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It means he was almost completely removed from all physical pleasures and from this temporary physical world. He only came out of the cave daily to get a small amount of food fron a tree growing right outside the cave and went directly back inside to continue learning Torah with his son Rav Eliezer and be completely attached to Hashem and learning Torah all the time.
During his stay in the cave he put together the Zohar of Kabbala which we still have today boruch Hashem but is only safe for certain tzaddikim on a very high level to learn.
May we all start working on ourselves on our dveikus/attachment to Hashem full time which is a direct mitzvah straight from the Torah “u’lidovka boi”
yungermanSParticipantEach person depends on their level and on how deep they can learn it to figure out which sefer is the best one for them. “Chanoch lnaar Al pi Darko”….. Ask you personal LOR who knows you personally and your level to help you figure out which one is best for you.
May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha in it
yungermanSParticipantHashem has already chosen who your zivug is for life together, 40 days before you were even born and is just waiting for you to do your part of the RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of tefilla/prayer to Hashem together with Bitachon and Emunah faith and trust in Hashem.
Now ask yourself if your doing your hishtadlus….. Cause we all know Hashem already chose your zivug 40 days before you even stepped foot into this temporary physical world.
May Hashem help you so you do your hishtadlus and can get married at the right time bkarov
yungermanSParticipantWhat do YOU think it means? We all know the truth and fact that THERE’S NO SUCH A THING AS COINCIDENCE and the fact that EVERYTHING HASHEM DOES IS FOR THE GOOD.
You and I all have the gift of free will and choice which means we can either be like fools and continue living in denial like we don’t get Hashems wake up calls to return him Hashem all as one loving nation or we can do vice versa and bring a complete stop to all horrific tragedies and an end of death to the world.
THAT’S FOR US TO DECIDE ON OUR OWN WITH THE GIFT OF FREE WILL HASHEM GAVE US but make sure you remember what thus means….. That if these tragedies and deaths continue god forbid then THERE’S NO ONE TO BLAME BUT OURSELVES cause we had and still have the power now to prevent this from happening in the future.
May 10, 2022 8:26 am at 8:26 am in reply to: My multiple personalities are fighting and it’s giving me a headache #2085141yungermanSParticipantHey to change them from multiple personalities to minus personalities this way some of them will leave you and the rest won’t get into so many fights and then you can have peace
yungermanSParticipantCan I hive you Biden and Harris together as payment and to stand in middle of the bridge watching it or ready to jump off it?
yungermanSParticipantCoffee addict
So mark them as spammers and block them from your phone from ever spamming you again in the future
yungermanSParticipantWhen i was a kid in elementary school i remember all the tragedies that R”L hit klal yisroel and shook the world up and i thought that by the time i would become Bar Mitzvah klal yisroel would have already woken up from living in denial and started facing life and reality with openly seeing Hashems non stop wake up horrific tragedies striking klal yisroel-without mentioning so many of them-and started to immediately do serious teshuva as a loving nation together so Hashem could send Mashiach and the Geula already with a complete stop to all tzaros in klal yisroel.
HOW WRONG I WAS and how sad it is that we could still today DECADES later since i was a child still be living in denial and think we can fool Hashem that we don’t get his tragic wake up calls for serious teshuva.
Hope we finally wake up now myself included together as one loving nation and do serious teshuva so Mashiach can come very soon
yungermanSParticipantEverything is completely in the hands of Hashem and it has already been decreed who will win the 2024 USA elections for presidential race and all other rulers from governors to senators etc…. But we still all have to do our part and go out to vote on election day and most importantly to remind ourselves of the truth “LEV MELOCHIM VSORIM BYAD HASHEM” ….. All rulers in the entire world are simply actors and just messengers of Hashem to act as rulers and kings but in truth Hashem is the ruler and king of kings master of the entire world and all other worlds above us.
Let us start to realize tbis
yungermanSParticipantWill any of us ever wake up and remember the honest truth that HASHEM RUNS THE ENTIRE WORLD AND IS THE KING OF KINGS and these messengers are just middlemen actors?
