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@Zetruth Oh, that Kennedy. Why didn’t you say so initially? A few thoughts on him. He isn’t a public figure. No one heard of him before the pandemic where he made a name for himself fear-mongering and trying to convince people of…. something. It’s not that he was called anti-vax or a conspiracy theorist, he’s literally both of those things. He is against vaccinations and theorizes (without evidence) a massive conspiracy to do….. something.
May 1, 2023 11:24 am at 11:24 am in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2185788Yserbius123Participant@Always_Ask_Questions Look, if you’re trying to make a point about a very here-and-now issue by bringing up 75+ year old history, you’re not really getting your point across. You forget, America also had Vietnam and Iraq, two very bloody wars, in the much more recent past.
April 30, 2023 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2185695Yserbius123Participant@keith Let’s agree on one baseline then move out from there: There are well over a billion guns in this country. That is a problem. You said yourself, ” They are all over. You cannot go back in time and change the past. You can only decide based on reality. ” Presumably, what you mean is that we do need to severely decrease the number of guns in this country because so many guns is way too dangerous and requires more people to buy guns to protect themselves, leading to an infinite feedback loop that can only end when every joe owns a nuke.
Once we have that down, we can continue.
April 30, 2023 11:07 am at 11:07 am in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2185522Yserbius123Participant@keith A few things:
- Even accounting for suicides, violent deaths by deadly weapon in the USA are on par with countries like Somalia. Places France, Finland, Australia, and other countries with heavy gun control, have a percentage of a percentage of violent deaths that the US has.
- Criminals in the US have easy access to black market guns because there are so many gun in the US. So allowing unlimited guns for law abiding citizens just puts more guns in the hands of black marketers and criminals
- I’ve spoken with people who are into dangerous weapons. They come in all shapes and sizes. By and large one common thread is their inability to explain why people need more than one pistol with limited rounds and limited caliber for self-defense.
- On a city-by-city basis statistics show no significant difference in break ins for cities that have a lot of guns per-capita than cities that don’t. So the idea that more guns means your family is better protected because criminals are too scared to break in, doesn’t have the data to back it up.
- It is an issue of pikuach nefesh because (as I have been repeating time and time and time again) the more legal guns there are, the easier it is for a criminal to get their hands on one. So yes, limiting legal guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is an issue of pikuach nefesh because that would mean less criminals with guns
- The argument that we need guns to defend ourselves against the evil US of A holds no water. If the government decides to turn against its people, we’re done for one way or another. Guns aren’t going to turn the tide on an army fighting on their native soil. Just look at the Bundy ranch and what happened when a banda meshugoyim went against the FBI. If you want to look at it from a statistical standpoint, make a cost-benefits-analysis. The current reality of gun culture continuing to take lives is a much higher cost than the small possible benefit that guns will save lives in a very hypothetical apocalyptic future.
April 30, 2023 10:55 am at 10:55 am in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2185498Yserbius123Participant@Zetruth There was never a psak by the Crown Heights Beis Din forbidding the COVID vaccine, and they never had an 8 hour phone conference discussing it.
I’m sorry to break this to you, but whoever is telling you these things is lying and you should stop believing them.
April 30, 2023 12:48 am at 12:48 am in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2185368Yserbius123Participant@Always_Ask_Questions I disagree. The system in the US regarding guns is completely farkakt. It’s difficult to fight, but Baruch Hashem there is a huge rising tide of US citizens trying to change it. It affects us very deeply because it means that the streets and our homes and schools are not safe. We need to support the people fighting against the 2nd amendment and stop defending NRA talking points.
Yserbius123Participant@Always_Ask_Questions I think the point @jackk was trying to make was that there is abundant evidence that the Earth is round and anyone who cared could easily find out. Yet, people still choose to ignore what’s literally in front of their faces and claim it’s flat. So there’s no arguing with them since no evidence will convince them!
There was a recent documentary about Flat Earthers and there were two scenes that stood out. In both of them, people procured expensive equipment and worked really hard to set up an experiment that, if it succeeded, would prove the Earth was flat. Naturally, both experiments failed and the data showed exactly the curvature expected. In both cases the people just kind of went “Huh, I guess we need to try a different experiment”.
Yserbius123Participant@Zetruth Then let’s talk about Kennedy. For one, who is Kennedy? What has he/she/it said or done that we should care about and why?
