yummy cupcake

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  • in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223949

    yossi really?????????? or is this some april fools thing???? MAKE IT CLEAR!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223947

    that’s ok mr mod. i figured it was just a mistake- i do not hold it against you!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223946

    hey that gefen post was really from me. i erased it tho and wrote it in my name. i don’t know why that didn’t go through. whatever. nechomah, i was thinkin’ the same thing!

    I deleted the second as a repost. I guess I should have figured the second was the correction. oh well.

    in reply to: My Feet Are Shrinking!? #870587

    cinderella, i was gonna ask you the same question about having lost weight- that’s what happened to me, i lost weight and went from a size 7 to a size 6. One of Many, i totally agree!!!!! 🙂

    in reply to: Thank you Project Nasi! #862729

    well az, they obviously do, but that doesn’t mean that ppl have to agree with it. when these same rabbonim get called that ppl are not able to pay their bills and they need a loan/tzedakka money yada yada yada, maybe they will rethink the program and get rid of the craziness…

    or they should announce that this program is only for rich. which apparently seems to be the case anyway. and not only that, but more importantly like kshmo kein hu said, you are demeaning the worth of the girls. putting a price tag on us? how disgusting and lowly!

    in reply to: Thank you Project Nasi! #862725

    Kshmo kein hu- beautifully written! you sure nailed it.

    in reply to: NASI project shidduchim??? #899773

    i still don’t get it. you wrote “they simply deposit money…” and you still write “at no cost to them”. i don’t know, but if i deposit money and therefore cannot use it, that is costing me however much money i cannot use! you still need to explain.

    in reply to: NASI project shidduchim??? #899771

    AZ- at no cost to them? excuse me? what exactly is this $5000, $6000, $7000… no cost? can you try that again?

    in reply to: dropped now get me up #867629

    a mamin i totally agree with you- when someone is going through hardship, they don’t want to hear about other ppls hardships. that does not help.

    the decision to be happy and move forward must come from within. No one can tell you to do it- it won’t be real. and then eventually, u’ll fall back.

    and popa- i think you were trying to be funny, but sometimes, it just doesn’t work. that was not appropriate for this situation, and it doesn’t help. i think if you don’t have something even halfway intelligent to say, please keep it to yourself.

    shidduch girl and post sem- wishing you both hatzlacha in finding your basherts (which should be b’karov, and with clarity of thought, and with confidence in your decision), and i hope that you overcome this challenge with flying colors and continue to live a life full of happiness and bracha, and plenty, and health, and the Yad Hashem should be with you in everything you do.

    ~{] *YC* [}~

    in reply to: Name My Store :D #860135

    solitech (but i guess that would give you away!)

    in reply to: HEY! Looking for a Seminary Packing List? #1094791

    oh and you need tons of insect repellent- you know, like off or something, for all those buggy tiyulim!

    in reply to: HEY! Looking for a Seminary Packing List? #1094789

    more_2- i did not mean a tape recorder! i don’t know what the official name of it is. its a tiny lil thing like an inch by two inches or so. i guess it may be what one of many is referring to. don’t worry,i’m young- i know tape recorders are way out!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov 2 Me!! #863860

    coffee, i wouldn’t know what to answer you anyway- i just know they live there! i’ll ask them if they know someone who killed a mountain lion, then a troll 🙂

    in reply to: So, what was the best Shlach Monos you got?! #858768

    my best one was “drunkin donuts”!!!!!! it had two donuts in it and some vodka and on the box (which really looked very much like a dunkin donuts box, it said “purim runs on drinkin” !!!!!! it was really cute and really yummy!!!!!!!! uh, and i don’t mean the vodka part…

    in reply to: Mazel Tov 2 Me!! #863858

    bumping this thread back up too (i’m going through like all the threads i’ve posted on and rereading them just for the fun of it). yossi z- you went to yeshiva in providence? i have cousins there! wonder if you ever met them???

