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  • in reply to: Cholent for a crowd #2192165

    Add a spoonful of your personal touch and warmth with a taste of the YWN coffee room inside it and they will always come back for more

    in reply to: Day of unity #2191170

    Lets all start loving each other and all our brothers and sisters in klal yisroel and remove this Sinas chinam amongst all of us and then Hashem can bring us closer to the coming of Mashiach already bkarov


    It’s our great loss of such a tzaddik and boruch Hashem since he was Niftar hes in a much better place being upstairs in the true world above.

    May his neshama have an aliya

    If we all do teshuva together as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness then we will very soon be able to greet the Mattesdorfer Rav together with Mashiach speedily

    in reply to: A world before and a world after #2189892

    We want more people to learn and openly see that Hashem runs the entire world and everything is in his power of the final outcome of what will happen. And once that happens we will stop having faith in humans or money etc…. And put our complete faith and trust in Hashem directly. And then we will never lack anything anymore. Wouldn’t YOU love to have ALL your needs taken care of from beginning to end? Then start working on your complete Bitachon and Emunah in Hashem directly and then you will not lack anything anymore and become the happiest person around as we say in Tehillim chapter 34 at the end of bentching “Vdorshei Hashem lo yachsiru chol tov” which means for one who seeks out Hashem directly wholeheartedly lacks nothing that is good.

    in reply to: An Impossible Wish #2189441

    Well today you have already reached into your 40s in age. But what you are blessed and fortunate to realize while your still young is something that 90 percent of the world is not lucky like you to realize and that is the FACT OF “HOW LIFE GOES BY IN AN INSTANT” quicker than you can ever imagine. We go from holiday to the next holiday and even count the days of sefira and before you know it you can’t believe that we are already blowing the Shofar again and a full year has gone by and is gone forever.

    Hashem doesn’t just say that this yid will live until 108 and this yid until 102 or 97 etc….. Every day and hour of a persons life is a decree from above that the person should live another day “Uvacharta Vachaim” you should choose life and value every minute of it and don’t take any of it for granted……

    May we all stop taking life for granted and appreciate every day and hour of our life we are given to live by Hashem and use our time to serve Hashem and the Torah

    in reply to: Caffeinated versus decaffeinated #2189439

    All suffering a person goes through while living in this temporary physical world is either as a test of faith directly from Hashem or a punishment to get already in this physical world then need to C”V wait and be punished in the true world above after going through bais din shel maalah.

    Hashem gives us time in this world hoping that the person will do sincere teshuva and can get his punishment for doing the sin removed from him. This is how we know that Hashem first created this gift of Teshuva before even creating the entire world cause the world can’t stay alive running without the chance to do teshuva and start working fresh again. Like we all do every Yom Kippur.

    in reply to: Is “The” Yeshiva world news” some sort of Instagram? #2189437

    All news is directly hacked from Julia Assange account in prison

    in reply to: Lag baomer hadlaka #2188972

    Did you ever try the hadlaka of the Simcha of learning Torah?
    If you start trying it and work on yourself you can make your way up in levels from Torah to SIMCHAS HATORAH the level where learning Torah gives you Simcha (this is the highest level and level of the Gedolei Hador)

    in reply to: Who is my government working for? #2188794

    Hashem runs the entire world and all the rulers from each country are just messengers assigned to act as rulers and powerful but we all know the truth that Hashem our loving father and king of kings is ruler of the entire world.

    Did you forget the famous Jewish line…
    “Lev melochim vesorim byad Hashem”…..

    in reply to: Not for Women Only #2187379

    May Hashem send you a speedy recovery and may Hashem always keep you healthy

    in reply to: Am I missing something? #2186906

    Perhaps keep on saying Tehillim every minute as his situation can be very serious and “Teshuva, Tzedaka and Tefillah can rip up the evil decree”…..

    in reply to: Hashem #2186494

    1)learn sefer Derech Hashem which they have in English too. To learn more about Hashem and his ways from all angels.

    2)Hashem is the king of kings ruler of the entire world.

