Forum Replies Created
August 18, 2014 12:52 pm at 12:52 pm in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156539YW Moderator-💯Moderator
PAA, you were correct, the proposed altered title would not fit.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYes, PAA, you are correct.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorNo
August 14, 2014 2:11 am at 2:11 am in reply to: If You Had Access to the CR Administration… #1029069YW Moderator-💯Moderator29, or both.
August 1, 2014 6:18 am at 6:18 am in reply to: For PF to Vicariously Rant Endlessly About the Over-Emphasis of Iyun through PAA #1045908YW Moderator-💯ModeratorI didn’t say it’s impossible. 🙂
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorAbout as often as reading Parshas Matos on an airplane, 42.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorAh, good ole Mod-80.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorCollectively, we read all of the posts, but to my knowledge, no individual moderator reads every post.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorMerck changed the way they label their files. Try this:
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorOther than deleting their comments, we can’t do that. Blocking is all or nothing.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorAlso easier to mod on the train. (lihavdil)
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorLittle Froggie and PulsingFlower, here is the official modding schedule:
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorOy Vey (that’s English for “snort”).
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWe are trying to weed out the posts which seem to mock groups of frum Yidden.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorI let your post through, but FYI, we don’t post contact information.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorLittle Froggie, we are equal opportunity offenders, not you more than anyone else.
Sure, we make mistakes, we’re humans. Please be assured, though, that we are simply trying to keep the CR a place where everyone can feel comfortable. We are probably doing a pretty good job, considering the fact that we are simultaneously being accused of being too strict and too lax.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorMy potato says it does.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorEpiepiepiepilog:
Until someone else decides to add to the story or make a sequel.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYes, and Kol Hamosif Goreia, and 73 was already taken.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThe ring size/shoe size connection is speculation, but the correlation between moderator #s and accuracy percentage is well documented.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorSorry, I missed your post. I was on a coffee break.
Do you still want it? Better latte than never.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorIs that what happened? I didn’t know why I was having these issues with my arm. My other therapist will make good use of this info, to help me with my other issues. He suspected that I was suppressing some memories.
YW Moderator-💯Moderatorwimps
oh, yeah, how ’bout an arm wrestle, tough guy?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThank you SiDi and Charlie.
I will not express an opinion on using it in shul, but I hope most can agree that if someone already has such a device, it is good to have a siddur on it for emergencies.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorShould I believe you?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorIt was not me.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorSam2, what is this app called?
YW Moderator-💯Moderator..old posters too!
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorGolfer, your post disappeared because the post it was responding to was deleted.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorCheck your email.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorTry again, if it does not work, try on a different device.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorIs it saying blocked or are you just unable to log in?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorIt’s showing unblocked on my end. Try it again.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorUnblocked. You can go back to using your old username.
Please do be more careful in the future.
We appreciate your being straightforward instead of hiding behind a new username.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorThey are easily accessible from the new thread.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYour comments, please.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorI’m sorry, I can’t see your post, there’s an annoying ad blocking it. Can you please re-post?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorLittle Froggie – let it go. You’ve been posting under this name for several months. We know what your previous names were, but we have kept your account active and are letting your posts through.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorThe fee is minimal, and for a limited time, we are waiving the shipping and handling charge.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorOne could request a name change in a post labeled “FOR MODERATOR READ ONLY – PLEASE DO NOT POST”.
Alternatively, one can create a new user name and inform us of the change so that we know not to block you.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWhat would you like to change it to?
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorYW Moderator-💯ModeratorYou are very welcome.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorBump
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorRemind me on Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheini.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorWith popa_bar_abba you never know if he’s kidding.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorMy guess would be that Haleivi is kidding.
YW Moderator-💯ModeratorMDG’s proposal has been implemented. A big Yasher Koach to the Editor, and to MDG for the idea.
January 29, 2014 1:47 pm at 1:47 pm in reply to: Anyone know of any baalei tzedaka in the Brooklyn area? #1000771YW Moderator-💯ModeratorHe is soliciting names of baalei tzedaka, not funds. However, even if someone were to give a name, we wouldn’t post it for obvious reasons.
Hatzlocha, David Bar-Magen, we hope to hear soon that your situation has improved.