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  • in reply to: Thanks For The Venting Space #2152332

    I don’t think this thread is allowed to be interesting as we know its against Jewish halacha law to take interest (ribbis) in anything

    in reply to: Is the Torah against venting? #2151634

    The best way to go through life keeping away from sinning and and also prevent yourself from getting into trouble is with complete silence

    in reply to: Help! #2151265

    Then seek serious help from a real professional psychologist and not from the coffee room.

    And also turn directly to Hashem for help from your heart with wholehearted tefillos

    in reply to: GAS PRICES #2150044

    Have any of us started to thank Hashem wholeheartedly since the gas prices started going down boruch Hashem?

    in reply to: Did I vanquish a troll? #2149978

    I took a chanukah stroll this morning and in the morning bumped into a YWN Troll working on himself with YWN

    in reply to: Trump Chia Pet #2149611

    And if I wouldn’t buy one does that mean Im a republican but don’t support trump? Or maybe I feel my money is worth more going to a more important charity or organization instead of rich political Trump

    Yes I am a trump supporter but I don’t know how much longer it will last.

    Corrupt Biden belongs in the cemetery and then everyone can vote for him from there.

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2148675

    Any hope for this corrupt country and the democrats? With Trump speaking today at the TU meeting is there any hope for this country? Is everybody still voting for Trump or are some republicans changing over to desantas?

    in reply to: Dealing with confusing relationships #2147564

    Turn the day over and start a fresh day schedule the next day like it never happened and move on in life showing your friends in class that your older and more mature than them.

    in reply to: Jewish Might #2144203


    Good so for help in everything you listed becoming wise,
    strong, Humble and healthy like Moshe Rabeinu our leader, turn directly to our loving father Hashem king of kings ruler of the entire world for help and not to your calories or other food to try to convince you that it gives you strength when we all know that in truth our strength really comes directly from Hashem like we thank Hashem for it every morning. Like Sam Klein Wrote earlier.

    in reply to: Does Hashem Want Us to Survive? #2143495


    What is the famous line we are all aware of in klal yisroel together?

    “All of klal yisroel is responsible for one another…..”

    Let’s stop living in denial and think we can fool Hashem that we don’t get the shocking wake up calls sent directly from Hashem above. Hashem is ready to send Mashiach as soon as we FACE REALITY and accept the wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus together ASAP.

    Mashiach could’ve came already many generations ago and even prevented the Holocaust from happening all together in the first place if we just wake up and return to Hashem with serious teshuva and achdus together ASAP like we did in the story of Purim.

    May it happen very soon that we greet Mashiach and the Bais Hamikdosh bkarov.

    in reply to: Does Hashem Want Us to Survive? #2143167

    Reb Eliezer

    So why aren’t we all together as one loving nation working on coming together on all from frum to frei to chassidish to reform etc….. For Serious teshuvav and AHAVAS CHINAM
    so Hashem can accept our sincere teshuva already and send Mashiach already? What are we waiting for? Why are we living in denial and not waking ourselves up already?

    Let’s make a time for all of klal yisroel together for serious teshuva and achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

    in reply to: 2024 predictions #2143168

    Coffee addict

    Where does it say what you posted?

    in reply to: 2024 predictions #2142791

    No one besides a Navi Holy and direct messenger from Hashem can predict the future of this country or who will win the elections which actually yes Hashem already has chosen and knows who the winners are even before anyone has started to vote yet.

    We have not had any Neviim prophets of Hashem for thousands of years already since the last ones who were knows as Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi.

    Perhaps once we all get together as one loving nation and do serious Teshuva then Hashem will restore prophecy and the bringing of Mashiach with the rebuilding of the Bais hamikdosh bkarov and then we will get to personally meet Hashems Neviim prophets who for thousands of years gave over the devar Hashem directly from Hashem to klal yisroel whenever Hashem sent them to give it

    in reply to: Today Kherson has been liberated #2142190

    How many countries will need to join this war God forbid to wake us up from denial and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus together as soon as possible before things get worse God forbid and this turns into a WWIII???

    why don’t we just wake ourselves up already? Do we think we can fool Hashem our loving father and King of kings ruler of the entire world? Don’t we all know the honest truth and facts a) there’s no such a thing as coincidence and this horrific war is actually coming directly from our loving father Hashem? b)ain poranius baolam ela bishvil yisroel…. Which means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens around the entire world that is not on the account and on behalf of klal yisroel….. Don’t we all know these facts and realize this? we’re not fools and can’t fool Hashem. Bit actually vise versa a person is a fool himself if he thinks he can fool Hashem in anything…..