    in reply to: I HATE SHIDDUCHIM!!!! #858863

    bumping this thread back. its been many months and i’ve still not gotten an answer to my question: where is the source for what tzvi hirsh said about the malachim (refer to first pg of thread)? has anyone come across it in the past few months?

    in reply to: nefesh chaya #858933

    which principal from mezuraz might you be speaking of? i mean, there is only one that i know of but i didnt hear his starting another sem. care to enlighten me? or maybe it should be looked into to see if its true. (not that i am suspecting anyone of lying, i just hate when things spread around b4 they are confirmed)

    in reply to: HEY! Looking for a Seminary Packing List? #1094781

    bring a couple of small recorders with a lot of memory on them so you can record classes. one of my friends did that and she made cd’s for all of us of sooooo many classes! it’s so worth it- it’s totally different than just looking back at notes, some of which you might have missed, or don’t properly give over what the teacher was saying. but if you have an actual recording, its so special to be able to hear your teachers again, and replay the classes whenever you have free time! brings back such memories- and makes you wanna do sem all over again!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223915

    one of my best best best friends became a kallah!!!!!!!!!! B”H!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View #1097030

    i’m with yw fan- cry no more! totally stunning. period.

    in reply to: Sources for this story… #853264

    i definitely heard this story somewhere.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223904

    mazal tov! much nachas from all of your grandchildren!

    in reply to: Shidduch segulah � One I have not seen before #858640

    hey i really want to try for this year! thanks to whoever bumped back this thread-otherwise i would not have remembered this thread even existed. i have a few friends i want to daven for also.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202047

    i don’t take credit- i did not make it up. just passing on a smile 🙂 and baal habooze, i dunno what that means.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202043

    (in the spirit of tu b’shvat)

    what’s the difference b/t a hospital and bmg?

    in a hospital they go from life support, into the freezer. in bmg, they go from the freezer to life support!

    in reply to: Snip! #851163

    its so funny, cuz yesterday someone was talking to me about tu b’shvat, and i said “yeah today is a BIG yom tov for me and my friends” when asked what that meant, i said “well the freezer opens in lkwd, that’s a big yom tov!” she laughed 🙂

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223899

    oh ok thanks for explainin’.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223897

    um, yossi, MIA-BIA? ma zeh?

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223890

    hey! shame on you coffee addict 😛

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223888

    gotta say yossi, every time i see i mazal tov from you, it also gets my hopes up! hello, i really miss all of you 🙁 but B”H i’m busy with life and i don’t have much time to post. hope you all forgive me (and remember that i exist)

    in reply to: Great news!!! #849087

    wow! very impressive! hatzlacha with everything that comes your way- that’s one for WIY, zero for yetzer hara!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223883

    wow! i guess i’ve not been here in a long while. mazal tov to everyone on all of their simchos!!!!!!!! may Hashem continue to bentch klal yisroel with simcha and bracha ad bli dai!!!!!!!

    in reply to: cash for airline miles #845379


    in reply to: Toilet Training #842555

    oomis, we are not like that. if a kid has to go to the bathroom,we do take them, whether its learning time, snack time, gym/recess… even if we just took them 10 minutes ago, we take them again. We definitely speak to the parents to see what we could work out, and we keep in touch if any of us sees a change in potty training status in the child (good or bad change)- but there ARE still some untrained kids, like you and I both did mention, and the parents just don’t wanna deal with diapers anymore, so they just send them in underwear not knowing that their kid is truly ready. And i don’t know about anyone else here, but as i see it, verbalizing the need to go to the bathroom is part of training- i had a kid just sticking his hands in his underwear, he would not say anything to me, he just stood there waiting for me to notice, and when i did notice, about 10 seconds later (and no he was not standing right under my nose, so i’m lucky i even noticed where his hand was) he had already had an accident.

    in reply to: Toilet Training #842552

    on behalf of all teachers, who teach kids who are of age to be toilet trained, I will just tell you: PLEASE don’t send your child to school if he/she is not properly trained! of course, if he/she has an ****occasional**** accident, we understand, and don’t mind changing your child- but our job is NOT to toilet train your child!