Yserbius123Participant@Bath_Tavath The COVID vaccines have been extensively tested, possibly more so than any other medicine on the planet. And the risks are minuscule. For a healthy person, it’s literally riskier to drive down the block. It’s at least 10,000 times more likely an individual will contact COVID and face serious injury, then be injured by the vaccine in any significant way.
April 28, 2023 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2185189Yserbius123Participant@Always_Ask_Questions Once again, you are pushing the “What if the government turns against me?” argument in another suit, “What if we’re invaded?”. It’s silly. For one, the logic requires the the US military is completely subdued by a foreign invader, yet held off by rednecks with rifles. One reason the US lost so bad in Afghanistan was their unwillingness to kill civilians (which they failed miserably at). I doubt an occupying force here would have the same hold ups. Another reason it’s a silly argument, is that it’s so extremely unlikely it’s barely even worth thinking about. The very real dangers that so many guns poses to Americans today far outweighs any potential benefit they may have in a very hypothetical situation.
April 28, 2023 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2185148Yserbius123Participant@yeshivaguy45 @nomesorah @Zetruth Wow, so the 8 hour conference call was the total opposite of what it was claimed to be. It was not with the Crown Heights Beis Din. It was with a bunch of random people from Crown Heights. The Crown Heights Beis Din actually put forward a statement condemning the call and urging people to get vaccinated.
Yserbius123Participant@Amil-Zola Encourage extracurricular activities and stop treating kids who can’t (or won’t) learn 8 hours a day for the rest of their lives like some sort of failure.
April 27, 2023 2:40 pm at 2:40 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184910Yserbius123Participant@Meno We at least agree on one thing, that American culture is messed up that pushes everyone to own guns which allows too much gun crime to happen. Seems to me our only disagreement is whether more legislation would help or it’s a lost cause and we should just accept gang wars, school shootings, and armed muggings as a fact that will never go away.
April 27, 2023 12:37 pm at 12:37 pm in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184812Yserbius123ParticipantI’m curious what this alleged 8 hour conference call allegedly from the Crown Heights Beis Din actually said. I do believe that Chabad-Lubavitch has been very vocal about opening vaccine clinics. So if what the Beis Din said is actually what @Zetruth claimed they said, I would be curios what the explanation is.
April 27, 2023 10:06 am at 10:06 am in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184735Yserbius123Participant@mentsch1 I was just responding to the other poster who was worried about actions that would “threatening the pro-gun population” with a comparison to a different part of anti-Torah American culture. Baruch Hashem, at least there’s a huge growing movement to fight the pro-gun culture of the US. We should support it and not stand in its way.
Yserbius123Participant@west-bank Two ways:
- Lie about it and forge documents
- Do the same thing that literally billions of people have done for the last 2.5 years with zero consequences and get vaccinated against COVID
Yserbius123Participant@CS Almost all of the Chachamim learned things from secular people. The Tana’im talk about Aristotle. Tosfos quotes Socrates. The Gra hired tutors for almost every subject studied at the time.
I question your interpretation of “secular studies are metamei the brain”. Perhaps when the previous previous Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L said that, he meant studying useless goyish things, like Indian mythology or comparative literature, and not the type of studies that can help a person understand the world (which are absolutely not “secular” no matter what your Cheder called them).
April 26, 2023 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184640Yserbius123Participant@Always_Ask_Questions You and the others keep circling back to the “What if the country turns against us?!”. I’ll repeat what I’ve said before: a bunch of hunters holding guns are no match for the combined might of an organized military with modern equipment. So the argument holds no water since allowing people access to weapons does absolutely bupkis in terms of arming them against evil governments.
I have no issue threatening the pro-gun population anymore than I have issues threatening the pro-LGBTQIAS2SX11MNE population. I am proposing that we encourage small measures that are baby steps along the path to getting rid of the dangerous gun culture that plagues the Goldeneh Medinah. And I am proposing that the oilom should stop standing in the way of such measures with silly arguments like because it “supports the Dem party contribution pitch”.
This is mamesh pikuach nefesh. And we aren’t fixing the issue today, but it is imperative that everyone take a stand to at least start acknowledging that there is an issue and that it can be fixed.
April 26, 2023 7:36 pm at 7:36 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184581Yserbius123Participant@Meno I don’t think it’s impossible, just very difficult and it would take a long time. One thing that needs to happen is restrictions on the sale and manufacture of firearms. If there are less guns available in stores, people will own less guns and there will be less guns in circulation and there will be less gun crimes. Right now the approach (which has been heavily based on scripts written by the NRA) for most gun-nuts is “Well, US culture is so messed up, we can’t ban guns because then we won’t be able to defend ourselves from the guns that criminals have because we didn’t ban guns”. Which is all types of messed up.
