669129

    Sam Klein, Avi K , *****AAAAA

    But even for there, a person isn’t allowed to leave him/herself entirely empty if it can be helped. But yes, prices will drop here and pretty soon too.

    in reply to: Is it safe to invest in an up and coming Jewish community? #1669091

    ….. and if this is your friend’s case, then just by imagining myself in her shoes, I’m very uncomfortable to say the least.

    in reply to: Is it safe to invest in an up and coming Jewish community? #1669082

    My 2cents is that one should never, ever risk life savings on anything. I’ve known some very smart people in my life who’ve gotten burned. Even if the investor is on the up and up, circumstances can, and many times do change, and nobody short of a prophet can predict that. I’m sure that successful business people, most who’ve taken risks to achieve success, will never advise risking everything you have.

    in reply to: Tzniut Problems In The 5 Towns #1668542

    This is from my friend BronxMolly from Pelham P’kway to asked to present her question here.
    “Tack on another shidduch question or two :
    Does the family wear gatches with a hechsher? Whose hechsher? Would the MO / chareidi/cholov stam/6 hr. post hard cheese waiters/hotel gebrochts/ non gebrochts .. prospective chosson consider compromising? Will the couple promise not to join the tzniut conscious hordes from BP, KJ , Willy, Monsey, Flatbush, Toms River on Collins Ave. In Miami in the winter? ”
    Hey, what do I know?? I’m just a messenger.

    in reply to: Thread for bargaining with Doomsday instead of arguing. #1668532

    Exercise for me , eat Galil’s thin corn cakes with a pinch of sea salt ( gluten free) and I’ll lose weight for you.

    in reply to: Tzniut Problems In The 5 Towns #1667934

    …. In between lunch tuna sandwiches, I support myself as an actor in one-man plays, changing personas after each scene… I peek out of the curtain during intermission to see what’s up.. I ignore the few boos and double down to show I’m at the top of my game… Life’s a gas…..

    in reply to: Tzniut Problems In The 5 Towns #1667877

    I’m currently at my computer playing people. Yesterday, I was fishing for marital advice about my spouse’s late shul entrance. This morning, I was in Cedarhurst fantasizing about tznius issues , tomorrow I’ll be in Bnei Brak looking for a shadchan’te who specializes in resumes. Anybody who ever read The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, by James Thurber, knows what I mean.
    Ya gotta give our friend credit, he’s good at this. The question is , why?

    in reply to: Women Davening #1667177

    Re: garlic liquor
    Sold out, I was just told. The gabbai’s wife with the blue floppy shul hat is ordering again. Let’s be patient.

    in reply to: Women Davening #1667130

    The only guideline for women at any kiddush , bar mitzvah or sheva brochus that I’ve seen, are the ubiquitous liquirs of 100 flavors ; peach, mango, chocolate, watermelon, coffee, garlic, etc. .. . You know, ladies’ drinks. No bourbon, vodka, scotch to be displayed for the stronger gender..

    in reply to: Women Davening #1666464

    Aye, maggid’l , maggid’l…..
    Maaaaaaaaaaagid’l maggid’l…😉😉😉

    in reply to: Women Davening #1666453

    …. And MDG…. Don’t get startled, but the saintly Maggid may be right here among us . Actually hiding from his metziyeh… Look closely , but be nonchalant about it..

    in reply to: Women Davening #1666435

    OP pulling legs here… Nothing wrong with a little fun.🤣

    in reply to: Who Knows what this Niggun is Called? #1666234

    …. in your case, this tune is sung as people are bagleiting, or accompanying the chosson.

    in reply to: Who Knows what this Niggun is Called? #1666230

    Bagleiten means to accompany , the word levaya is also translated this way. On a happier note, an accompanist for a singer is called a bagleiter.

    in reply to: Yom Kippur Kattan Minyan – Miami Beach/Miami #1666178

    @coffee……. ” What does that mean?….”