    3)for the best help in all your needs from physical to spiritual ruchnius needs etc…. Turn directly to Hashem our loving father and king of kings ruler of the world for help versus turning to a middleman messenger rather its a rebbe, segulah, doctor or any other middleman messenger as we say in bentching from Tehillim chapter 34 “for someone who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good”

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2186490

    As long as we are still sadly lacking in the most important part of helping Mashiach come already by lacking in the “TZIPISA LYESHUA” then we have a long time to go until Hashem answers us and sends us the geula with Mashiach already bkarov.

    Let’s not fool ourselves we are so happy today in the technology physical and pleasure world Hashem gave us with Tesla cars and all our needs taken care of directly by Hashem that we can never give this fancy life up so we can attach ourselves closer to Hashem and the Torah.

    When we ALL TOGETHER AS ONE LOVING NATION show Hashem our YEARNING FOR MASHIACH then Hashem will send the ultimate geula with Mashiach speedily immediately

    May it all happen very soon

    in reply to: Shabbos dips #2185016


    Dill dip and we make a bigga dilla out of it. Lol

    in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184140

    They called the booster shot “the chazaratz Hashatz”

    in reply to: reb shayala brother #2184038

    In klal yisroel we are all related to each other. Its just a matter of how. From which side of your family and how many generations back.

    Love all your brothers and sisters in klal yisroel

    in reply to: The official ASK Chat GPT ANYTHING thread!!! #2181839

    Why is Mashiach not here yet?

    Why is today’s generation living in denial instead of being human beings and FACING REALITY when any issue in life arises?

    in reply to: Why BDE #2180588

    How about a little more respectful for a tzelem elokim? Can’t we take an extra five seconds to write Boruch Dayan Haemes when it comes to a priceless human being that C”V just left the world and is gone forever until we as one loving nation do serious Teshuva and Achdus to bring Mashiach already and then everyone will be blessed to have Techiyas Hameisim.

    May it all happen very soon.

    in reply to: I have to say, It hurts me. It really does. #2180397

    Do the best and smartest thing for your situation. Turn directly to the source-HASHEM the king of kings and master healer of all sickness-and ask Hashem wholeheartedly to please heal you directly speedily, cause YOU know that really everything is all the doing of Hashem our loving father. And Only Hashem is in the power to really heal you or anyone else in need of a speedy recovery.

    Yes we all have to do our Histadlus in life but when a person truly puts his bitachon and Emunah (faith and trust) in Hashem then he lacks nothing and lives a life with no worry’s or fear as we say at the end of Bentching “V’dorshei Hashem lo Yachsiru Chol Tov” which means for ones who seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing that is good.

    May Hashem send you a speedy recovery

    in reply to: See the Big Picture! #2176898

    Can someone help me see the big picture?

    Why do all the chumashim in the world say that this week’s parshas tzav has tzav 96 pesukim (sentences) as its siman to remember how many sentences it has WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAS one more 97 sentences?’

    Anyone who can give me a honest answer is greatly appreciated

    in reply to: Why did the Brisker Rav zt”l call giving brachos “shtusim”? #2175954

    Because its much more powerful To go directly to the source Hashem our loving father for help then to go through messengers. Yes there is a famous line called “tzaddik gozer Hashem mekayaim” which means when a righteous man calls out to Hashem then Hashem always answers his call BUT the power of turning directly to Hashem the source is way more powerful. A person can call out wholeheartedly to Hashem in any language at any time as we say from Tehillim every time we bench after a meal “Vdorshei Hashem lo yachsiru chol tuv” which means for one that seeks out Hashem directly lacks nothing.

    Lets all remember this and work on our faith and trust in Hashem our loving father and king of kings ruler of the world

    in reply to: See the Big Picture! #2175240

    Sam Klein

    What’s today’s message of seeing the big picture? You haven’t posted anything the last few days.

