yummy cupcake

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  • in reply to: What should I pack for seminary year in Israel? #884011

    girls going to sem, look around your room, your house, your friends rooms… just in case I missed something (like I noticed shopping613 mentioned pajamas/nightgowns, which are kinda important πŸ™‚ )

    girlies, i’d love to know where ur all going! i wanna know if I have friends going with ya!

    in reply to: What should I pack for seminary year in Israel? #884006

    well, if you have family or friends living in israel or coming to israel while ur there (even before that) you can have them bring stuff up also. i had that done a couple of times when i was in sem. also depends on how much time before sem starts are you gonna be there? if you have a couple of days, go around with ur new friends to get binders/paper/notebooks/pens…(their paper only fits “israeli” binders, so probably better off getting that stuff there, rather then bringing tons of paper from here). whatever you decide here’s a list (i’m sure there’s much more, but here’s what i can think of on the spot):

    — clothing(everyday [which ends up being uniform most of the time, but forget the times you wont be in school, or u’ll want to change after classes], shabbos, tiyulim. tiyulim=tshirts/polo shirts, junky skirt, sneakers, water shoes)

    — shoes for every day and shabbos

    — RAINBOOTS!!! (def came in handy when i was in sem!)

    — winter coat/jacket (i had mine sent up when it started getting colder)

    — makeup (and any creams/lotions you put on ur face), deodorant, hair iron, blow dryer,brushes, combes and whatever you put in ur hair

    — static guard

    — bath towels/bath robe, wash cloths, hand towels

    — any contact lens care items you may need, or glasses and a few cloths to clean them with

    — bug spray (tiyulim can get a little sweaty and attract many unwanted guests…)

    — siddur/tehillim/aneini/machzorim you can get there without question, but if you have ones you specifically like from home, bring them. just know they weigh a lot.

    — bed spreads (i borrowed from my aunt and uncle for the year, so i didn’t have to bring it up. that included two sheets, a blanket, two or three pillow cases, and the pillow)

    — smallish bag for tiyulim/camel backpack (if you choose to bring a small bag, make sure its big enough to hold anything you may need, meaning a change of clothes, towels, water shoes, water bottles, flashlight if tiyul is at night,tissues, camera, siddur in case you need to daven), and know that if you bring a camel backpack, it doesn’t hold that much (it holds one really huge water bottle and is not as much of a shlep to bring everywhere, cuz it stays on ur back) so u’ll need another smaller bag for clothes and other stuff. my friend had a camel back pack and it was so amazing for her!

    — a bag to take with you when you go out for shabbos (someone gave me one as a gift when i graduated, and i am telling you, i used it EVERY SINGLE WEEK! it really came in handy, it fit exactly what i needed, shabbos clothes (including tights, shoes), blow dryer/hair iron in case you don’t do ur hair b4, makeup, siddur…

    –jewelry (not anything you will be upset about losing. when i was in sem i lost my ring with my name on it (a kosel ring, how ironic!) and i’m quite upset about that…

    — stationary (you could also get there)

    — any medicines if you need, or any medical item (epipen, inhaler, whatever…)

    — toothbrush, toothpaste (you can get there, but again, if you like a specific kind…)

    — shampoo and shower soap/gel (you can get there, but if you like a specific kind… just know thats a lot of weight)

    — a journal (some ppl think its stupid, but don’t let that get to you. i wrote one, and i LOVE looking back at it. it does two things, reminds me of everywhere we went, everything i did which brings back such great memories. and i look back and see how much i grew since then. i also kept in there notes that friends wrote to me throughout that year.

