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  • in reply to: Is it allowed to copy a CD with yewish music…………. #880808

    More realistic questions on the topic??

    If you bought a cd and lost it can you copy from a friend?

    If you bought a cassette years ago, can you copy a friends CD?

    If you bought a CD for yourself, can you copy it and take it to work (ie Uncle Moishy and you are a teacher, can you copy it for your classroom)?

    Can you make a slideshow with the music? For yourself, or for your Yeshiva Dinner Video?

    in reply to: QUESTION #884526

    I recently heard from someone that Chazal of his time refered to him as “YaiShu” for the roshei teivos od “Yimach Shimo V’Zichro”.

    They were so successful in their campaign that NOONE knows his real name just Yaishu or the English variation of it!

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157913

    From my personal experience, the reason they do it in highschool is just to charge you money.

    When I was in eleventh grade every student had to do Dor Yeshorim. But then I went to Yeshiva and started shidduchim some six years later.

    When I started dating my wife, Dor Yeshorim would give ANY information, because since I took the test they added two more test, so I had to take everything all over and pay more than $250 because it had to be rushed besides for the $70 that I paid when I was in highschool.

    I wished there was someone to talk to, but the only one to speak to was the Russian nurse drawing blood who didn’t know much.

    in reply to: Sources for this story… #853257

    If I recall correctly it is in Chaim Walder’s People Speak 4. But I maybe wrong.

    in reply to: chulent making tips and secret ingredients #843009

    Celery Salt is the trick. (Not to much)

    If you have a hard stomach, try barley only. If your stamach can take more, baked beans is the way to go, all the flavor in one can!

    in reply to: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? #848095

    Next years school tuition scholarship applications will ask for:

    How much money have you put away in the NASI Game Change Escrow Account?

    in reply to: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? #848094

    AZ, while the program levels the playing field as you say for the “POOR”, it only helps the shadchanim. No boy is going to start looking at girl just because she put 5K in an escrow account.

    As a matter of fact the boy knows that whatever money the poor girl was going to bring into the marriage it is now that amount -5K.

    The only people who gain on the deal is a the shadchanim (and $500 for NASI), while the loosers are the girls (who have now become a valuable commodity), parents (who are now forced to fork over HUGE sums so that they can become a commodity), boys (who are starting out marriage with 5K less in the bank), and society as whole (who now have a new STANDARD to live by).


    in reply to: I'm speechless #846156

    How can one rely only on ingredients?

    All of these chocolate bars are made on multi-million dollar machines that are hot (they melt the chocolate) and some of the company products may have real treif in them (gelatin) and if there is no hechsher, while this product may have no treif ingredients, it could be BOSSOR B’CHOLOV!! (Non-kosher gelatin and milk chocolate!!)

    If there is a hechsher, obviously the machine is kashered in between (we hope), which takes time and money and therefore cost the kosher consumer more.

    in reply to: Ruth vs. Esther #841537

    How would you compare and contrast Hileini HaMalka versus Amaslai bas Karnevo (Avrohom Avinu’s mother)?

    in reply to: Give a child one name or two? #836235

    I know of a family who had a Yospa to name after. Some gave boys, Yosef, some gave girls Yospa, and some changed it to Yosepha. According to you it would be wrong to take Yosef and change it back into Yospa??

    in reply to: Kidney Stones – Anyone? #835567

    When we were living in ???????, Dayan Fisher zt”l had special herbs to cook and take it. I’ve been told that his son still has these herbs and is available to anyone who needs. My wife had stones and was in terrible agony for a few days. After taking the herbs, (cooking for seven minutes, deviding into three parts,… ) the stones were gone for good after two days.

