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  • in reply to: please help me find a minyan in flatbush #836900

    mik5- You can always walk to Landau’s if you need the excercise.

    in reply to: Xmas and Christians #838069

    Dunno. I say both.

    Do people realize that X is not just a way to avoid saying the name? The letter X is a greek symbol that refers to him.

    in reply to: Do ladies think? #837486

    I believe there is a Gemara that states if you do something for someone you should let him know as this fosters good will and feeling. Would assume that this most certaintly can apply between spouses.

    in reply to: kashrus horror stories (2 help us realize the severity) #836536

    babygoose- I dont know the particulars, but chances are the bakery items are still mutar to eat.

    PBA- I agree with you, but once a problem is discovered the 5th chelek of S”A would probably say we cant hide our head in the sand and assume it wont happen again.

    Horror Story- Well known hotel in Yerushalayim ran out of ice cream on Shabbos so the cook substituted milchig ice cream. But again, not such a horror story because it was only a d’rabanan and it was a ????, if not a ???? ?????

    in reply to: Brain teaser – price of oil #839442

    DaasYochid- How is Yes an answer to a multiple choice question?

    I believe it would be assur above 1/6 of market value.

    in reply to: Shalach Manos from Non-Profit Organization #836288

    babygoose- What prompted you to post here and now??

    in reply to: please help me find a minyan in flatbush #836894

    commonsense -There are probably at least 15 shuls closer to Brooklyn College than J and 13, but common sense would tell you that most shuls do not have a mincha minyan between 3-4, unless shkia is around 4. But I agree that he should try the yeshivos.

    mik5- I didnt know J and 13th is considered walking distance from Brooklyn College!

    in reply to: Rabbi and Henny Machlis #836276

    I know them personally. They are such nice and real people. When you speak with them you can feel their ahavas yisroel. As mentioned by others, their home is open to all. Most people know of their hachnosos orchim on Shabbos, few know of their hachnosos orchim all week long too. Always a hot meal and a place to sleep. They accept and welcome all, including the unkempt and those that most of us steer clear of.

    in reply to: I hate Sundays. #834365

    If the kids are in yeshiva they wont be home fighting!

    in reply to: To open or not to open (the door on a date) #835250

    I dont see any tznius issue with opening a car dor for a girl. A problem may arise if you wait to close the door for her too. Open the door and walk away and she will close it on her own. She will feel more comfortable that way, you scored a point by being polite, and avoided a potential tznius issue.

    in reply to: Who thinks we should reinstate the JDL? #833695

    I though the phrase was “every jew a 22”? But i’d prefer a Glock any day!

    in reply to: Who thinks we should reinstate the JDL? #833692

    kfb- I didnt say Shomrim were great, I just asked what else would you have them do. You didnt address the question.

    BTGuy- Thanks for addressing the question. However, dont you find this statement ironic? “would go into high risk areas on foot patrol…and inclined to engage in self defense”? Stay out of high risk areas and they wouldnt need to engage in “self defense”.

    Secondly, the recent incident in Highland Park, the torched cars in Flatbush, and the several swastika incidents all occurred in relatively safe neighborhoods, not high risk ones.

    Why not discuss with Shmorim to increase their numbers and conduct additional patrols? Why the need for the JDL which doesnt have the greatest reputation?

    in reply to: Who thinks we should reinstate the JDL? #833687

    What precisely would you propose the JDL do -legally- that Shomrim arent doing already?

    in reply to: yidden and goyim #833575

    You are not going to get an answer from a paragrapn or two in the CR. You should listem to shiurim on the topic. Ohr Somayach’s Ohr Lagola program probably has dozens of shiurim on this and similar topics from top leacturers, (including former ministers and the like). Try looking on torahanytime or possibly kol haloshon.

    in reply to: Time to go work? #833291

    So you find ONE story and you are already blaming the system? I’m not asking you to be dan lkaf zchus (1. Maybe his parents have no money and couldnt pay for higher education. 2. Maybe he tried to find a job but couldnt. 3. Maybe he has other mental conditions etc..), but why are you so quick to blame the system?

    Need I point out that Otisville has many people that did go out to work and were stealing anyway?

    Should I mention a scandal or two that has occurred in the MO community -far worse than stealing baby formula- and blame the entire MO methodology?

    in reply to: Is individualism allowed??? #835070

    Bowwow- I disagree. Individualism is not discouraged. We are taught at a young age to be the best you can be, and not try to be like anyone else.