    German proverb : Keine Antwort ist Auch Eine Antwort
    ( No answer is also an answer)

    in reply to: Women Davening #1666151

    Consider yourself lucky.
    There are a few young husbands in my neighborhood who show up at the 2nd Yekum Purkan.

    in reply to: In Town versus Out of Town #1664434

    Joseph,Daas Yochid, TryingToStaycalm,

    Too bad you have to bash a whole legion of. Jews before Shabbas , and especially before Shabbos Shira..
    And for market price, I’ll also give you proper Yiddish lessons.
    Shabbat Shalom

    in reply to: In Town versus Out of Town #1664289

    Bells are gently chiming .. perusing Tryingtostaycalm’s few comments here & elsewhere , gives me this “Where have I seen you before?” feeling. A triplet??
    Nah, can’t be.. lololo..

    in reply to: Worst life hacks #1664217

    … Shul bulletin announcing GALA KIDDUSH, knowing in advance it’ll consist of herring with toothpicks and duet malaga wine.
    …. Heimshe olam invitees all showing on time for a 7:00 sheva brochos call, spoiling all the fun.
    ….. Brooklynite who never shopped at at Pomegranate or Bingo and lives to tell about it.
    If these aren’t hacks, they ought to be.

    in reply to: Worst life hacks #1664216

    Throwing bags of marshmellows at an aufruf instead of those filled with hard candies and walnuts.
    Substituting phony milk shakes for good old fashioned malteds.
    Eating farina and/or Rice Crispies in the morning and calling it breakfast.
    A certain company putting 3 oversalted potato chips in this jumbo air- puffed bag , charging almost 2$$ and labeling it “classic” .
    A museum’s display of a huge painting of a black background and very red in the middle, calling it art and charging $ 25 ” donation”.
    Suckers waiting in line to marvel at said masterpiece, pivoting their heads to various angles to better catch significance and meaning.
    Trying to explain something to some people whose ears have walls.

    in reply to: Will Israel be the korbon of Trump’s desperation. #1664072

    Please stop giving the CR leftist media fake ” lying ” points ( I refer to media, not you) in your opening.
    It’s Shabbis Shira…. sing the shira on tune, treat yourself to a coupla overnight kugels, a vodka’la or 2 can’t hurt, remember the miracle of the Man, don’t let the bloodthirsty mob ruin your Shabbos….have yourself a Shabbat Shalom Um vorach.
    We have the right man in office.

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663141

    … only from 7 countries…

    in reply to: Palestinian Rashida Tlaib is Dem Version of Racist Steve King #1663139

    Coffee addict,
    C’mon now , “…… You have to start looking at things from her perspective and not from your own…”
    You must. Be nice…… just because she refuses to think from your perspective , doesn’t mean you should do the same.
    You MUST be fair, and realize that though Gazans have their own government, they do diddley for their people, don’t care a hummus platter for them, just spend gazillions$$$ on tunnels and rockets to attack Israel, shouldn’t effect your crooked thinking..
    Coffee, where do you live?? In Israel, Saudi Arabia or in the USA?
    Now cut it out … I can hear you murmuring that she too lives in the USA and is now a Rep. So what? She’s allowed and you’re not…She has family in Gaza , dontcha know, and I don’t give a frog’s belch if you have same in the apartheid state, you’re an American.
    By any chance, do you happen to know any Muslim kahuna that sees OUR perspective???

    in reply to: girls learning gemara #1662115

    “……prohibited to give classes teaching *any* Torah she’bal peh to girls…..”
    Correct, yet there were women who learned it and taught it.. Bruria, mother of Rav Akiva Eiger, wife of Rabbe Akiva’s son who taught him Torah, women even pre -WWII , who knew and taught Shebaal peh.. My father mentioned them to me many times.. Sefer Chassidus explains that it means only not to teach them secrets of the Torah.
    Also, it’s impossible for Bais Yakov girls however not, not to learn shebal peh as it apples to halachos.
    Look, I’m not invested in this either way, my womenfolk don’t learn gemarah and I’m not involved in tobacco chewing fundraisers for girls’ seminaries. But there are rabbonim who NOWADAYS would permit it.