Remember the famous line…. Lev melochim vesorim byad Hashem……? Overall Hashem decides what Biden-and all rulers worldwide-should do in each situation and not Kamala Harris or her corrupt friends in the democratic party like we all make it sound.
I hope we all wake ourselves up from denial and start to openly see more and more that Hashem is running this tragic Russian Ukraine war and Putin is actually just a middle man actor messenger of Hashem. When the war ends is all up to Hashem and when klal yisroel wakes up to Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus as soon as possible cause we all know that there’s no such a thing as coincidence.
Have a gut moed
April 20, 2022 1:48 am at 1:48 am in reply to: Poll:how many people go back to see if their blog was posted #2078964yungermanSParticipantHow often do you go back to check on the recent post you wrote in a newsletter to see if someone else replied to you and what you wrote?
April 20, 2022 1:48 am at 1:48 am in reply to: Why haven’t the Gedolei Hador & Leaders of Klal yisroel made a zman Teshuva with #2078965yungermanSParticipantHashem is waiting for klal yisroel to come together as one loving nation to do teshuva together AND THE GEDOLEI HADOR OUR LEADERS OF TODAY’S GENERATION who guide us are the one’s responsible to bring klal yisroel together as one loving nation just like Mordechai Hatzaddik and Esther the leaders did in the story of purim.
So what are we waiting for as a loving nation? Do we C”V want any situation to get any worse then it already is in order for us to wake up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious national teshuva together as a loving nation so Hashem can finally send the geula and the coming of Mashiach bkarov?
Waiting to hear the shofar of Mashiach very soon…..
yungermanSParticipantHow about for the second person you buy him the affordable 1 volume sefer called SEFER HAMITZVOS? It goes through all 613 mitzvos explaining the laws and details of each one clearly.
I’m sure he would love such a Sefer as a gift.
yungermanSParticipantEach bakery the flour is different amounts between white and black flour that completes the making of the matza that not only changes the taste between others but also the color of it cause the flour is between black and white flour and the percentage of each and they keep changing it
April 7, 2022 7:53 am at 7:53 am in reply to: I took the 2 shots & 1 booster should i take the next one ? #2076423yungermanSParticipantYour health plus your livelihood and everything else in between is 100 percent in the hands of Hashem the king of kings ruler of the world. Turn directly to Hashem for help in your health and all other needs etc…. And stop relying on physical messengers that cannot TRUTHFULLY REALLY help you without Hashems approval. Rather they are doctors or rebbes or segulas or lawyers etc…. And instead go to the most powerful for help in anything Hashem the king of kings ruler if the world.
As a separate note Don’t forget to Thank Hashem for everything after Hashem helps you.
yungermanSParticipantWhy wouldn’t she be willing? Cause he’s too Frum for her?
Menachem: there is no Shidduch crises Hashem already has every persons zivug setup for them 40 days before they are even born forget about the fact that now in the age of dating they are already 20 years later. So the question YOU Mr Dating boy Or MRS. SEMINARY GIRL need to ask yourselves is if you’re doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of tefillos (davening to Hashem) and Bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust in Hashem)
Make a daily learning Seder in sefer Chovos Halevovos (duties of the Heart) and start working on your faith with Hashem and nay Hashem answer all your prayers
yungermanSParticipantReb Eliezer
You are so true and to the point. Sure a person needs to do their hishtadlus for everything especially for their family and parnassah but most importantly in yiddishkeit as you wrote is a persons faith and trust in Hashem and turning directly to Hashem whenever in need for help as we say every Time in bentching vdorshei Hashem…. For one who seeks out Hashem-and turns directly to Hashem instead of messengers-lacks nothing that is good.
May we all work on our Bitachon and Emunah in Hashem. May for yourself a daily learning Seder in sefer chovos Halevovos (duties of the heart)
yungermanSParticipantHashem doesn’t expect all of us to be tzaddikim on the high level of Moshe Rabbeinu or Harav Moshe Feinstein etc….
Each person is only expected and responsible to remain on his level of righteousness that Hashem has made possible for him to be and to help him complete his mission in this temporary physical world so it can bring him or her up to the true world above.
yungermanSParticipantYou bet.