    If you can get these herbs, they are a miricle!!

    in reply to: Dreidel #833223

    Just another dreidel question:

    Does anyone know in the times of the chashmonaim, what were the letters on the dreidel? What did it stand for? Or was it just ?, ?, ?, ??

    in reply to: where can i find really good deals… #833208

    You gotta tell us from where to where. had the following link to a Virgin America coupon that is valid for flying until Feb 15. Get the coupon now, book between 12/15 – 12/30 fly between 1/3 – 2/15 and get 25% off. JFK LAX or JFK SFO for just over $200. It worth a try:

    in reply to: When the shadchan doesn't give up! #833658

    Maybe because your over 30 and NASI is promising that you’ll fork over 13K and in todays economy everyone needs some extra cash.

    in reply to: Question about being a guest #833130

    We once had guests while we were away for Shabbos, and there was loads of traffic coming into town, we arrived at 3 AM and the guests stripped ALL the linen. We had to start making beds for ALL the kids and adults at 3 AM.

    Best off ASK, if you can’t make them neat and let them decide.

    in reply to: Zumba=Not Tzanuah? #931171

    Just from what I searched online (r”l) it looks more like break dancing for girls. Is there anything wrong with break dancing??? Nothing really, it is more of who is associated with it. If you want dance classes, get dance classes, just don’t learn how to dance like a goy!!

    If I would hear such things coming out of my daughters bedroom, I would begin to get VERY nervous!!

    in reply to: If you travel to E"Y on Purim night #830763

    Megilla on 15th of Adar has nothing to do with Eretz Yisroel.

    It has to do with walled cities (at the time of the Story of Purim or the times of Yehoshua bin Nun [machlokes]) at the sorrounding area. Most areas in EY have Purim on 14 w/ the exception of Yerushalayim Yafo and even in the times of Gemara Tiveria was a machlokes.

    As the exact location of Efrat, I don’t know, but they probably have Purim on 14 Adar.

    in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835790

    Should I say vayichulu if I’m davening in the same minyan as my father and/or brother?

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065054

    Is your left hand worse than you right hand? After all your right hand is stronger, you write with the right hand, so who needs left hands? Are left hands even part of the human body? Would you prefer two right hands and no left hands??

    Just as the left compliments the right hand, so to a woman compliments a man? Does that make women any less? Of course not! They just have a different task in life, equally (or even more) important, just different!!

    in reply to: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? #847740

    Der Geller,

    The concept of “bashert” is not a simple matter. When someone gets married is it guarenteed that it their bashert?? If it would, we could throw away Meseches Gitten, chas v’sholom!! People can and do marry others besides their bashert. The concept of bashert is based on the potential one has to be from birth. Who he will actually marries depends largely on what became of him until this point. (Its a gemara, “kahn b’zivvug rishon, kahn b’zivvug sheini”). It is quoted b’shem the Steipler that only two people in all of Lakewood married their “bashert”.

    So to answer the question your question, yes, we believe in bashert, it just doesn’t play a realistic role in our marriage decisions.

    in reply to: Rain within 3 hours after 1sr prayer of year for rain #824151

    When did they start to ask for rain or snow in Monsey?

    in reply to: Inexpensive Chasuna in Eretz Yisroel #825973

    Is it because you spent too much on the shadchan under the new NASI project???

    Haven’t been there in years, but in my days there was Gutnick, near Har Naf, there was Tamir on Golda Meir, and if you wanted music, you would go to that small kibbutz outside Yerushalayim ,near ein Kerem. Hatzlacha and Mazel Tov!!!

    in reply to: I came to a conclusion…. #823662

    Try flunking school. It today’s age, they’ll never keep a student back another year because its way too TRAMATIC. That would ruin the kids for good. They’ll probably give you a B just because it makes the school look bad if anyone scores lower.

    Good luck! Most of what your learning now makes no real difference in the real world. Unless you want to be a doctor(science) or a contractor(geometry).

    The whole school system is meant to prepare students for college, s/t very few in our community will even attempt.

    in reply to: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? #847682

    The amounts make no sense. These people are putting a huge financial strain on EVERYONE. Since when is a 22 year old girl “OLD”? How many shadchanim get close to 5K for a 22 year old? 22 is the ideal age, even to “bridge the age gap”. Suddenly now, EVERYONE will be expected to pay out such HUGE amounts.