    However, the superficial individuality of which the OP is referring to which often manifest itself in the form of dress is discouraged for several valid reasons.

    in reply to: In The Blink of an Eye #832996

    Off the top of my hand I would say that this is due to the use of mascara. Eyelashes keep dust out of your eyes, and when they are unable to perform their function, the next layer of defense is blinking.

    in reply to: how does one become a mod?? #831016
    in reply to: What would you do in this situation. #831020

    I agree with aries2756 and BaalHabooze, but this individual obviously lacks social skills and etiqutte and may not read between the lines. How would you respond if he says, “Oh, I understand, I’ll stay out of your way and hang out in the study/living room etc.. so you two can have some privacy. You trust me to lock the door behind me when I leave, right?”

    in reply to: Is the vaad the mafia?? #831262

    I dont profess much knowledge in the hashgoch process, but there is always a bad apple in the bunch.

    Either way, you seem to imply that the hasgocho organizations should operate as a chessed organization and not as a business. I’m not sure I agree.

    in reply to: Hatzola #932535

    If the Rabbonim have already said no to women in Hatzolah, why is she still putting up a fight? Has she no kovod hatorah at all? Does she always disagree with Rabbonim? If she has other Rabbonim that agree with her and are willing to say so publicly, then ok. But otherwise, swallow your pride and whatever other ideas,feminist or otherwise, you have and follow the psak of the Rabbonim.

    in reply to: Finances………..what are we doing wrong? #830659

    Try sitting down and making a budget. Look at your 2011 tax return to see what your income was after taxes. Deduct tuition, mortgage+tax+insurance, health insurance, auto insurance. If you are home for Pesach add several thousand dollars for that.

    If you frequently use credit cards you can see where your discretionary spending is.

    in reply to: Black Friday #884211

    one goal- I looked through ” ????HERE???? ” and didnt see a single post that would answer the question. I’m not asking for the best deal out there, or to have a discussion on the specs of a particular laptop. The question I asked should elicit a five word answer- The item one intends to purchase and from which store.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830540

    yitayningwut- When viewed through the Torah, not the other way around.

    in reply to: On the topic of tznius… #829555

    One of my pet peeves- Why is spandex somehow permitted once pregnant? If you/your spouse doesnt wear clothing that is so clingy it appears to have been sprayed on all year round, then durning pregnancy should be no different.

    in reply to: Girls wearing boys cloths? #834208

    See the following:

    Brooks Brothers has a whole line of womens clothing.

    in reply to: To Petch or not to Petch #830124

    Technically I agree with the Doc. But nowadays many Rabonim have said one should not hit their children.

    Either way, show me someone that hits their child out of 100% love and 0% frustration and I will….uhm, dont know, but it not gonna happen anyway!

    in reply to: How do threads just disapear??? #830927

    David Blaine, David Copperfield…

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830520

    If Mada means “Stuff Like Math , Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)…Psychology” what is the OP’s question? The Gemara talks about it all the time. As long as one learns it with Hashkafas Hatorah and the mesorah what can be wrong with it?

    “unquestioned allegiance to the primacy of Torah, and that the apprehension of all other intellectual disciplines must be rooted and viewed through the prism of Torah.”

    Can one disagree?

    in reply to: brooks brothers #833616

    Bowwow- I hear that the sale is only in their Factory Outlet stores, not the retail ones. Can you confirm?

    in reply to: Family needs help #829442

    Unfortunately you are describing the situation in many “regular” families. Ask any of the chesed organizations in brooklyn like Keren Aniyim and Tomchei Shabbos and they will tell you that a large percentage of their clientele are what would be considered regular families- stable home, one or both parents work, no abnormal health care costs etc…

    A frum family needs to earn roughly twice as much than a non-jewish family. Tuition alone accounts for a huge percentage of it.

    May Hashem give all of us Parnasa bshefa.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830513

    I’m with pba on this one. Abelleh- explain what Torah uMada means to you so an “intelligent?!” discussion can ensue.

    in reply to: Best city in the world! #829195

    Venice is beautiful, and I hear that Amsterdam (aside from the shmutz) is as well.

    in reply to: cutting fingernails #829401

    tzaddiq- I believe the problem with cutting nails on Motzei Shabbos is that it shows a lack of kovod to Shabbos. If thet needed to be cut it shouldve been done before Shabbos.