You can tell from when and how often he replies in the coffee room.
Its a good parnassah.
A person is still required to do their hishtadlus rather its in their livelihood or in tefilla to Hashem for help. He can’t just sit back and say Hashem already made my entire schedule for the year on rosh Hashana so now I could just sit around and do nothing.
yungermanSParticipantAll of these acting leaders are simply messengers of Hashem to act as leaders of countrys around the world but the honest truth is that we know who us the true and real leader of the entire world from the true upper spiritual world to this temporary physical world. Hashem is the boss and ruler and already decided when a war should happen or end depending on how soon we wake up and do teshuva
Ain poranius baolam ela bishvil yisroel…… Its all on our account and could all be avoided if we stop living in denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP.
yungermanSParticipantMost people today think Pirkei Avos is full of Rabbi’s opinions but the actual truth is that their advice couldn’t be further from the truth.
What do they say in regards to riches?
Who is rich? One who is happy with his lot and portion given to him in life (even if he is poor C”V) cause if he is happy with what he has then even if you give him millions of dollars for free. He doesn’t need it cause he’s happy with his portion and lot that Hashem has blessed him with from the amount of money to the size of his family etc….yungermanSParticipantThe best thing a yid could seriously invest in is tzedaka charidy. Its an eternal investment that can’t go bad. The stocks always go up and you keep it forever and even take it with you to the true world above the olam haemes.
Can you think of a better investment to make then that?
yungermanSParticipantWww. torahanytime. com.
They have beautiful divrei Torah on every Parsha through many famous speakers. Some on video others are recorded
February 16, 2022 8:14 am at 8:14 am in reply to: Classics and Beyond Vayakhel – A Greater Catch: #2060908yungermanSParticipantWhat happened to your dvar torah for K I Sisa which is this coming weeks Parsha? We can’t just skip a week.
Trying to run away from reality of the tragic Story of the Eigel? It sadly happened already thousands of years ago and we can’t ignore it like it didn’t happen. But it’s never too late for us to continue doing teshuva for it by running away from todays Avoda Zara of Money from running after it to bowing down to it and serving it like a God and this is actually why the market crashed in 2008 and again now with inflation currently. Cause we serve money like Avoda Zara and bow down to it.
I can’t answer you Halachically cause I’m not a Rabbi all i can say is that in NY honest opinion it is very wicked and uncaring for someone to offer more money at the price of hundreds of others paying less just so they can find a quick cleaning lady without spending time searching and then it only gets worse cause then all cleaning ladies raise their prices.
yungermanSParticipantBiden is just an acting president. He’s just a direct servant for the democratic party in the white house and says whatever they tell him to say in his speeches. He even has a teleprompter.
Biden could never be a professional real president for his life. No doctor or hospital in the world can help him. The only location and solution for Biden is the Cemetery directly. Yes the same cemeteries that voted for him for president even after their dead already.
yungermanSParticipantSo lets be honest. Who’s the one that’s responsible halachically when neighbors and others offer a cleaning lady more money and she takes on the job of course to switch to the new offer job for better pay.
Who’s responsible halachically for causing the PRICE of cleaning ladies to go waaaaaay up for the entire town and not just for one person? Causing major additional expenses to families who are very tight in their budget
February 9, 2022 9:55 pm at 9:55 pm in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2059108yungermanSParticipantYesterday was a head leader Moshe Rabbeinu and Esther Hamalka yahrtzeit.
Moshe Rabbeinu is still crying to Hashem like Rochel Imeinu does daily for her loving children to bring an end to all the tzaros in klal yisroel and bring the coming of Mashiach as soon as possible.