    — camera

    — an address book (so you can write down addresses and numbers of ppl you can go to for meals) obviously get the list and write them in BEFORE you leave to sem…and numbers/addresses of ppl from home that you wanna kit with

    — sunblock (you can get there)

    — flashlight (i mentioned it, but i didn’t put it down as an item yet)

    like i said, i’m sure i’m missing things, but i’ll try to think of more. where are you going to sem? maybe i know some girls going there…

    in reply to: JULY 4TH #1022519

    amen, thanks!

    in reply to: JULY 4TH #1022516

    we celebrate my grandmothers bday today! and on the side, we watch the fireworks that many ppl do down the block from us. we live on a corner, so its a pretty good view.

    in reply to: Heat Wave!!!!! #884363

    great idea! COME ONE COME ALL- FREE YUMMY CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and don’t worry- the oven’s off…


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224064

    mazal tov syag! i’m glad to hear the chosson did a good job on his speech at the vort, but wow! ur daughter JUST came back from sem…


    seriously, (i guess we’re talking bar mitzvah) MAZAL TOV!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Heat Wave!!!!! #884361

    not only the tri states, but chicago too- DID THE WORLD RUN OUT OF OXYGEN?????????????? WHAT HAPPENED???????????????

    in reply to: Frum Jews and animals: why can't they get along together? #1014800

    funny- in sem (we were a small sem) we were in a villa for the year. the ppl who owned the sem had a dog, and there was a dog that lived down the block and it would ALWAYS come play with “our” dog. in the beginning of the yr only a couple of girls were ok with the dogs. the rest of us went crazy! and even the teachers, if the dog(s) were waiting by the gate of the villa, they would not come in till the dogs left on their own (or if we noticed a teacher was late, we’d check to see if she/he had been down the block waiting for the dog to move away from the gate, then one girl would have to go up and bring the dog elsewhere) πŸ˜€ was quite the funny situation!


    in reply to: Wedding Intro #881568

    if u don’t care if its jewish or not, the theme song from hawaii 5-0 is awesome! and btw, to whoever said not to use goyish music on this night, just letting you know that many of the intros are goyish, you probably don’t even notice.

    in reply to: …do I also need to… #1082311

    popa, you cant be serious. that’s awful. i feel bad that that’s the way you think.

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087782

    funny, i was just discussing with a friend the words to chaim yisrael’s “malachim”… we could not figure out some of the words, and i totally love that song so it bothered me that i missed a few words here and there. she found it somewhere on the computer tho, and send it to me. so funny to see how wrong you were when you get the real words πŸ™‚

    in reply to: You Dont Know Suffering #916012

    i didn’t read everyone’s posts, so what i say might have been said before. i agree with coffeeaddict that that might be what she was saying, and i agree with middlepath. now i’m gonna say that whatever suffering you went through was meant for you. you cant compare one persons personal suffering to another. Hashem doesn’t give you more than you can deal with, and what He does give you in the way of challenges, He gives you the tools to deal with. when people suffer, it doesn’t make them feel better that someone has it worse. they just want their pain/suffering acknowledged. we are humans with human emotions. we can’t just become ok with our situation because someone has it worse. thats not the way we work (i’m speaking in general).

    in reply to: Most commonly lost items… #880205

    glasses 8)

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224033

    mazal tov to a friend of mine (who also happens to be midwesterners daughter)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mazal tov to rabbi and mrs midwesterner πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224031

    come on, breindy. as fun and exciting as this thread is, its for real stuff. that sorta seemed outta place… just think before you write, k?

    mazal tov cofeefan, may you be zoche to build a bnb with much ahava, kedusha, gezunt, menuchas hanefesh and shalom bayis.

    agent, mazal tov! so exciting! shep nachas!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224023

    i am here, i did that last week on my english bday. the stores don’t go by your hebrew one… well, not where i come from anyway!

    thanks to all for good wishes! and sorry tzaddiq, i did mean to wish you a very happy bday as well!

