John Peace

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  • in reply to: Derech halimud for high school bochurim #2367397
    John Peace

    I believe it’s a good approach.
    It allows the bochrim to become fluent with the gemorah and Rashi, focusing on entrenching and grounding themselves in poshut pshat.

    Once they have spent a few years doing so they will be in an excellent position to fully grasp the subtleties of iyun.

    Some may feel that the bochrim will be bored with only doing bikiyius. I believe that a dynamic Rebbi should be able to alleviate this issue.

    in reply to: My Letter to Sarah Schneirer about School Trauma from the Matzav Inbox: #2312256
    John Peace

    We keep hearing stories along these lines. Why not simply go to a school that actually wants you, even if the school is not the popular choice or even if it’s considered “less Frum”? If you consider the people running these elite mosdos as being money hungry and kavod seeking, why would you want your child to go anywhere near the place?

    in reply to: Shidduchim: What is worse? #2296562
    John Peace

    Square root: as a caring fellow Jew, for the good of all those around you, please get help from a competent therapist.

    All the best.

    in reply to: Time to be REAL #2295264
    John Peace

    Your points sound intriguing. Would you mind providing some tangible examples of what you mean so that we can better understand your point of view?

    in reply to: Israel’s choices #2277172
    John Peace

    It was a “for show only” attack by iran. They obviously knew that they would not get enough through the layers of air defence to cause much damage.

    Its not in Israel’s interests to escalate to a full on war with Iran at this point.

    in reply to: Dead end job #2266365
    John Peace

    Sounds like it’s time to move on

    John Peace

    Try the Aish website. They have a chat feature where you can ask them to assist you in finding a shul or organisation that can help you connect with mainstream Torah Judaism in your area.

    The main thing is that you find a shul with a Rabbi that can guide you along the way. I’m sure there are people on this website that can guide you in the right direction in finding a shul close to your home.

    Hatzlocha rabba

    in reply to: Joe, I need your help here #2244409
    John Peace

    Go to one of the many Frum friendly colleges in the US or abroad.
    Alternatively, find work in a field which does not require a college degree.

    in reply to: How to Improve Learning Skills #2231178
    John Peace

    I obviously do not know you at all but I would say keep going with your chavrusa and your shiur but try to dedicate time learning a masechta on your own without using Artscroll. I say on your own as you have already mentioned that you have time constraints so learning on your own keeps things flexible. Also learning on your own will allow you to focus directly on the area that you are aiming to improve on, namely, reading / translating skill.

    You will find that if you stick to it, your skills will improve drastically over a few months.
    I mentioned not using Artscroll so that it shouldnt become a crutch but as the same time there is nothing wrong with using it to look up translations. As long as you are genuinely trying to learn from the actual text and build your skills.


    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2203044
    John Peace

    Just to point out a bit of any irony, many Kollel guys are actually in a better financial situations than their working peers.

    Kollel families are more likely to get deductions on tuition,camps etc. They often are the beneficiaries of Yomtov bonuses and special deals on clothes and food (sponsored by generous community members).

    The irony is that their working peers don’t get any of the above and often find themselves with less money than the Kollel families.

    I’m not saying it’s unfair or anything, just pointing out the irony that I experienced first hand. Often Kollel families don’t realise this.

    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2202968
    John Peace

    Common sachel would dictate that it was a typo.

    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2202969
    John Peace

    Sorry my post was a bit vague. I managed to work part time for quite a few years. started at 2 hours a day and eventually to full time as the need arose.

    It works but the problem is that it’s still selling your time.

    in reply to: Side Hustle idea for kollel yungerman #2202859
    John Peace

    As a Yungerman, I face the same predicament.
    What worked for me was part-time teaching in a local frum school,
    learning with baalei batim (make sure they know you expect payment upfront) and computer programming.

    The biggest problem here is that all the above options require time investment where the salary is directly related to the time invested. This is obviously what Kollel guys are trying to avoid, but to find something that actually helps with the bills and does not require selling your time is almost impossible as can be seen from the suggestions given.

    Many Yunderlite have this dream to start a business where they can work 3 or 4 hours a day and just watch the money roll in and carry on learning. To date I have not met a single person that managed to start such a business. Most of the people that tried this just landed up closing their startups and getting full time jobs.

    Today I work as a programmer and learn as much as possible.

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