    A plan by an anonymous organazation “NASI”, with a response in FIRST person (“I” not “we”), also unsigned, no Rosh Yeshiva or Rav signed, how can they expect anyone to sign up?? With whom are you putting your $$$? If they are doing it “lishaym shamayim”, get some girl fresh from seminary work on the list for $25 per hour, and charge $25 for your name on the list.

    Also, what’s the extra $500 for? Just to enter your name into an excel file and email to any shadchan. That’s $500. Close to what any (non-professional) shadchan would get for a complete job, just to be added to a list. And if 1000 girls sign up (not a huge job), the NASI guy pockets a half a million dollars? $500,000.00! For an excel file!! It doesn’t sound legit.

    in reply to: Gilad shalit release #816866

    I think this is all about politics. After Abbas asked for a state at the UN his popularity in the PA soared. Hamas wants some of that popularity back. So my agreeing and getting 1000 prisoners thay are getting thousnads of families and friends on their side, thus weakening Abbas and his quest for Palisitinian statehood.

    in reply to: "Doing Kapparos with Fish-ies" #816624

    My friend goes to the pet shop and buys the cheapest goldfish. They give it to him in a bag with water and air. He does Kaporos with it and opens the bag and flushes the fish down the toilet. Clean, neat, cheap, simple. He also gives ALOT of tzeddaka.

    I’ve heard that some people do kaporos with chickens in a paper shopping bag, sounds cool and simple.

    in reply to: Is The Story True? #811580

    Does the State of Montana actually exsist? Is Obama a real live person or is a figmant of the New York Times imagination, just like the comics?

    in reply to: Good High schools in Brooklyn… #811842

    There are none. See OOT forum.

    in reply to: Enforcing your Kasruth Chumras on others – Rant #809686

    It is important to never impose someone’s chumras onto others. I heard as a halacha psak from Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz (Sanhedria Murchevet) that a person is never allowed his chumra, which by defintion is bain odom l’mokom, to override his chiyuv d’Oraisa of bain odom l’chaveiro. If one eats only Badatz and his Shabbos guests brings a bottle of wine from the OU, Hilchos Derech Eretz dictates that you serve it.

    By my in-laws for Pesach, each son-in-law has his own chumros and my shvigger tries to cater to each ones liking. This ones “No unpeelable veggies”, that ones “only home made items”, and that ones “only home squeezed grape juice”! While I do have certain chumros that my in-laws do not keep, they never know about it, because I won’t tell them. Yes, there are things that I won’t touch, but they don’t know what. Each year they try to figure it out.

    in reply to: My Zivug #806046

    The gemara asks the question, if “40 days before a child is born a bas kol comes out and says bas ploini li’ploini” so then why is “kasha zivuggim (to the Riboino Shel Olam) mi’Kriyas Yam Suf”? And the gemara answers “kahn b’zivvug rishon, kahn b’zivvug sheini”. A zivvug rishon (original) is based on what a person has potential to be when he is born and a zivvug sheini is based on what actually became of these two people and for that it is kasha mi’kriyas yam suf.

    The whole concept of looking for zivvug (bashert) is wrong, a person has to find ANYONE with whom he can live with, share in his hashkofos, accept his shortcomings, happy with his accomplishments, proud to be his associate, willing to put up with his mishigasin etc.

    It is quite known that the Steipler said that in all of Lakewood only two people married their zivvug rishon!!

    in reply to: bobby pins in yarlmukas #794122

    because modern people have bobbypins and yeshiva guys dont have bobby pins.

