yummy cupcake

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  • in reply to: Only Simchas down?! #890005

    kk and mod42- you guys are too funny! hello this means that when os is up again, IY”H there’ll be a flood of simchas!!!!! that’ll make me happy!

    just in case i don’t get to post tomorrow (yeah right!) have a great (2nd days of) yom tov!!!!!

    in reply to: Yehudah Tzvi Update #873139

    thank you for keeping us updated- and next time, lets hear that you have completely recovered! amen!

    in reply to: I'm New! #871084

    welcome aboard!!!!!! nice to have you as part of the clan!!!!!! looking forward to postin’ with you!

    🙂 CR cuz we CaRe (:

    in reply to: Only Simchas down?! #890001

    hey i was wonderin the same thing! i was already having problems last night with it, then i got it once before getting to bed (B”H!), and i’ve been trying to get it the whole day!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223982

    batseven- mazal tov! i was wondering why after you said “boy” you said niece or nephew, obviously its a nephew. then i realized you meant its the first of any nieces and nephews, but there is no word to describe both together. someone i spoke to said they call them “siboffs” (siblings offspring). works for me! its just easier. hey everyone in the cr- try to say that word a few times a day- see if it catches…

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223979

    i hear ya! well mazal tov, and amen amen amen to your bracha!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223976

    mazal tov zeeskite! but i have one question: becoming a kallah? i always wonder why ppl know these things before they actually happen. one of my friends from hs was getting engaged (and i did not know about it). all of the girls in the high school that we went to (a couple of yrs earlier) knew already. cuz someone accidentally heard, and thought it had happened, and spread the news…. meanwhile, my friend had no idea this was going on until another one of our classmates went over to her and wished her mazal tov. my friend was really shocked that ppl knew, and was kind of upset cuz it wasn’t gonna be official until the next night. well, B”H, in the end of course, everything happened in just the right time and it was a very joyous simcha, but why do ppl tell others when they “are going to get engaged”? what if ch’v something happens at the last minute and its broken off? i don’t mean to reprimand you zeeskite- i wish your friends daughter all the best! this issue is just something that bothers me in general- cuz more than once i’ve heard that “someone is getting engaged, but i’m not supposed to say cuz its not official…” really bothers me!

    in reply to: Here's a question for you (poll) #872714

    yeah i read the title, but why would you ask the question if you weren’t thinking of leaving? just want more reassurance as to how much you would be missed? i think you could rest assured…

    (: CR, cuz we CaRe 🙂

    in reply to: Here's a question for you (poll) #872712

    yossi, i just told you the other day that we all CaRe 🙂 AND NOW YOU WANNA LEAVE????? i’m highly insulted!

    (: CR, cuz we CaRe 🙂

    in reply to: Just one question #865683

    one of my friends from bp was actually here not too long ago and she LOVED chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she’s as boro parkish as they come- not stam!

    in reply to: Why dont high school girls no how to spell and right ? #866144

    maybe the same reason you lack basic grammar skills? just sayin’ 🙂

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056424

    my way, i didn’t mean to totally restrict oneself. i just think that once you go overboard, its not l’shem Shamayim anymore.

    in reply to: looking for comfortable yet stylish shoes #865452

    me too makes really comfy shoes. i dunno where you live but where i live they sell them at lord and taylor. all the shoes have some cushiony bubble in the back specifically for comfort. i have a pair and they’re great!

    in reply to: what's your favorite.. #868132

    gosh, i have too many faves to list! my family already knows that no matter what song i’m listening to on a cd, i will say “oh my gosh, this is my absolute favorite song!” i think they counted about 500 favorites 🙂 well, maybe not, but its really close!

    in reply to: What is wrong with you, Popa? #865692

    i guess i just have standards that i set for myself, and someone trying to prove me wrong will not make me back out or lower my standards or change my opinion.

    in reply to: What is wrong with you, Popa? #865689

    popa you really are being inappropriate, and i can’t even believe that the mods put your post through! why don’t you stop while ur ahead? or do you crave the attention you get, meaning if we ignore you altogether, then you’ll finally go away?

    ok, well you don’t have to go away, but please for the sake of the appropriateness of this website, please don’t post anything that would make it seem otherwise.

    in reply to: What is wrong with you, Popa? #865688

    my thoughts exactly, rabbi.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056411

    peoples i am too tired to keep repeating the same things over and over again, so with this post, i end my part of the discussion here, still unhappy with the outcome, but too tired to continue.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056410

    oops i read it as mishkav zerah. that’s what i thought he meant. i do not condone homosexuality or think it is spiritual. sorry.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056404

    maybe i’m missing it. you quoted to me what my father read to me from shulchan aruch. nothin’ about throwing up and acting in a horrifying way. so how do you say shulchan aruch says to get sickly drunk, if what you just quoted does not specifically say that?

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865593

    peerim, why does it make you smile? just wonderin’ 🙂

    in reply to: Ideas For Chol Hamoed Pesach 5772 – 2012 #865425

    problem here is everyone will talk NY/NJ. how about midwest???