    believe me, some of the parents i deal with- whoa! they walk their kid into school and tell us “we think (name)is ready, so today is his first day in underwear!”

    one parent only trained her kid halfway, and he doesn’t tell us when he needs to go. we had three accidents on three consecutive days. I AM SORRY BUT THAT IS NOT CONSIDERED TOILET TRAINED.

    before sending your child to school make sure:

    1) he is fully trained, read: can do #1 and #2 in the toilet

    2) he can VERBALIZE to a morah when he has to go (we take the kids AT LEAST twice in a 2 hour period. once in the morning before gym- at about 9:15, and once after learning time at about 11:30. they get to school between 8:30 and 9, so parents have just taken them at home, or the parents take them when they get to school. we take them twice after that. that is enough for well trained kids. usually parents take them again at 1 before they leave school. but come on, that’s enough. if a child can’t go without an accident on this schedule (of course unless due to a medical issue, which i am not talking about here) THEY ARE NOT WELL TRAINED. sorry to be so harsh, its just that i wonder sometimes is parents really think about what they are doing.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223870

    mazal tov pumper! may you always have simcha and bracha in your life!

    in reply to: where can i find really good deals… #833210

    thanks everyone. onegoal, that’s amazing! but i checked spirit already. i guess i’ll check again. thanks! and ronrsr, why tuesday?

    in reply to: where can i find really good deals… #833204


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223860

    mazal tov!!!! my cousin (who has been really close since elementary school) just became a mommy to a beautiful baby girl!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Have a Great Yom Tov #818743

    have a great yom tov!!!!!!!!!!!! hello ppls- simchas torah is my all time favorite!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov 2 Me!! #863844

    mazal tov!!!!!! may he grow up to be a talmid chochom!

    in reply to: neices and aunts #818578

    i can’t call any aunts and or uncles, as i don’t have any. i can’t call nieces or nephews either, cuz i don’t have any YET. IY”H one day i will, but i’m the oldest, and neither of my sibs is married YET.

    in reply to: Ready for 'Back To Work'? #818559

    not thrilled that this yom tov is over- i have to wait 365 (a little less) days till my favorite yom tov comes again!!!!!!!!!!! can’t we have sukkos a few times a year??????? well more specifically, simchas torah???????????????

    i don’t mind the going back to work part tho

    in reply to: When Moshiach Comes… #819043

    interesting. i didn’t think of that.

    in reply to: totally random q for yossi z #818413

    i’m like that with texts and emails. if someone doesn’t acknowledge a text, i keep texting them just to make sure. so whenever this thread is done, you can write “over” or “no response necessary” and i will stop typing 🙂

    in reply to: totally random q for yossi z #818409

    i’m still here. thanks for answering, i’m not ignoring you! i just figured i got my answer and that’s that. sorry ’bout that! no harm intended.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah Vorts #960165

    wow, i really like that! does anyone have any more?

    in reply to: When Moshiach Comes… #819037

    a sheep without a spleen- it may be a tzaar for you, but imagine the reward you will be getting! l’fum tzaara agra.

    and may i ask you where you picked up such a name as “a sheep without a spleen”

    in reply to: Fear of Flying: Rational? #819075

    definitely rational. soliek, while i hear what your rav is saying, Hashem is the One Who made us who we are, and part of who we are is any fear we might have. our job is to work on it. If Hashem would not have wanted us to have any fears, He would not have given us the feeling of fear. correct me if i’m wrong, but it makes sense to me.

    in reply to: I want to study Medicine. but.. #821365

    i am going to interrupt for a second. i am sorry this has nothing to do with the topic at hand. always runs- i know you didn’t mean it that way but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NEVER NEVER NEVER say that you have too many kids. i know you didnt mean it to sound like that, but i don’t want the sattan getting involved here chas v’shalom. it just bothers me when ppl say things like this. my family even knows i will throw a hissy fit when someone says something of the sort. that is just the way i am. please be careful. thanks!

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