    in reply to: girls learning gemara #1662013

    Re: an aveirah
    Says who? There’s a pshat that it’s like teaching her tiflus means specifically gemarah on the inyan of sota. There were those who held that teaching women in a Bais Yaakov was also ussur.

    in reply to: girls learning gemara #1661883

    Shana, gilda,gliklich
    You want to learn it? Go ahead. If it’s a problem,then
    after 129 , upstairs, when they ask you why , you’ll know you’re nearing end of the the trial.. It’ll be the last question.

    in reply to: Can president Trump save his presidency? #1661838

    Is Trump eating kasha bourekas?
    Is Melania leaving him?
    Are Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, Cummings, media talk hosts deranged? YES…
    How much CNN,NBC,CBS even FOX, you watching?
    Imagine yourself as prez of the most powerful nation and being attacked 24/7 , being investigated for 2 years, being besmirched & humiliated by other vile media, politicians, and being threatened by Dem chairs of investigations and subpoenas without evidence, UNHINGED TRD haters cursing him every second, what would be your mental state?
    That’s exactly what they want us to believe, to demoral us, to have people like you post this type of question. He’s not unhinged but frustrated… He’s accomplished so much in 2 years … The Dems refuse to work with him, disrespect him and his lovely family & bemoan his election.
    He’s an outsider upsetting the putrid swamp and they want to kill him….6 more years..MAGA

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661517

    It’s Mishneh 4, perek 3… in Mesechte Avodah Zara.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661292

    Uncle Ben,
    I’m not paskening, of course, but maybe this incident could be applied to your bathroom.

    שאל פרוקלוס בן פלוספוס את ר”ג בעכו, שהיה רוחץ במרחץ של אפרודיטי, אמר ליה, כתוב בתורתכם: +דברים יג+ לא ידבק בידך מאומה מן החרם, מפני מה אתה רוחץ במרחץ של אפרודיטי? אמר לו: אין משיבין במרחץ. וכשיצא, אמר לו: אני לא באתי בגבולה, היא באה בגבולי, אין אומרים: נעשה מרחץ נוי לאפרודיטי, אלא אומר: נעשה אפרודיטי נוי למרחץ. דבר אחר: אם נותנים לך ממון הרבה, אי אתה נכנס לעבודת כוכבים שלך ערום ובעל קרי ומשתין בפניה, זו עומדת על פי הביב וכל העם משתינין לפניה, לא נאמר אלא אלהיהם, את שנוהג בו משום אלוה – אסור, את שאינו נוהג בו משום אלוה

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661291

    IDK….. maybe because it’s in the bathroom where you don’t daven, it may be ok. You’ll have to ask a sheileh.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661234

    Re : FLOOR bathroom tiles

    ער ליגט אין דער ערד, לאָז אים ליגן

    in reply to: Anyone Have Any Cool Inventions? #1661228

    Re: drone
    I know, but I’d like it to be configured as I described or better. The drones we know aren’t there yet.
    Freddy…. you first.. I want to see what happens.

    in reply to: Anyone Have Any Cool Inventions? #1661183

    … as an incentive, imagine meeting mother-in-law in the air. How cool is that??

    in reply to: Anyone Have Any Cool Inventions? #1661181

    …..they can be circular and made to hover in the air so can meet friends and shmooze or even learn… I’m so excited… I wish I could figure it out. They laughed at the Wright Bros. too, you know. C’mon guys’n’ gals, somebody here has to be an aviation genius.” Can’t be done” is unacceptable.

    in reply to: Anyone Have Any Cool Inventions? #1661180

    How about a personal plane? My wild idea is a foldup portable contraption …. think child’s playpen…. open it when you’re outside, press buttons, it lifts maybe 10 feet off the ground and flies at that height, or higher to wherever you want to go. Could be small or larger to accomodate passengers & shopping goods.
    ( copyright)

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1660846

    Re: project with negligible to no benefit.
    Benefit would be saving billions of $$$ in hospital care, schools, taxing our finite resources, $$$$$ combatting crime, by illegal aliens. This is a nation of laws, we have borders. Come here LEGALLY..LEGALLY.. The Dems are deluxe hypocrites, they know the truth but don’t care because they’re in power, live in ivory towers , some physically, others intellectually, and have utter contempt for the American working people, considering them stupid, racist, peons .. Slobbering deplorables… Build the blasted wall…!!!