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #866018

    whoa just realized how confusing that was! that gefen post is really mine! and yes bygirl thats what i meant

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056400

    popa: i’m still waiting for you to quote where in shulchan aruch it writes that you should get so drunk that you should get sick to your stomach and throw up, compromise on the other mitzvos, act out of control and inappropriately, and cause chillul Hashem.

    and why do you keep misinterpreting what i say? to get drunk is ok. go dance in the streets, show ur simcha… but what i describe above, is disgusting.

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #866015

    i put up a post- i don’t know where it went. anyway, it was saying that its just my opinion that its more of a guy thing. it just seems to be they would be the ones to make a bigger issue out of it because of all the halachos of shmiras einayim and such. yes, girls should be careful too, but its different i think.

    bar bay rav: i meant it as two separate things. ppl in geula seem to handle it fine (at least from my vantage point when i was there). point #2- if anyone will make an issue out of it, its probably the guys. no? i could be totally wrong! this is just the way i see it.

    i’ve never read it but it doesn’t sound like the right hashkafa, like yitzchokm said.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056390

    the kanoi next door: you and popa seem to be misunderstanding me. I DID NOT SAY THAT CHAZAL IS BACKWARDS IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. the people who interpret chazal incorrectly so they have an excuse to get sickly drunk ARE BACKWARDS. does that explain it better? look, say you were spiritually lost and looking for the truth. you chance upon a city/area on purim day only to find at least 5 jews on every block throwing up on their porches. would you stop and say “oh how beautiful- wish i could be one of them!” i think not.

    mishkav zachor is a totally different issue. it is a beautiful diamond of a mitzvah that the goyim have ruined and dirtied. so they look down upon because they don’t know what the true and spiritual beauty of it is. it’s sad. i know. but it can’t compare to drinking because there is nothing spiritually beautiful about throwing up all over the place and acting out of control and not b’taam hatorah. no matter how you look at it, THAT IS NOT TRUE BEAUTY. TO ANYONE. i will say again, getting a little drunk is fine- as long as it is still within the parameters of acting like a good frum yid. but once it goes beyond that, it takes the beauty out of the mitzvah. that should have answered all of your questions above. yes the mitzvah is to drink. but give me one source where it says “yidden should drink so much that they are sick to the stomach, start throwing up all over the place, and acting out of control and very inappropriately…” find me one source. that’s all i ask. then we’ll talk.

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #866009

    loyal jew, just because you happen to be walking on the same street doesn’t mean you have to mingle! just walk. don’t stop to stare at anyone, chat with anyone… if someone can’t handle this little bit of self control, then maybe he (i assume its more of a guy problem than a girl problem) should not go to geula. cuz i really think that most (98% if not more) ppl handle the situation just fine.

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865589


    hey mods can you change my subtitle? how about: (:CR, cuz we CaRe:)

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865587

    well, here’s giving you a big bracha that everything should go smoothly for you in the parsha (and yes, as well as every other aspect of your life) and that it should be surprisingly uncomplicated for you! hatzlacha rabba, Hashem is on your side, and we are all rootin’ for you!

    CR, cuz we CaRe 🙂

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056380

    first of all- i do apologize, i do not remember the source. i just remember this idea being ingrained in us in high school.

    2)i did say it was not halacha, i was just trying to show that we do change things because of yeridas hadoros. you must have missed that part.

    3)no i cannot think of one right now. give me time.

    4)ok- i hear that they do not say its because things changed. i was just saying that in this case with getting drunk, i can hear it making sense that it could be a possibility. And i was not calling the sefarim or chazal backwards chas v’shalom! i was calling the ppl who misinterpret it backwards. in fact, my father just read to me straight out of the kitzur shulchan aruch, siman 142, s’if 6 that one should get drunk to the point where he does not know the difference between arur haman and baruch mordechai. BUT, it explicitly points out that if this will cause a person to compromise on his doing the mitzvos hayom and it will compromise on his tefilla or brachos… and it will cause him to act with frivolity… one should NOT drink the wine. it says (a little before that) that if a person cannot drink enough to confuse them of the difference between arur haman and baruch mordechai, he should at least drink a little more than he is used to, and then go to sleep, b/c while sleeping, he also does not know the difference.

    and also, to reiterate what i said before, about my father and his rov not getting drunk- the rov actually has a rule in his shul against getting drunk, and he actually throws ppl out of the shul if they come in drunk.

    and with that, i am going to bed. i am so tired and i, of course, as well as most other ppl 🙂 have quite a busy week. we will have to continue this conversation another time. gnite all!

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056374

    i can’t think of three right now but i can think of one at the present moment. and i will preface this by saying that this occasion was NOT halacha specifically, but i am just pointing it out to show something that we changed because of our yetzer hara’s gone mad:

    tu b’av. girls dancing in the fields, boys picking out which one would be their wife. what do you think would happen if we would do that these days? and please don’t say it would be the end of our shidduch crisis.