When will we join them for our own sake to put a complete stop to all the non stop suffering in klal yisroel of hatred and horrific tragedies etc…. Are we ready yet to come together as one loving nation like we did in the story of Purim to take Hashems wake up call and do serious yeshiva and Achdus together with love so Mashiach can be sent our way already? Hashem is waiting every moment to send Mashiach down to this world to stop our non stop suffering and redeem up with the ultimate redemption. THE CHOICE IS ALL IN OUR HANDS
February 9, 2022 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2059106yungermanSParticipantHow much worse is the democracy and freedom in the USA today then before Biden became President?
yungermanSParticipantThe kiddush is this coming Shabbos in coffee addict house at 11:00Am all coffee room members invited
yungermanSParticipantCongratulations reb Eliezer
Keep up the amazing work you do posting all your beautiful Divrei Torah each week and many other posts
May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha in everything and answer all your tefillos when you call out to Hashem directly
yungermanSParticipantActually gelila is more chashuv then anything during krias hatorah including getting an aliya so in truth i think you got the better job
yungermanSParticipantHodu laHashem…. Thank you Hashem…..
I just finished saying Hallel to Hashem on both days of Rosh Chodesh Adar for everything Hashem does for each and everyone of us non stop without us even realizing it and giving Hashem the proper Thanks and praise we all owe Hashem….
But i didn’t stop there cause Thanking Hashem never stops and dovid Hamelech even made a special chapter in tehillim we all say on Shabbos of thanks to Hashem of chapter 92 where giving thanks to Hashem is on a higher level and he says IT IS GOOD TO THANK HASHEM AND TO SING TO THE HIGH SUPREME KING HASHEM RULER OF THE WORLD
I now say thank you to Hashem openly and with true faith and trust in Hashem knowing that everything Hashem does is for our very best for a recent true tragedy i have personally experienced.
And still working on recovering from.May we all say chapter 92 of tehillim with meaning and feeling of thanks and appreciation whenever we say this chapter and everyday
yungermanSParticipantThat’s because threads don’t get posted they actually get sewn by tailers and wife’s to tale care of the clothing😃😃😃😃
yungermanSParticipantI wake up each morning with my first act of the day being an act of thanking Hashem by saying Modeh Ani…. For returning my Neshama to my Body.
May we all learn to appreciate everything Hashem gives us and not take anything for granted in life
January 27, 2022 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm in reply to: people who do “property managment” for a living describe your day #2055618yungermanSParticipantMy friend does property management and told me he has to be involved in fixing issues with houses and apartment buildings etc … he manages and calling electricians or plumbers when issues come up that need repairs.
That’s also part of being a property manager he told me and its not just office and paper work
yungermanSParticipantI write this in sadness and with honesty cause i can’t believe such a special nation as us klal Yisroel could have reached so low to a level as what I’m about to write.
Today i call our daily davening which is in truth supposed to be on a level of love and thanks to Hashem for everything Hashem has and continues to give his loving children non stop but most of us just daven cause we were told to daven. Do we now at the age of already davening for 50 or somewhat years even know what the words mean in our tefillos throughout the year? A perfect parable example of what i think of our daily davening today is what if i came over to you and told you i want to say thank you to you cause my friend told me i should cause you gave me $20? What would YOU THINK OF THAT THANK YOU? almost worthless and meaningless. Honestly its completely heartless with no feeling and only cause my friend or Rabbi told me i should go thank you. WELL THAT’S WHY MOST OF US DAVEN DAILY cause we were told to daven. Do we know what the words actually mean? Or actually think and have kavana during davening?
If this is sadly our truthful situation then how can we ever expect our tefillos to be answered by our loving father and king of kings Hashem ruler of the entire world and all worlds?
May we all start davening and asking for things with truthfulness and love and then our prayers will be answered with love as we say 3x daily in Ashrei karov Hashem…… Hashem is close to all who call out to him to all those who call out with truth/wholeheartedly
yungermanSParticipantWe can’t keep it civil or it will start another civil war this time with Biden directly in the middle. We can only keep it Decaffeinated or change it completely to a cappuccino coffee room. That you get to decide
January 23, 2022 11:05 pm at 11:05 pm in reply to: Do you think we will ever stop wearing masks #2053999yungermanSParticipantIf we wake ourselves up and face reality admitting to Hashems direct wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation and start doing serious Teshuva like we all did together in the story of Purim then this terrible coronavirus Mageifa will come to a complete halt and we will not be hearing of any more deaths or need to wear masks anymore like you ask.