    I’m always waiting for your uplifting messages
    They really are shocking

    in reply to: Bump #2173417

    Can you bump some of the other chats that have fallen down from a long time ago

    in reply to: How to do teshuva for breaking shabbos? #2173418

    He can also do teshuva by either starting the shabbos earlier then the regular time as a zchus for previous weeks being mechalel shabbos or keep shabbos longer as a sign of sincere teshuva to Hashem.

    in reply to: How to do teshuva for breaking shabbos? #2173407

    Solutions to solve the issue

    1)he can go to the hospital before shabbos and just wait in case he panics and needs the hospital c”v this is the best way he can avoid the entire chillul shabbos issue

    2)pekuach nefesh is docheh shabbos and chillul shabbos is allowed if his life health is in danger even if it happens all the time c”v

    May he have installed in him serious faith and trust in Hashem and then he will never have any more panic attacks and may Hashem only grant him health forever

    in reply to: Kollel life with no parental support #2173129

    How are we doing in this chat since a year ago when I last wrote to advise everyone to live on one thing and it will make your life more affordable


    please let me know as a financial advisor if there’s any way I can help you and advise you to make your family and Kollel life more affordable and enjoyable so you or your spouse can remain in learning for longer.

    Perhaps a spiritual step is to make a daily learning seder together of Chovos halevovos which is made in English also as Duties of the heart.

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2165659

    Hashem created different creatures for different planets.
    Human beings were created and made to live on earth until their physical temporary mission down here is complete and their ready for the true olam haemes world above us in Hashems presence. With this being the fact and truth. What happened when yidden tried going to other planets not made for physical human beings? BOTH Rocket ships that blew up & killed everyone on board ( Shuttle Columbia with Israeli & Shuttle of 1986 with a lady ) had jews on it. What is Hashem’s message from this? Hashem says i put you here on Earth to do your job don’t go to another planet & try to see other worlds.

    Versus demons and animals etc … were made to live in the forest and on other planets and it’s completely normal for their humanity and living daily and are able to stay alive on these other planets or live in the forest or in the ocean like the fish live in at all times.

    May we all be happy on earth where Hashem placed us to live to complete our mission in life. And not try going to places where we don’t belong going to.

    in reply to: WANTED — Looking to Hire Immediately #2160658

    Contact Alon Musk Directly. He has a large space crew available in his own spacex company to work for you

    in reply to: Shavo a’tov #2160102

    You might be able to find your lost mind on your computer recycle bin on Motzei Shabbos after relaxing the entire Shabbos.

    in reply to: Arrogance at its best! #2160105


    All other ruler’s from politicians to Rabbonim to Judges etc….. Are just middlemen actors and direct messengers from Hashem to do their temporary mission down here in this temporary physical world.


    in reply to: Trump in 2024 #2159771

    No matter who ends up winning the presidential election in 2024 Hashem runs the entire world and it’s just a question of who will be the messenger/actor for Hashem to make it look like he’s running the USA but we all know the truth that it has already been decided by Hashem who will win the physical presidential election year in 2024.

    So if the above is the honest truth then why do we even need to go out and vote? Ever heard of something called HISHTADLUS? we all need to do our part and also something called “ain somchin al Hanais” which means we can’t just sit back and depend on Miracles when it comes to ANY situation in life from livelihood to government elections to a persons health etc…..

    Lets all remember this and start to turn directly to Hashem whenever we need anything in our lives including success in upcoming presidential election’s

    in reply to: BIG PROBLEM NEED HELP!! #2159462

    Make a statue that looks like you and let your dog use that for chewing or try a soft fluff statue that looks like you for him to chew on and soon he will learn the difference between you as a human being and his chewing statues

    in reply to: Hi #2158493


    Biden Even lower
    And heading underground with his friends in the cemetery

    in reply to: expensive foods #2158382

    Time for us to wake up and FACE REALITY

    When it comes to financial management start to live more by remembering one sentence and going by it.


    sure we can all enjoy a date out to the restaurant but to go out just to Have a steak is called crazy. Sure we all can use a vacation after a long hard year of work or learning and have a nice time with our family BUT there’s no need to travel all the way to Israel or even to Florida etc…. You can go to closer to home like Pennsylvania if your from the east coast and your family won’t even know the difference versus Florida and enjoy many places there much closer to home and MORE AFFORDABLE by FACING REALITY.

    we can’t live with three cars and go on three vacations every year and then be surprised when we are causing ourselves to go into debt if we don’t know how to FACE REALITY and make a budget of everything from income to expenses so you will know at the end of the year where you are holding financially. Are you Boruch Hashem just making it through or even putting away into savings account money for a future child’s wedding or vice versa going into debt C”V?