    In regards to pregnant women and cut nails, the potential hezek is only if she steps on them in the place where they fell. If they are swept across the room there is no problem. (This is based on a Gemora, I forget where it is)

    in reply to: Hotels #828480

    Most hotels have a full time mashgiach. You may want to ask him what you may eat. Often the lettuce is katif, and the vegetables he will maaser himself. The meat is often Beis Yosef shechita etc…

    in reply to: davening/ learning in English #833306

    One can daven in Lashon HaKodesh even if he does not understand what he is saying. If one chooses to daven in another language, he must understand what he is saying.

    Technically, Lashon HaKodesh is NOT modern day Hebrew. While many words are identical, many have been changed. The old joke about a seminary girl (of course!) that gets on a bus and asks the driver ??? ???? ? He responds with ??? ????? !!

    in reply to: Favorite K-cup flavors #827639

    Spring Revival Blend from Green Mountain. Its a limited edition thats only available in the spring.

    in reply to: Not Yotzei? #827741

    Zecharya- Thanks.

    Old man- Do you want to retract your statement, or do you disagree with R’ Moshe zt”l as well? (assuming Zecharya quoted accurately)

    Sam2- You may also want to retract what you said.

    in reply to: GOP Candidates #827190

    SG345- Its hard to say Cain has ZERO chance when he was leading the in polls of likely voters.

    I agree with deiyezooger. At this point we should not be looking for the best candidate, we should be looking for the candidate that is most likely to beat Obama. Romney has a consistent support base as evidenced in the polls. Has has had some more left of center points of view like health care, and is most likely to appeal to the Independants.

    in reply to: ZARA!!!! #827623

    Gumball- When you talk about shopping like that- OMG! THE BEST IN THE WORLD!! it turns the store from a good place to buy clothing into ????? Zara!

    in reply to: I havent eaten OU-D in years and I have a Teiva for it. #828126

    Wolf- The loshon we say is ?????? ????? ???? ????????????? ?????? ????????? , any GOOD minhag that we have done. If you consider buying Coke a good minhag then go be matir neder!!

    passfan- The minhag was started because of strigency,not convenience. “I live in an area where its so easily available, so why not?” Since it wasnt inconvenient to eat c”y, she was stringent and started a god minhag of keeping c”y. Now that its inconvenient she needs to be matir neder.

    Sam2- When one is matir neder, generally one needs a pesach- an excuse as to why they wouldnt have made the neder. We dont say that the neder doesnt apply because this is what he had in mind when the neder was made. (Dvarim Shebilev)

    in reply to: Closet Cooks, Men In The Kitchen #826964

    chefa- I agree with you. Most of the chefs I’ve seen and heard of are men, as are many of the cooking shows.

    in reply to: Not Yotzei? #827725

    old man- “If this is indeed the Rabbaim’s psak, it is an incorrect psak. It cannot stand up to any serious scrutiny, and it is very unfortunate that these Rabbaim came to this wrong conclusion.”

    Was your comment based on your in depth learnig of the sugya, or are you just quick to condemn anything you havent heard of?

    in reply to: Why People Go Off The Derech #826506

    oomis1105- Please take that story about the train with a grain of salt!! I know (personally) who you are refering to and you need to be aware that somethings are said to stress a point.

    in reply to: Words of wisdom from the President #825999

    Cant we just say that “the police acted stupidly”?

    in reply to: Jewish Organizations List with Numbers #825972

    Did anyone happen to notice the “Phone Numbers” link on the left? I dont know if it includes Mrs Kohn’s milk gemach, but seriously, do you actually prefer Mrs. Kohns milk to Materna/Enfamil etc??

    in reply to: brooks brothers #833606

    Bowwow- I havent seen any mention of their Black Friday sale. Do you have a link?

    in reply to: artscroll shas #826422

    SG345- Because Ameilus BaTorah means exactly that -Ameilus BaTorah. Im not saying that someone who does what you described will have less schar than others, but when learning there should be ameilus, not just having it taught to you.

    in reply to: Calling shomrim/police on a father #825654

    I obviously dont know the particulars but why call Shomrim if you can call 911? Its not an emergency, and it doesnt sound like someone is stealing bikes that you would want Shomrim to keep a lookout for this guy. And if its a molester you sure as better report it to 911 ASAP

    in reply to: artscroll shas #826410

    He probably asked for the large set, so he can exchange it for a small set and a regular shas!

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