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Currently their sewing machines are broken so they have to do it by hand with threads
December 16, 2024 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm in reply to: YWN Chutzpah! Ignoring Levaya of HaRav Asher Deutch #2342098yungermanSParticipantSome tzaddikim choose to go in the ways of humility even after their niftar with requesting no hespedim at their funeral and also not to post them and about their Torah life in the media or newspaper even after they’re niftar
yungermanSParticipantAnd what does Dovid Hamelech say?
In ashrei which we all say 3 times a day. Karov Hashem…….
Which means for the entire sentence “call out wholeheartedly to Hashem and then you will be answered cause Hashem is close to those who call out wholeheartedly begging for help”November 21, 2023 8:59 pm at 8:59 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2241457yungermanSParticipantBottom line is that whatever the outcome is when presidential election’s 2024 are over is that we all need to remember that Hashem runs the entire world and all decisions made by all levels of leaders from politicians to rabbonim to askonim to local leaders are really all made by Hashem directly. LEV MELOCHIM VESORIM BYAD HASHEM……
yungermanSParticipantSo at the end of the day lets get the honest true answer.
WHY DO MUSLIMS HATE JEWS? Anyone know? Anyone is welcome to let everyone know what they think the real reason is and why there’s so much antisemitism among Muslims hate more then Christians.
The honest true answer: just like us Jews believe directly from the Torah that we have a mitzvah to destroy Amalek. In the Muslim bible there’s a sentence that says “there’s a ROCK behind you kill him” Muslims are raised to believe that the word ROCK refers to a Jew and they have a direct commandment from their bible to kill Jews.
As an additional note, this is also why there are so many suicide bombers in the Muslims. Cause what do they have to lose a)they get money from the government for being a suicide bomber b)they believe their doing their avoda Zara g-ds will and c)they also get to kill Jews. The question is not on the suicide bomber but actually on the parent how they can give up such a precious child
yungermanSParticipantIf a person is going to be interested in something valuable than let them be interested in the priceless gift Hashem gave us of the Torah and all the details of every single word of it, which is priceless and not just paintings and touring of historical buildings etc….
yungermanSParticipantBARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES:
Another Gadol hador has just left the world and was a father to all of us. Leaving us all behind and all yesomim losing such a tzaddik in klal yisroel.
The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, HaRav Chai Yitzchak Twerski ZT”L.Maybe if we just take a few seconds extra to give the proper respect for tzaddikim who devoted their entire life to Torah and klal yisroel-by writing it in full instead of just in short BDE-then Hashem will stop taking away these holy tzaddikim from us.
May his neshama have an aliya.
yungermanSParticipantDeep inside gemara learning seder with lots of meforshim also included
Very sad to see more communities going down towards the physical pleasures of this temporary world and throwing away the true ruchnius life we should all be living….
Cleveland and Detroit are still at least 15 to 20 years behind Lakewood in the life of gashmius and pleasures between these places. So at least in Cleveland they can be raised a more Frum Torah life then in Lakewood NJ with all the gashmius there.
yungermanSParticipantIt’s very sad to see people living this fantasy life full of unnecessary extras and then everyone wants to know why they have no money to pay their bills for important things when its needed. Like making a family Simcha costs a lot of money or if you really NEED to buy a new used car cause the one you have now is about to die. THESE ARE NEEDS and not extras.
Did you ever think about thinking about the future ahead of time instead of only thinking about now this minute???? Maybe as a responsible mature adult its time to think about you and your family future ahead and not only about today.
August 11, 2023 11:51 am at 11:51 am in reply to: Shidduchim Between Litvish Girls and Chasidish Boys #2215297yungermanSParticipantDamoshe
So your saying that Litvish with their minhagim are holier then chassidim? Cause then that would be going up in kedusha. However I think most people will tell you that chassidim are more serious in their yiddishkeit then Litvish and if that’s true then it would be going down in kedusha.
yungermanSParticipantSo I guess this time you didn’t have a window seat, cause then you wouldn’t have been between two people.
Go into a shul and put yourself between two learned talmidei chachomim and learn from their ways.