    Let’s start waking ourselves up to reality already and see that this war and every step in it is all coming directly from Hashem waiting for us to wake up and accept his call for serious teshuva and achdus together as soon as possible.

    in reply to: Today Kherson has been liberated #2138266

    My friend last week went to visit the Gaza strip in the middle east last week and was shocked to not be able to find even one Walmart store all over there and then asked his Israeli friend why he can’t locate any Walmart store and go shopping? So his friend told him cause there’s a Target on every corner….

    in reply to: Meikil=Less Religious? #2136356


    there is a famous line in yiddishkeit called “oisek bmitzvah, potur min hamitzvah”…. When a person is busy occupied with a mitzvah he is free from doing other mitzvos but that doesn’t give him a right to throw away the entire Torah cause now currently he’s busy doing a mitzvah……

    in reply to: Has it Been that Bad(Midterm Edition)? #2136295

    As bad as Obama was in doing his job as president. Biden is wayyyyyyy worse doing his job like a machine.

    That’s probably why they said he’s for’Biden’ from entering the white in the first place to be president.

    in reply to: Meikil=Less Religious? #2135650


    Each person gets rewards in the true world above only on the level of what is EXPECTED on his level of frumkeit from the way he grew up to his surroundings etc…..

    Hashem doesn’t say you weren’t a tzaddik like Harav Chaim Kanievsky ZTL so you get no reward at all cause You weren’t expected to be such a tzaddik during your entire life only the exact level Hashem made you like. And that’s what we are all responsible for as parents and rabbonim etc…. Each according to their level exactly is what they get rewarded for upstairs and what they are held responsible for on their level.

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2135631


    Our dor of today’s generation is a wonderful dor of bnei Torah learning all day and keeping the Torah BUT why in today’s generation are we LIVING IN DENIAL? when Hashem sadly repeatedly has to keep sending us tragic horrific wake up calls for serious teshuva like Sam wrote. When all these horrific wake up calls can be avoided in the first place if we got together as one nation doing teshuva and begging Hashem to send Mashiach already

    in reply to: Meikil=Less Religious? #2135606

    It’s not always better to be stricker in the halacha if it will cost you your shalom bayis and Marriage C”V if the issue your currently dealing with at hand is not a serious sin that for the sake of shalom bayis and saving your marriage you can give in to going to a certain location you usually prefer not to go to or keep Shabbos only until 72 instead of 90 minutes after sunset cause that’s how your spouse grew up keeping Shabbos if it will save your marriage over 18 minutes and no actual serious chillul Shabbos C”V

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2134949

    Let’s straighten ourselves out finally and all remember that Hashem runs the entire world…..

    in reply to: Can we please fix the Coffee Room? #2134950


    obviously we know that a person never takes on any additional tasks in life until first making sure to take care of themselves and their family completely and then they can offer to do all the amazing chessed for others and bring zechusim for klal yisroel.

    in reply to: History is History #2132260

    Everything that happens daily in the world is never a accident.
    … cause we all know the truth that “THERE’S NO SUCH A THING AS COINCIDENCE” everything has a plan and reason directly from Hashem. Yes that’s Correct that Hitler Yemach shimam. Was Hashems direct messenger for the Holocaust R”L which we should have all woken up to Hashem wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus before the Holocaust happened….

    So are righteous people and leaders Hashems messengers too. Each one with their own mission at the right time.

    in reply to: Hashanah Rabba – The Last Day of Judgement for the Individual #2131435

    The entire year is always a good time and never too late for a person to wake themselves up to doing teshuva and begging forgiveness directly from Hashem.

    Yes these days listed above of the yomim noraim are definitely more powerful days set up directly by Hashem as days for doing serious teshuva and returning to Hashem.