But with us-yes myself included-at this moment still living in denial sadly even though MILLIONS HAVE DIED-THOUSANDS OF THEM YIDDEN R”L-theres no way we can expect this coronavirus Magaifa to ever stop and it pains me to watch it still happening and watching my loving brethren just sitting living in Denial straight in front of Hadhem as he watches us from above.
May we all wake ourselves up from our serious denial sleep if we ever expect this terrible coronavirus mageifa to end and may Mashiach come to klal yisroel ASAP
yungermanSParticipantNot when it comes to the mitzvah of making Shabbos special with special food set aside only for Shabbos
yungermanSParticipantBMG or Mir Yeshiva degree in Torah is the best and also eternal that you keep with you forever
yungermanSParticipantVermont or Orlando Florida
yungermanSParticipantWhen’s the best time to go to the dentist? 2:30
(Tooth hurty)yungermanSParticipantSleep and food is not what gives a person strength. A person’s strength all comes directly from Hashem. sure a person needs to do their Hishtadlus and eat and drink and sleep but in HONEST TRUTH lets all face the truth and be honest and admit that our strength comes directly from Our loving father Hashem ruler of the world.
Its all in the person’s corrupted mind that tells him. Ahhhh i had my good Starbucks strong caffeined coffee now im good for the day and awake and alert. What would happen if you’re spouse woke you up tomorrow morning and asked you. How do you feel today? You slept longer then usually? You would say I feel much stronger. And then a minute later your spouse says no it was a mistake that was 2 days ago you got to sleep longer cause don’t you remember we had a late event last night and came home late? What would happen to you as soon as you heard that from your spouse? Your entire body and metabolism would weaken now that your corrupted mind told you that you slept the same amount of time as all nights. Showing you its all avoda Zara and all a persons strength comes directly from Hashem.
Hanosein layoeif coach……
yungermanSParticipantHashem sent him down to the world to protect the hidden during the days of the Maharal of Prague ZTL.
Consider him Hashems Malach Gavriel for that generation
May we all do Teshuva ASAP so we don’t need haters of Israel as reminders to wake up to return to Hashem with Serious Teshuva and Achdus.
yungermanSParticipantHe was a sefardi tzaddik and a big gadol hador and major anav
yungermanSParticipantToday a person can get by with living modestly and prevent themselves from dangers of dept and others if they just remember and keep to one line in life
try it for a month and see how your finances are coming along. Make yourselves a budget from every tiny expense to ALL income amounts including gifts etc… So you will HONESTLY know where your holding financially (are you just making it from paycheck to paycheck, are you able to boruch Hashem put some into saving for your daughter’s wedding? Or chas vshalom overspending on honest bills and going inti dept which requires immediate assistance so it doesn’t grow and get worse)
A financial advisor
May Hashem give everyone Hatzlacha if we do our hishtadlus and only spend our money Hashem gifted us with on NEEDS and NOT ON EXTRAS like 3 cars and 3 Vacations. There’s plenty of affordable vacations for the entire family close to home without the need to run to Florida Israel or Los Angeles Vacations
January 3, 2022 12:25 am at 12:25 am in reply to: Khaled the Shabbos goy and the terrible bloodlibel lie #2047599yungermanSParticipantKlal yisroel will always be hated by ALL the nations of the world and always try to destroy us. Like we say on Pesach night at the Seder in vhi sheamda…. All the way until the time of us waking up for serious Teshuva and Achdus to return to Hashem together and beg for the coming of Mashiach.
Lets do it now after so many generations already trying to destroy us what are we all waiting for? Do YOU think Hashem is not ready to bring us the complete geula with Mashiach coming if we just show Hashem our part of Teshuva and yearning for Mashiach?
yungermanSParticipantIm a Yungerman and as we know were ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS and related to each other-no matter how many generations back it goes- and i love every single brother and sister of mine especially those in the YWN coffee room. and have a mitzvah to love one another “vahavta lreiacha kamocha” although the letter writer is referring personally to our family brothers and sisters. I want to let you all know that here in the YWN coffee room we are all one big family and i love every single one of you.