July 26, 2023 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2211407yungermanSParticipantIf we all removed the sinas chinam from amongst all of us rhen everyone in the YWN coffee room can meet together in Jerusalem at the Bais hamikdosh from @CTLawyer in Connecticut to Gadol hador and Reb eliezer etc…. And everyone else in between with love and unity returned to klal yisroel wouldn’t that be amazing? Isn’t now the best time to start working on it immediately?
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon in Jerusalem with the rebuilding of the Bais hamikdosh very soon and Mashiach speedily in our days
yungermanSParticipantEveryone is invited to read the sefer in English called
“Rite (Minhag) and Reason”
It’s a sefer filled with hundreds of all the minhagim in klal yisroel and the reason behind each one. If you read it then you will clearly know that nothing was just made up or stupid or because a Rebba just decided to do it etc…..Then you won’t have any more questions on the minhagim in klal yisroel no matter what kind of yid you are from Aschkenaz to Syrian Jews as Sefardim to Israelis etc…..
July 25, 2023 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2210976yungermanSParticipantChris Christie just finished his Doctors checkup appointment and was told he currently weighs 425 pounds, so he asked the doctor if he can change it over to American dollars so he can pay the doctor for his appointment with it.
July 23, 2023 12:36 am at 12:36 am in reply to: YNet study: “Wikipedia editors distort the history of the Holocaust” #2210250yungermanSParticipantSo why don’t you sue them at Wikipedia and press charges against them?
As soon as klal yisroel starts doing what you wrote that most of us today are sadly lacking and it’s the most important part of helping bring Mashiach speedily in our days.
Were missing the YEARNING FOR MASHIACH. Lets all be honest…. Were so happy in this Tesla and technology world Golus generation were living in today. Would we be ready to give it all up completely this minute?
If klal yisroel was really mourning for the bais hamikdosh then we would be willing to fast a full extra day from the end of the fast of Tisha bav which is for mourning the bais hamikdosh
yungermanSParticipantGo to a locksmith store or home depot and show them the size of the safe you need to fit both sifrei Torah and then simply add the curtain from a judaica store for the front of it.
July 11, 2023 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2207648yungermanSParticipantWhy don’t we bring it down to the physical world level?
How can a person feel the pain of another yid-nosei beol- going through major suffering chas vshalom? By putting himself into that person exact situation and feeling what suffering chas vshalom he must be dealing with right now. And doing something about it to help his friend out. If he needs financial help or chizzuk etc….
Now bring this up a level to ruchnius etc…. How do YOU think Hashems holy shechina is feeling watching his loving children klal yisroel suffering so much in Golus rachmana litzlan especially when it all could’ve been avoided if klal yisroel as a whole nation together had done teshuva before Hashem had to make klal yisroel go through so much tzaros rachmana litzlan? Hashems holy shechina is going through such unlimited pain 24-7 begging Hashem to find a way to stop klal yisroel suffering already.
But with Hashem blessing all of us with bechira-free will-the choice is completely in our hands when the suffering of klal yisroel will come to a complete stop. As soon as we wake ourselves up from living in denial and FACE REALITY together as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness and do serious teshuva and Achdus then Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
People in today’s generation have the need and MUST to know that they exist. So how do they go about seeing this out honestly by themselves? By looking for attention and seeing if people are or not giving it to them. When people look at them doing something crazy which their willing to do for a price of acting crazy in exchange for the good and important self esteem that every person needs to have to feel good about themselves.
A psychologist
yungermanSParticipantThe people reading the magazines are not focused on the ads. They bought the magazine to read the articles and news that comes with it. The ads are simply skipped over and hardly even noticed.
Versus there are some books that come in the mail completely full of JUST ADS with nothing else inside of reading or even recipes etc… These books are completely forbidden to read on shabbos and you can even ask your LOR
July 6, 2023 6:17 am at 6:17 am in reply to: Classics and Beyond Pinchas – Love Peace and Chase Peace: #2206019yungermanSParticipantStarting From 1 to 10 being the best how much are YOU willing to give in for the sake of peace? Rather its between working colleagues or family members or anyone between etc…….
Like Aharon Hakohein did his entire life if it meant giving up his life for it.
yungermanSParticipantPeople want to see and know whats going on in the world with their family and friends.