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #866005

    elikatz, i never saw this when i was in geula. and what would that help anyway? they don’t know the girls names (and the girls don’t know the boys names). what would they do? go to america and tell the shadchan set me up with the girl that was in geula on the friday before parshas ________, she was wearing a blue shirt with a button down sweater and a pleated skirt, and a funky headband. oh yeah you know her????? come on!

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056371

    explain that popa. what do you mean its not the way we usually do halacha? there are a lot of things that we did in those days that we don’t do now because of yeridas hadoros and our super powerful yetzer hara.

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #866000

    stuck, it may not. and believe me, if it were anywhere else, like where i live now (well, the streets are not that crowded at all) i would be totally embarrassed bumping into to a guy. but there i think it is such a given- i mean, of course you should be as careful as possible, but there’s not much you can do.

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056366

    hold on- i didn’t say you shouldn’t get drunk. you should just be aware that there is drunk as in ranging from being a little high to being mildly drunk, then there is drunk as in more than mildly drunk to being grossly throwing up drunk. the first type i am ok with. the second type i am not. and i don’t think that the rishonim/acharonim would be ok with it either if they saw to what degree many ppl do it. and did it ever occur to you that maybe in those days there was more kedusha, just simply by the fact that we were closer to the times of kabbalas haTorah, and that now since ppl have totally different yetzer haras for really horrible things, which maybe exacerbated through drunkenness, so in these days, with our nisyonos, we should not get that drunk?

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056361

    popa- my father DOES NOT get drunk. but thanks for the advice anyway:) and neither does our rav make himself that grossly drunk. sorry to burst your bubble. and (i’m sure) it does not say in the shulchan aruch that you should be throwing up all over the place. kedoshim t’hiyu. tamim t’hiye im Hashem… for some reason getting grossly drunk does not (at least in my mind)fall into either of these p’sukim.

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #865995

    i mean literally- bumping into them. swiping as you pass by each other. and then continuing on as if nothing happened- because in reality, it’s the norm there.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223963

    yes, mazal tov always here! asach nachas!!!!!!

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #865993

    BBR and whatshaiches- you could do that, but you know, what happens if thursday night doesn’t work out, and friday is the best day for you? so now ur stuck. i think just go on friday. its not like ur gonna be standing there chatting with all these girls/bachurim. mind your own business, they will mind theirs. soif maaseh. when i was in sem (very recently), walking through geula any day ment bumping into men sometimes. and yes, i am a very frum bais yaakov girl, and so are all my friends, and you know what, we didn’t make a big deal out of it b/c we knew geula was cowded and we don’t own the streets, and there is not really anything you can do about it. just keep walking!

    in reply to: drinking on purim, teaching kids? #1056356

    that argument is extremely sad! it is so backward to think that chazal would want us to make ourselves sick and throw up and act so disgusting. i can’t stand when i see ppl like that on purim, and just as a side point- which really is not really a side point, but also very important- it is SUCH a chillul Hashem! what do you think goes though the minds of other ppl when they see drunken jews throwing up on every block? does it make sense that that is what Hashem wants from us????

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865585

    oh and i’m sorry to have brought up a sore topic when i asked about ur fathers reaction. i simply didn’t know (well, i guess that’s obvious).

    in reply to: Friday in Geulah #865991

    whatshaiches- you think that solves the problem? i have been there- its not any different! unless things have changed…

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865583

    oh i didn’t get that either. thanks for explaining. i can’t speak for everyone else, but i accept your apology. hello we are the cr, of course we CaRe!

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865580

    and just what did ur father say when he heard his son was engaged???? (just wondering cuz one time someone ran into the place where my father worked, and wished him a big mazal tov. my father looked at her and said “thank you but what’s the mazal tov?” and she said “i just heard your daughter is engaged!” my father said “really? how come i didn’t hear about this!”

    turns out someone who has a very similar name to mine had gotten engaged, and its not a very common name.

    so i know its a totally diff situation, but i’m interested to know what ur fathers reaction was!

    in reply to: I am here to accept whatever I have coming. #865575

    sorry. i am not understanding. i saw this line (“so my father calls me up”) in the mt thread and didn’t understand it there either. enlighten us??? sorry i’m just havin’ a slow day- feelin’ a lil’ under the weather.

    in reply to: I'm new #864995

    ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! we welcome everyone 🙂 happy to have you! so let me introduce myself: my name is (can you guess??????) yummy cupcake! they call me yummy for short.

    looking forward to posting with you!


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223957

    well yossi, for once i’m a little disappointed. i don’t think that that is something to joke about. but i’m glad you realize that it wasn’t right.

    may we hear real good news soon!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223953

    i would like to wish you mazal tov if there is something to wish you mazal tov for…

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223951

    well so are you gonna make a new thread?????? or put urself up on only simchas???? i’ve been checking it every other second!

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 494 total)