    Even today THOUSANDS of years later it’s never too late for us to come together and do serious teshuva for the Eigel and for the Sinas Chinam that caused the bais Hamikdosh to be destroyed R”L

    in reply to: Ripping the letters on heimish candy on Shabbos #2131437

    You can open them before Shabbos and place them in a Ziploc bag for freshness or just avoid them for one day a week altogether and avoid the entire issue

    in reply to: 84 years-old Shulamit Ovadia just went shopping for Yom Tov… #2127613

    Let me let you in on a secret from the bnei yishmael side of the story…. Just like we have a mitzvah to destroy Amalek…. So too the Palestinians bnei yishmael believe they have a commandment to destroy Jews cause there’s a passuk in their bible that says “there’s a rock behind you kill him” they are raised from birth to believe that the word rock in that sentence is referring to a Jew.

    in reply to: Anxious parents before Yontef #2127550

    Were all supposed to go into the new year shaking in fear if what Hashems decree of life will be for each person for the upcoming year. As we say in unesaneh tokef….. On rosh Hashana its written and on yom Kippur its sealed in Heaven…… Who will live and who will C”V be niftar……. BUT TESHUVA AND PRAYERS AND CHARITY CAN TEAR UP THE HEAVENLY DECREE……

    so what are we all waiting for?….. Lets start all together immediately as a union of a loving nation together doing serious teshuva and Achdus so we can all be forgiven by Hashem and be granted a life of health and happiness ahead. But we need to also do more serious teshuva to be deemed worthy for Hashem to send us Mashiach already in this time of horrific tragedies in the midst of klal yisroel R”L

    lets all start now in the few days we have left before rosh Hashana and may Hashem accept and answer all our prayers

    in reply to: 5t vs Teaneck- what’s better? #2127548

    Much easier to live in one town of teaneck then live in 5 towns at the same time and stay focused on all the issues of all 5 towns.

    in reply to: Stem or not? #2126102

    There’s a sefer composed abd written by a tzaddik filled with all of the minhagim in klal yisroel and the reasons behind each minhag also written in English that can be found in stores today i just forgot the name of the sefer but if you do some research or ask someone who works in a judaica store im sure they would be able to guide tou straight to this sefer listing hundreds to thousands maybe of minhagim in klal yisroel and the reasons behind where each come from.

    in reply to: Let’s all do some introspection! #2126099

    We should each be doing introspection on a daily basis and not just only when were approaching rosh Hashana and during the days of Teshuva in Elul

    in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2123177

    Wow i can’t believe its already 9/11 again and 21 years later since the tragedy shook the world and the entire klal yisroel with thousands of lives lost relating directly to Tisha bav the day of both bais Hamikdosh were destroyed among many other tragedies that also happened on that day. All reminding us to return to Hashem together with serious Teshuva and Achdus so Hashem can send Mashiach to bring us the Geula and rebuild us the 3rd bais Hamikdosh.

    I hope today’s tragic day of 9/11 relating to Tisha Bav will be enough to accept Hashems wake up call so Hashem can send us Mashiach already

    in reply to: Thank you for your love, best wishes and prayers #2121991


    May her neshama have an aliya

    in reply to: Where is Moshe Kleinerman? Take on something!! #2121990

    I pray that we all wake ourselves up from denial and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva together as one loving nation. Cause we all know the truth that “there’s no such a thing as coincidence” and everything Hashem does has a reason and direct message relating to Hashems loving children klal yisroel.

    Lets all FACE REALITY and remind ourselves the famous fact “AIN PORANIUS BAOLAM ELA BSHVIL YISROEL”….. nothing just happens by accident in the world. And Hashem is waiting to return him to us as soon as we call out wholeheartedly that were ready with serious Teshuva.

    in reply to: Goodbye Fauci, Democrat Operative, Destroyer of America #2119282

    Thanks for the millions of Americans dead due to the coronavirus Pandemic

    Now go to sleep in the cemetery beside Biden and Harris

    in reply to: Best Cell Phone Service in Lakewood?? #2117509

    Probably Verizon from whenever i stop in Lakewood with different service phones. Although Lakewood residents might say that in some specific locations the Verizon service is bad but overall for the entire town coverage I think Verizon has the best service from my years of experience

    in reply to: Will Trump ever go to jail? #2116765

    Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden should first be locked up in prison behind bars way before Donald Trump

    Welcome to the corrupt world and corrupt government your living in sadly. Wake yourselves up to the truth of what is REALLY GOING ON

    in reply to: It takes one to know one #2116222

    If your looking for real trolls I suggest you find them on google or in the lost and found

    in reply to: Are you ever wrong #2116221

    We all know the famous line of “we all make mistakes” and another famous line “no one is perfect”

    This is why Hashem created something very special called TESHUVA even before the entire world was created. Cause the world can’t exist without making up for our mistakes and confessing to them.