    Why are skirts feminist??

    in reply to: Ami Magazine – Controversy #794798

    The question of whether somebody could kill someone else without Hashem’s wanting it is a serious hashkafic question. In Hashem’s masterplan of the world, did Leiby have to get killed? Did Hitler have to kill 6,000,001 people? I don’t know. But I know from Chazal that Kayin didn’t HAVE to kill Hevel. As a matter of fact, because he did Kayin and Hevel and to be recreated many years later as Moshe Rabeinu and Ahahron HaKohen. To make up for the killing, Aharon HaKohein (Kayin) was a ohev shalom v’rodef shalom. So people can do things that Hashem does not want? That is the basis for BeChira. If there was no choice then there couldn’t be s’char viOnesh (reward and punishment).

    Every person has his own way of getting through and trying to understand these tragic events that are befalling Am Yisroel. To some the answer is “we cannot ask questions”, to others the asnswer may be that “Hashem doesn’t kill, people kill”. We can each decide for ourselves how to get to tomorrow but lets remember ??? ?’ ???, for this is the only way to survive these horrific times.

    in reply to: Baby beats 48 million to one odds #790953

    As someone whos parents have the same birthday, as well as a sister, it’s not so cool after all.

    Let me explain. The chances in real life is that if you have forty people in a room, 2 will have the same birthday. Many classes with even smaller numbers have two students with the same birthday. Why? Because there are certain months with more births (a discussion for another time and another place – see gmara megilla that chodesh haRivIi (Teves, when Esther was taken to Achashvarosh – chodesh sheNihena HaGuf MayHaGuf).

    So the chances are not 1:365 but rather 1:40.

    And anyway, my sister isn’t so special, (but of course, if you take into consideration her awesome brother, she is great)!!

    in reply to: Why I won't let my kids do ????? #1186713

    Guys, Wake Up!! Papa explained himself! He is trying to make a point of how we are all guilty of treating older single guys. He has just the same right to Shlishi (or Shishi, if your chassidish) than anyone else.

    Popa was NOT trying to protect his kids from feeling like nebs, he was showing US that WE treat older singles like nebs, just because they haven’t found the right one yet. We have to learn how to treat others regardless of their marital status, height, weight, looks, and any other insignificant way. Yes, Gelila is important. But somehow it lost its chashivus in giving it to “the Shul neb”.

    There should be NO shul neb. No neighbor neb. NEVER. Every single person in the world outshines someone else in a specific way. That’s why Hashem created him, because he can be part of society in a way that YOU CANNOT!!

    Its a good lesson for the three weeks.

    in reply to: Why I won't let my kids do ????? #1186688


    “Th Gemara says Hagolel Notel Schar Kineged Kulom. the Golel of the Torak takes all the reward more than everyone else. Its the Choshuvste job.”

    According to all opinions that HaGolel is the person doing “gelila” rather it is the one doing “Hagbah”.

    in reply to: Mothers' Names on Wedding Invitations #788645

    For those who put Chaim & Esther Grossbergman on the invititation, do they address every invitation that way?? So far all the invitations that I recieve are addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Humble Me.

    in reply to: Bathroom door #787724

    Bedroom doors also have windows on them. Why???

    in reply to: Air Conditioner #787261

    The Steipler didn’t have an airconditioner, and Avraham Avinu didn’t have a house.

    And a little secret… the Baal Shem didn’t have internet.

    in reply to: Shaving with razor #783968

    for a lady? Yes. No proof required.

    in reply to: Living within a budget #784092

    living within a budget?? Impossible.

    in reply to: unwanted silver #782915

    If its real silver, you can just send it to me. I always accept free silver. I’ll even pay the postage.

    in reply to: Eidah Chareidis Chulent Ban – a question of hechsherim #783053

    The badatz and landau have very strict rules to their hashgachos, just just the kashrus aspect of it. The badatz yerushalayim wont give a hechsher on SPRING drink because it has a picture of a man surfing on it. It is their choice to decide who gets the hashgacha and they will only certify things that they themselves will be confortable having in their own home. Resteraunts cannot be open late. That is why many resteraunts in Geula prefer NOT to have the badatz and to be open later. You want badatz, you close earlier.