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1660813

    Well, the once popular bazaars , sometimes run by the ladies’ auxiliaries is long passe . Nobody wants to be seen buying cans of peas , boxes of Cheerios or bottles of prune juice anymore.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1660811

    See for example, John Binder’s comprehensive aricle on Breitbart, Jan. 4, titled ” Daca illegal aliens surged Hispanic vote, flipping GOP counties blue”.. For some reason I have trouble posting the link itself.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1660803

    Daca can’t vote but their relatives can, and they’ve impacted districts in CA, Fla, Tx. This info is out and you can find it easily.. In many cases they’ve voted illegally anyway . With a full pardon they’ll vote, and when hordes come in via Mexico, they too will eventually be pardoned by the ruling Dems who hope they’ll vote Dem.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1660534

    Votes. Power. Saw a report this week on one of the outlets that DACA people living across this land flipped some districts from red to blue giving Dems more Reps.

    in reply to: Question for Jewish Democrats #1660443

    I very strongly disagree , and I mean strongly, with Neville ( and vice versa) on a certain subject, but what’s fair is fair. It doesn’t read to me that his comments on this thread were worse than others.
    I do recall CTL posting some time ago about being contacted by someone on YWN for advice on something pertaining to law, if I’m not mistaken…don’t want to stir a hornet ‘s nest, but Nev is getting hit too hard here.

    Totally irrelevant to YWN. That was me and all I needed to know was at what age child is considered an adult in Connecticut. Don’t get carried away or blow it out of proportion. Had I known I different poster was from Connecticut I might’ve asked them as well.

    in reply to: Anyone Have Any Cool Inventions? #1659153

    Light reflectors on clothing that people walking at night will rush to buy. I know about those on the market but they’re not selling as well as they should, apparently. I’d like to invent a contraption that’ll appeal on sight. Maybe because I’m getting a bit older , but as a driver, I’m becoming more and more petrified as I near-miss the dark clothed pedestrians much too often.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1658101

    Avi.. It’s sick. One of the holy places in EY is Har Herzl.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1657861

    Vayoel Moshe, huh??….
    Well, …. you know what? …. lemme stop…

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1657816

    On the 20th of Tevet, 5709, Rabbis Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Sarna, Zalman Sorotzkin signed a document thanking Hashem for beginning of Redemption by establishment of State of Israel . Centuries earlier, Ohr Hachayim wrote that Moshiach wil arise like a regular leader within framework of a regular government ( Bamidbar)… Ramban, Radak say essentially the same thing. These gedolim are everybody’s favorites.
    Rabbis Kalicsher, Alkalai, closer to our times also said the same thing… Denial of realty is no fodder for serious discussion, but ok, I guess for a blog.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1657802

    Again, you bring “famous” rabbonim, but you don’t know those who were pro-Zionist because they were basically ignored.
    But all that doesn’t mean anything anymore because regurgitating the past is not facing the vivid reality starting in 1948.. Hashem DID want the State, and, voila, here it is BH.. ATZAS HASHEM HIE TAKUM… That’s what’s true and real.. Denial is forever useless.. Have a great day.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1657578

    It should be noted that Rav Teichtal was an unparalled Torah ilui, and wrote the sefer by memory without benefit of seforim from his hideout in Budapest. He refers to it several times throughout.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1657514

    Plus, Avnei Nezer explains that klal Yisrael never assembled to accept the oaths, and are not bound by it.. Yore Deah 2:454:56

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