    If anyone thinks their always right and never wrong then they are wrong in that fact just mentioned above.

    in reply to: Mesorah and Levush #2115162

    If a person wants to take upon himself an additional minhag that his parents don’t hold of cause their not as serious as him religious wise he can add what he wants and move up in life.

    So you think it’s an insult if your father doesn’t wear a gartel and you decide to start wearing one? Is your father going to even know or see you wearing it? Which orthodox parent would get upset if their child decides to take upon himself additional minhagim that they don’t keep but he wants to be more serious and orthodox then them? Maybe reform Jewish parents won’t like or allow it but a regular orthodox Jew should be proud that their child wants to improve in their religion.


    Can we please stop this Sinah/hatred amongst us here in the coffee room immediately and amongst all of klal yisroel as a merit for what were all waiting for what this letter is about. The rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdosh and the bringing of Mashiach speedily in our days.

    Thank you everyone for showing Hashem our love for one another and making ourselves the generation to be worthy of the coming of Mashiach in our days bkarov

    in reply to: shabbos nachamu 2022 #2113302

    We can still all be in Jerusalem before shabbos nachamu if we IMMEDIATELY wake ourselves up from living in denial and return straight to Hashem as one loving nation with serious teshuva and Achdus ASAP.

    in reply to: Roshei Hayeshiva #2113145

    Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky

    in reply to: Music on Tisha B’Av videos #2112931

    Its just a few seconds of sound between speakers before the next speaker arrives to start speaking but usually its not full songs with words


    May we all start to love all our brethren from all over and in that merit may Hashem send the geula and Mashiach very soon

    in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #2112738

    I respect chassidim for being more religious then other levels of Judaism

    in reply to: 1914/1939 2.0 #2112322


    We say every year on Pesach “vhi sheamada…..” EVERY GENERATION there will always be nations rising up against the Jews….. But Hashem is always watching us and saves us from them

    in reply to: Oak of Mamre and other Torah Sites #2112319

    Mordechai and Esther today are still currently buried in Iran with the government allowing visitors to the site.

    Just in the last decade they have recently been trying to bring their kevorim to Israel with no Success. Hashem will decide when they should be brought to Israel.

    May we all do Teshuva very soon so we can all greet Mordechai and Esther live and well together with Mashiach

    in reply to: Bein Hametzarim Trivia Question #2111165

    All 3 weeks will be a time of happiness and serving Hashem with the Bais Hamikdosh rebuilt IYH bkarov….. As soon as we wake up to serious teshuva and Achdus ASAP as one loving nation together and call out to our loving father Hashem wholeheartedly begging for the coming of Mashiach already.

    I.e. nothing just happens from just sitting around and davening for something we need to go to the true level of YEARNING for the coming of Mashiach and rebuilding of the 3rd Bais Hamikdosh.

    in reply to: Ah Gutten Chodesh MENACHEM Av! #2110158

    As soon as klal yisroel brings back the ahavas chinam and removes from the entire nation this terrible sinas chinam among us-which is the reason why the second bais hamikdosh was destroyed-the 3rd Bais Hamikdosh will be rebuilt and last forever with the coming of Mashiach bkarov.

    But until then how can we expect Mashiach to come when the sinas chinam-baseless hatred-today is worse then in the days of the second bais hamikdosh that was destroyed because of it?

    Any serious honest answers or suggestions?

    Im hoping we can finally wake up and FACE REALITY and bring back this ahavas chinam amongst all of klal yisroel so Mashiach can come already. Cause there’s no one to blame but ourselves causing us to remain in this suffering terrible galus when it could’ve ended a long time ago if we only woke up and removed the sinas chinam from amongst us.

    in reply to: Talmeidei Chachamim with kids not like them #2109667

    Parents have a job of being rope models to their children 24-7.

    When parents are doing their jobs as role models without telling their children so you see what I’m doing as a parent and how I do it? …… No that’s not true role modeling but actually what i would call chinuch. Honest role modeling is when a parent does something nice for someone or helps in the house and the children see and watch what their parent is doing when they know its completely not that parent’s responsibility but he’s doing it to help. That’s called great role modeling ad a parent and a kiddush Hashem and can make his children into genuine Torah scholars when they grow up..

    May we all be great role models to everyone watching us and always make a kiddush Hashem in everything we do

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