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224018

    hey mazal tov to me! now i’m really 21!!!!!!! brachos to all for a fulfilling life full of kedusha and simcha and yiras shamayim gezunt chaveiros tovos/chaveirim tovim fulfilling relationships,menuchas hanefesh shalom bayis the ability to be kovesh your yetzer hara, the ability to always see the good in every situation.those who need a refuah or yeshuah of any kind, should experience it very soon. those who are in the parsha should find their zivug hagun bkarov and build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel filled with kedusha and ahava and menucha and many beautiful and kadosh children who reach great spiritual heights and follow in the path of the Torah. Those who have children and grandchildren should see only nachas from them. may all your tefillos be answered l’tova and may we all be zoche to meet in yerushalaim very very soon and be united with Hashem b’mheira v’yameinu amen!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to Me! ^_^ #973053

    one of many, of course i’ll share!

    and for all those who were wondering, yes i bought wine to celebrate. but they didn’t card me, which i don’t understand. well, at one place i understand, the second place i didn’t understand, but the girl checking me out couldn’t sell it to me cuz she’s not 21 yet! it was quite funny.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to Me! ^_^ #973048

    can anyone get me some cholov yisroel COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM???????? that would make me reaaaaaaaaaaaaly happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to Me! ^_^ #973034

    ok so really its my english bday today- but hey, i was born on my english bday too! definitely worth acknowledging… thanks for all the wishes! my hebrew bday is yud aleph sivan. i take credit card numbers πŸ˜‰

    oh and happy bday and cranniversary to anyone who has one coming up πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to Me! ^_^ #973027

    hehe, i meant my REAL bday! i didn’t have to check any profile to check that out πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Kids at teacher's weddings #876477

    personally, i would love if my students came to my wedding IY”H! maybe where i come from its accepted. is it really not in other places?

    in reply to: Yuuuumy Shavuos Menu #1017686

    did someone call my name? you want my shavuos menu??? πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to Me! ^_^ #973021

    OMG! mine is tomorrow! HAPPY BDAY TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: what is hate? what is love? #875484

    while i hear what you are saying, i feel that, just like you can’t love someone without having a relationship with them, you can’t hate someone without some connection either. like, hitler for instance. i never really think about him enough to say i hate him. did he do the most horrible thing ever? yes. did he kill millions of our precious neshamos? yes. did he wipe out generations that could have been? yes. but can i truly say i feel a hatred toward him? i don’t know what it feels like to hate. if i would have spoken to him face to face, then i might be able to say i hate him. but can i truly say it now? i hope everyone takes this the way it was meant. i am not saying i like him in any way. angry, furious, sad- yes. but a deep running hatred? what does it feel like?

    in reply to: Here's a question for you (poll) #872743

    just cuz i feel bad that no one is helping out in ur shout out to the mods… YAY MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Camp YWN-CR! Who would you love to see there? #1022695

    hey, i was gonna say i volunteer to bake the cupcakes! well, and everything else of course…

    gefen can make kiddush for us on shabbos.

    giggle girl will be our daily source of entertainment.

    syag can be the secretary (i happen to know she’s pretty good at telling ppl that someone’s looking for them, and she’s good with the phone πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Here's a question for you (poll) #872738

    oh, this is just too much for my lil’ brain…

    in reply to: Here's a question for you (poll) #872732

    nope still doesnt make sense. and this is yummy and even I don’t understand??? when did gefen not let you reminisce in peace???? what do you mean “not again”. I’M SO CONFUSED!!!

    in reply to: Which Would You choose? #872465

    personally, i would say siyum hashas because i think my message would kinda be the more we are delving into torah, the less pull we will have to use the internet. just my opinion.

    in reply to: Here's a question for you (poll) #872725

    uh, hi! a lil’ birdy told me i was bein’ searched for… and yes, the symbol made it obvious πŸ™‚ i don’t really post so often anymore, i kinda got busy with life and don’t really have too much time on my hands, B”H, B”H- not complaining at all. i just browse now, more than i post. unless i have something really important to say. or of course, if i get mysterious phone calls from syag…. πŸ™‚

    gut voch everyone!