People also use social media to post their
Jewish advertisementsyungermanSParticipantYes Hashem blessed Pinchos-Eliyahu Hanavi the blessing to live forever. For standing up for Hashems honor and is still alive today stopping into every Bris and Peach Seder and many other places.
May we all get to greet him soon together with Mashiach speedily in our days bkarov
yungermanSParticipantWhat WOW does and reform and conservative Jews do may be terrible things against yiddishkeit worldwide but with all due respect lets be honest with truth and FACE REALITY. lets ask ourselves honestly “how can we expect Mashiach to come when the Sinas chinam amongst us is worse than when the second bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of baseless hatred amongst all of klal yisroel”?
As soon as we do what Hashem is waiting for us to do AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT IS…… with love inviting all our brethren from all angels and levels of Judaism of the world to join us as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness and to bring Mashiach already bkarov then our loving father Hashem ruler of the world is always ready to forgive his loving children klal yisroel. Even the worst sinners in klal yisroel at the end of their life kings Menashe and Achav begged forgiveness for a life of Avoda Zara and bringing the entire nation to turn away from Hashem….. And you know what happened at the end???…. Their teshuva was sincere and wholeheartedly begging Hashem forgiveness and Hashem accepted their teshuva even though it came from years and years of sinning the worst and causing the entire nation of klal yisroel to serve Avoda Zara.
May we all wake up and face reality immediately so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
June 28, 2023 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm in reply to: Classics and Beyond Chukas – Yisrael’s Potential: Sheim Mi`Shmuel #2203830yungermanSParticipantCan yisroel keep away from the tumas and middos of Edom starting from the internet and all its doing to klal yisroel hurting our kiddusha and ruchnius etc…. To everything else including toiaiva and abortion and tznius etc…..
June 27, 2023 9:55 am at 9:55 am in reply to: It’s almost Rosh Chodesh Elul, does your daughter have a school yet?!? #2203363yungermanSParticipantYou think the parent body of these girls are big askonim that have the power to reach out to the schools or to open their own new school which requires tons of funding also?
June 23, 2023 6:43 am at 6:43 am in reply to: Is there a greater meaning to the Titan accident? #2202581yungermanSParticipantNothing that happens in the world just happens by coincidence but actually everything has a direct wake up call message directly from Hashem for klal yisroel. Sometimes these messages are tragic and shocking and other times their happy depending on what klal yisroel needs to be waken up to.
Ask Sam Klein what the shocking relation is between this drowning and the titanic sinking happening……
May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so that Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.
June 21, 2023 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm in reply to: It’s almost Rosh Chodesh Elul, does your daughter have a school yet?!? #2202109yungermanSParticipantIt’s much worse today then it was 15 years ago when this letter was written. You need to apply for your child getting into any school a full year before you need to start school education for your child if you want any chance of getting them into a school.
Very sad to see what happened.
yungermanSParticipantI agree that all comments should have a like or dislike choice for people to choose from.
yungermanSParticipantWhat an amazing story and kiddush Hashem of yidden always being there for their brethren when help is needed even if it means going hundreds or even thousands of miles away to drive.
yungermanSParticipantI just spent my Sunday making a cheshbon hanefesh of the previous week and how each day was spent and if was spent wisely with appreciating every day and hour Hashem gave me to live or are we just taking our life for granted and letting it fly by without spending our time smart and wisely. “Uvacharta Vachaim” choose life….. And appreciate every day of life Hashem gives us to live.
Of course Biden was around then. Together with the corrupt obamanation who said hes going to make change and of course changed the country from dollars to nickels and pennies.
But Biden now is doing even worse than that with the inflation crises going on
yungermanSParticipantMaybe if you stayed and didn’t leave us without you in the coffee room then maybe you can bring techiyas hameisim and prevent the coffee room from dying down
yungermanSParticipantGo with your friends to a Jewish kosher Gym exercise room where they have separate men and ladies hours and go there with your friends during ladies hours and enjoy yourself there
yungermanSParticipantIf you need the venting space you can vent it all out to the corrupt Biden democratic party and see how crazy they go about it
yungermanSParticipantHashem has a plan for everything and runs the entire world and every business inside it is owned and run by Hashem. The politicians and business owners are just messengers assigned by Hashem and actors
yungermanSParticipantAs soon as we return to Hashem through serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation then Hashem will be able to stop sending klal yisroel horrific tragedies that we think we can fool Hashem that we don’t get his wake up call for serious teshuva and Achdus ASAP and then Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov with us then we will be restarting to be makriv daily karbanos in the third Bais hamikdosh which will stay built forever.