    When the Mir opened in Bais Yisroel and until recently (10 – 15 years ago) there were NO resteraunts in the area. The yeshiva was at the end of an industrial area and the closest “hang outs” were further away. Now, stores selling all sorts of things, opened within daled amos of the Yeshiva. And the Rosh Yeshiva as well as the mashgiach, HaGaon Aaron Chodosh are taking action.

    And BTW, smoking is banned in all of the Yeshiva buildings and dorms. Noone smokes in Yeshiva. Maybe they smoke in the stores around, but in Yeshiva, NEVER!!

    in reply to: HaRav, Rav, Rabbi, Reb #794649

    HaRav is the most choshuv. In todays world “Reb” just means that he is a breathing male. Look at Misaskims shiva list EVERYONE is a “Reb”. It used to be that one became “Rabbi” with semicha and “Reb” was for the guy in Lakewood learning full time, but hasn’t become a “Rabbi” yet. Of course, in todays world where most of Lakewood just remains in the geder of “Reb”, so they uped everyone else. Lakewood yungerman, one day after chasunah, “Rabbi”. (Does he know how to paken? NO. Does he know maaros? NO. Does he know anything besides his current sugya (that on even that he is not willing to be tested on)? NO. But he learns, so he is Rabbi.

    But really the word “Rabbi” today, could be reform, conservative, or Lakewood yungerman. Rav is usually a posek of sort, and HaRav is Rosh Yeshiva grade.

    in reply to: The Importance of Never Missing Tefillin #782134

    I once heard from a Rosh Yeshiva that no where in the Torah does it say that you have to wear them everyday. Al pi Torah, a person is soppose to where tiffilin everyday all day, which we don’t do today for a number of valid reasons. Of course, whenever he wears it he gets the mitzva, so by wearing them the next day longer, he gets the mitzva longer.

    I also once heard from R’ Amnon Yitzchok (I think) that if someone missed many years of Teffilin (baal teshuva) one thing that he can do, is to get others to do the mitzva. So that on a single day he can have the zchus of putting on teffilin more than once.

    in reply to: Change of Pronunciation #798171

    The real answer to this, I heard in a Jewish History class given by a Rosh Yeshiva. He said, that Ben-Yehuda, being ashkenazi and coming from a frum background, didn’t want to assosiate the zionist movement with the “old fashioned European Jew”. Taking on the sphardic havara gave Hebrew a new sound, nothing to do with the religious past. It was to wipe away all remenants of yiddishkeit.

    in reply to: How much does it cost to live…. #814146

    A report that I heard yesterday on the radio that the cost of raising a child until he is 18 years old is $250,000.00. And if we can assume that chareidi children cost more (schools, kosher food, shabbos clothing, sleepaway camp) it gotta be somewhere in the 400K to half a million. I have 4 kids and to think that will cost 2 million within the next 15 years is truly scary.

    in reply to: child left in car seat- how to prevent? #795657

    I don’w know if this will help in the dead of summer vacation, but during the school year and the child is expected to be dropped off at the babysitter, if the child doesn’t show at the right time the babysitter should call the parents on the cell phone just to make sure everything is alright…

    in reply to: yeshiva or public school? #811654

    Without knowing where you live and what type you are (chassidish, yeshish, MO), but many yeshivas will think twice before accepting a child who went to public school until 3rd grade. Many neighbors will be hesitant to have their children play with yours because who knows what influance the children are getting exposed to at school.(And all these fears that people have will only be doubled or tripled if these marriage laws in NY will get passed and public schools will have to read stories about Steve and Michael and their two daughters…)

    in reply to: Bachman for President? #777042

    Not to be racist or anything, but isn’t our current president (a) Blachman?? I have nothing against him being a blachman, it is his policies that are ruining this country.

    in reply to: Learning Before Shavuos #1017899

    from what I recall from the alter heim, we were machmir six months before and six months after.

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