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224010

    mazal tov baal habooze and a mamin!!!!! asach nachas!!!! may we all continue to share in simchos!!!!!!!

    in reply to: The Anagram Game! #1021124

    sure moishy, if someone would ask why you are not speaking to anyone in a crowd, you’d say “o, i’m shy”

    in reply to: The Anagram Game! #1021114

    not a mod- you were close. but for mitzvah girl, you skipped the “l” in the anagram.

    in reply to: jobs #871250


    in reply to: Chuppah songs ….??? #873102

    really, you walk down to a song that speaks to you, or that really makes you feel kadosh and spiritual, and helps enhance the importance of the moment, according to you. personally, some songs i would choose would be:

    meheira- shwekey

    bo’ee beshalom- shwekey (libi b’mizrach)

    birkas habayis- (dunno original, but its on last track of baruch levine’s chassan torah. its the middle song)

    ma ashiv- baruch levine (hashkifa)

    then there is one song that i don’t quite remember the name, but its on shloime dachs’ dance all night as one of the chuppa songs (no music, just sax)

    these are just some, among others i would choose. these are the ones that stand out most to me.

    in reply to: jobs #871247


    in reply to: How old are you? #870305

    hey dhl, i’ll be 21 in about a month, too!

    in reply to: favorite singer #874566

    shwekey. hands down.

    in reply to: jobs #871246

    ey mom- what exactly does copywriting entail? so far that sounds like its pretty much up my alley. and i don’t know if this has anything to do with this, but it kind of goes along these lines- i’m IY”H taking a course in the summer to become a certified proofreader.

    thanks everyone for all ur suggestions! keep em coming!

    leibedik yankel- no its not prestige or tons of money that i want. i just want a job that i am motivated to do, that i am good at, that i enjoy. because the way i am, if i don’t enjoy something, i discontinue it. that’s just me, i know myself. no enjoyment, no effort. well, that sounds really bad- its not THAT horrible, but you get my drift?

    in reply to: jobs #871233

    pba- glad we agree πŸ™‚

    i love coffee and nechomah- those thoughts actually crossed my mind a couple of times. so nechomah, i would do that- but i do want something a little more long term, i just don’t know if thats what i want to be doing my whole life…

    i love coffee- party planning sounds fun, but i don’t think i’m THAT creative. i mean, i’m not at all throwing the idea out the window, just looking for something a bit different.

    in reply to: jobs #871229

    i don’t wanna marry pba. but thanks for caring enough to suggest it πŸ™‚ uh, no offense to pba, of course- but i can tell from his posts we aint the same type at all!

    in reply to: What gives you the chills? #870110

    totally agree with blabla and Sam2 (that was a good one!)

    in reply to: jobs #871227

    so kapusta, without giving too much away- i work in some sort of school setting. and something i enjoy? i love listening to music, and i love shopping:) yeah i know- that’s not always a good thing. but like i said, i love taking care of kids and i love writing. i’m sure there is so much more i can do that i am just not thinking of! i’m kinda creative- not enough that i would go into graphic arts or anything, but when i’m in the mood, i enjoy using the little artistic talent i have. like sometimes instead of buying birthday cards for friends, i’ll make ’em myself- and (if i do say so myself,) they come out really cute and my friends love em! thanks kapusta for trying to help!

    in reply to: Only Simchas down?! #890009

    not working again???? i just checked- this is so annoying!

    in reply to: only simchas #867200


    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223984

    like i said- i can’t take all the credit, but ur welcome! i think it’ll be funny the first time you use it, and ppl look at you like you fell from the moon, then you say “hello, do you guys speak english? never heard the word before? HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AROUND? you sure english isn’t ur 2nd language???” wonder how that would go over!

    in reply to: Did You Count Sefira Yet? #867147

    thank you so much goq- good thinkin!

    in reply to: My Dream this past Shabbos (Rishon Shel Pesach) #867523

    whoa. how interesting! and dreams on shabbos have a special meaning. why don’t you speak to a mekubal about this?

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