    A financial advisor

    in reply to: Are guns allowed to be carried on shabbos? #2158384

    Ask your local Orthodox Rabbi. Cause the Coffee Room is not a place to ask serious religious Halachic questions.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday! #2157696

    Happy birthday Reb Eliezer

    May Hashem Bless you with many more years of health and happiness ahead.

    in reply to: Global warming #2156424

    Hashem runs the entire world and chooses the weather for every City and country around the world and can make the weather be so hard to believe when it’s supposed to be so much colder etc…..

    in reply to: Stupid Planes #2156367

    Where did your plane land?
    In Israel or on top of the white house or in Iran?

    in reply to: Sitting on info #2156365

    The democrats want to change this free country into a communist country like China and take away all our freedoms and rites.

    Don’t let it come to that and only vote for Republican

    in reply to: why is everyone arrested called a suspect? #2155160

    Which way is justice served?
    “Innocent until Proven guilty” or vice versa “guilty until Proven innocent”?

    Is it run the same way in Israel?

    What about in Bais Din? Which BTW today doesn’t handle with life and death cases?

    in reply to: Stupid Planes #2154532

    Instead of being so fancy. Why don’t you just stick with simple and plane which leads to humility and the road to greatness.

    in reply to: Stupid Planes #2154379

    I pray that you’re on a plane to the holy land and remain there forever.

    in reply to: Speakerless #2154113

    Hashem is the SPEAKER for the white house, for the United States and for the entire world and also the KING OF KINGS RULER OF THE ENTIRE WORLD. have we forgotten this and need to be sent a reminder directly from Hashem?

    Another fact for all of us to remind ourselves is that Hashem has already chosen who will be the winner of the 2024 Presidential election results

    Hopefully we won’t need to go through these elections and will Have already woken up to Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and achdus and Hashem sending Mashiach already bkarov before Elections 2024

    in reply to: Pcs in Lakewood #2154114

    They are an amazing program and also help out people with finding jobs even if you don’t take their courses.

    Keep up your amazing avodas Hakodesh Professional Career Services and may Hashem always give you Hatzlacha.

    in reply to: Let’s all argue about something stupid this time #2154116

    People boruch Hashem have a life with a schedule and uave more important things to do them to write about socks and other things just to chat.

    Go onto a chatting site if you want to spend YOUR time chatting with others BUT PLEASE DON’T WASTE OTHER PEOPLE’S PRECIOUS TIME when they have their own responsibilities to take care of.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    in reply to: When should bochurim start dating? #2153487


    Pirkei avos says the correct proper age to get married is 18

    What makes 23 the best age for litvishe bochrim to get married?

    in reply to: Telshe Cleavland or Chicago #2153402

    Depends if you want to wind through the gemara quickly with just learning bekiyus like a windy city of Chicago or learn more serious and deep beiyun learning then Cleveland Telz is for you.

    May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha whichever Yeshiva you end up going to.

    No fights in these serious yeshivas only Shalom

    in reply to: When should bochurim start dating? #2153406

    There’s no set official age.

    The correct age is when each bochur feels mature and responsible for marriage and everything it involves then he should start dating. Cause in truth Hashem already has his zivvug waiting for him from 40 days before he was even born.

    in reply to: Differences between newspapers and Jewish news sites #2153048

    Cause when its on a website its looked at for a second and then you pass down and read the news about it. But when its in a newspaper then the picture of a lady etc…. Keeps getting looked at on the fill page newsletter about her etc…. And any children can open up to that page and chas vshalom have major negative effects on their chinuch and yiddishkeit etc…..

    in reply to: Kol Nidre & New Years #2153033

    If you make any new year resolutions and don’t keep to them, then you’ll be mevater them by hataras nedarim before Rosh Hashanah

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