yungermanSParticipantI don’t think there will be PETA hatred or riots about them in Israel when We all do teshuva and the 3rd bais hamikdosh is rebuilt.
yungermanSParticipantAs soon as we return to Hashem through serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation then we will be restarting to be makriv daily karbanos in the third Bais hamikdosh which will stay built forever.
yungermanSParticipantIf there’s any republican that has a chance to go against Trump it’s only Ron Desantis but Christie doesn’t stand a chance to run against him or else with his weight he will run straight into the wall
yungermanSParticipantThere are so many ride share groups on whatsapp that are too many to count with each one having its difference between locations and drivers versus riders etc…..
Go into Whatsapp link groups and search the word ride for ride groups to join and ask your friends if they can send you the link to any ride groups on whatsapp
yungermanSParticipantWhy did you leave out the entire shulchan aruch and Rambam?
Explaining all the mitzvos in the Torah from all angles. With all the meforshim also written beside the author.
yungermanSParticipantIf you don’t like all the extra cheese cake you have then pass it on too a neighbor or friend who would all enjoy it and appreciate the nice gift you brought them
yungermanSParticipantDoes the Gadol Hador that tragically just left klal yisroel. Harav Gershon Eidelstein ZTL deserve full respect of Boruch Dayan Haemes versus just writing BDE?
for such a Gadol hador that devoted his entire life to Torah and klal yisroel from all angels I think we can all agree that we can all take an extra few seconds to write it fully with respect.
Boruch Dayan Haemes
Wish we had davened harder for his complete refuah and then we would be writing Shlita like we need such tzaddikim to guide us in today’s generation.
May his neshama have an aliya.
yungermanSParticipantAdd a spoonful of your personal touch and warmth with a taste of the YWN coffee room inside it and they will always come back for more
yungermanSParticipantLets all start loving each other and all our brothers and sisters in klal yisroel and remove this Sinas chinam amongst all of us and then Hashem can bring us closer to the coming of Mashiach already bkarov
May 17, 2023 7:14 am at 7:14 am in reply to: Remembering My Rebbi, Mattersdorfer Rav, Rav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld ztz”l #2191122yungermanSParticipantIt’s our great loss of such a tzaddik and boruch Hashem since he was Niftar hes in a much better place being upstairs in the true world above.
May his neshama have an aliya
If we all do teshuva together as one loving nation begging Hashem forgiveness then we will very soon be able to greet the Mattesdorfer Rav together with Mashiach speedily
yungermanSParticipantWe want more people to learn and openly see that Hashem runs the entire world and everything is in his power of the final outcome of what will happen. And once that happens we will stop having faith in humans or money etc…. And put our complete faith and trust in Hashem directly. And then we will never lack anything anymore. Wouldn’t YOU love to have ALL your needs taken care of from beginning to end? Then start working on your complete Bitachon and Emunah in Hashem directly and then you will not lack anything anymore and become the happiest person around as we say in Tehillim chapter 34 at the end of bentching “Vdorshei Hashem lo yachsiru chol tov” which means for one who seeks out Hashem directly wholeheartedly lacks nothing that is good.
yungermanSParticipantWell today you have already reached into your 40s in age. But what you are blessed and fortunate to realize while your still young is something that 90 percent of the world is not lucky like you to realize and that is the FACT OF “HOW LIFE GOES BY IN AN INSTANT” quicker than you can ever imagine. We go from holiday to the next holiday and even count the days of sefira and before you know it you can’t believe that we are already blowing the Shofar again and a full year has gone by and is gone forever.
Hashem doesn’t just say that this yid will live until 108 and this yid until 102 or 97 etc….. Every day and hour of a persons life is a decree from above that the person should live another day “Uvacharta Vachaim” you should choose life and value every minute of it and don’t take any of it for granted……
May we all stop taking life for granted and appreciate every day and hour of our life we are given to live by Hashem and use our time to serve Hashem and the Torah