I mean, the frum velt has been fighting tooth and nail against the inevitable encroachment of toeva stuff into every day life. Should we just give up on it because it’s impossible to change at this point?
April 26, 2023 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184483Yserbius123Participant@Meno L’azazel with the 2nd amendment. It’s killing far more people than it saves. We have to start somewhere! Throughout this thread several gun nuts have tried to rationalize why everyone needs a minimum of six big loud guns in their house for self defense. But none have yet to give an explanation as to why something small with a few bullets wouldn’t be enough.
April 26, 2023 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184437Yserbius123Participant@Meno That’s what I keep getting back to. We can’t change the whole culture of a country (really it isn’t the whole country, it’s certain rural areas in Red States) overnight. But we have to start somewhere. Regarding “gun-free-zones”, we have seen time and time again, that armed civilians do little to stop mass shootings. And the more guns there are available, the more likely a mass shooting will occur. But let’s ride with that for a second: You need a gun because American culture is so messed up that there are armed criminals around every corner. OK, I can see the logic. However, what you do not need is high-caliber high-capacity firearms. You need a small revolver. So why don’t we start by banning anything that isn’t small?
April 26, 2023 12:01 pm at 12:01 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2184341Yserbius123Participant@Always-Ask-Questions I question your logic whether that would lead to a slippery slope. The US has the most unrestricted gun laws of any major country in the world and yet you don’t see Australia or Spain telling people they can’t own three microwaves.
@Meno Anyone who thinks that the current American Culture (TM) of the “right” to own as many guns as can be purchased is a normal, logical, not dangerous, in line with the Torah, thing, is not thinking clearly.Yserbius123Participant@DaasYochid I knew a Dutch guy in Yeshiva in Israel once who would always correct everyone’s pronunciation of New York names, from Catskill to Harlem.
April 26, 2023 12:00 pm at 12:00 pm in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184339Yserbius123ParticipantOK fine. Two years ago I would have called you a very dangerous person. Now, with most people double and triple boosted and COVID much better understood, you are merely foolish. Listening to what people are saying on Twitter instead of asking an expert. Would you pasken a shailoh based on something you read on Facebook?
April 25, 2023 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183999Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah Yeah, that’s a huge stretch. It’s not a slippery slope to mandating limits on consumer ownership. It’s laws limiting dangerous objects which already exist. You’re just restating the “What if the government goes bad?” argument that gun owners love to push.
Yserbius123Participant@Zetruth I don’t understand your comment. Carlson was fired because he said the same thing all Fox News opinion anchors have been repeating unending for the last 2.5 years?
April 24, 2023 5:06 pm at 5:06 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183665Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah The government already regulates how much of anything you can have in many instances. Generally when the thing is something potentially very dangerous, you need special licenses and approval for each one you want to buy. That is something I would like to see applied to gun ownership. Just like you can’t build a slaughterhouse on private property without a host of licenses and regulations for each slaughterhouse you build. So too with guns.
Yserbius123Participant@menachem-shmei Interesting, I did not know that about Lubavitch. Did Rav Schneerson ZT”L ever comment on that philosophy vis a vis his time learning in Hildesheimer?
Yserbius123Participant@ujm I am welcome to hearing corrections from people who are involved in kids-at-risk, but in my experience boys have always been going OTD far more often than girls.
April 24, 2023 1:17 pm at 1:17 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183417Yserbius123ParticipantAnd as a side note, I found on a breakdown of burglary rates per-state per-capita, and a second chart of percentage of gun ownership per-state. New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas all have 50% gun ownerships (meaning, about every other person owns at least one gun) and the worst rates of burglary and break-ins. New Jersey and New York have only 8% gun ownership (some of the lowest in the US) and are also both in the bottom ten of burglary rates.
This doesn’t prove that gun ownership prevents break ins (the idea being that a criminal will be less likely to break into a house if he knows that people generally own guns) but it certainly adds a nail or two to the coffin of that theory.
Yserbius123Participant@interjection I am suggesting that there is a dangerous trend to minimize the importance of studies that aren’t Gemara to the point where it’s damaging to the children, both when they are young and when they get older.
I am questioning whether girls are going OTD at the same rate as boys. As far as I know that was never the case. Girls (at least in the non-Chassidish non-Modern settings I am familiar with) usually stay frum at a much higher rate.
April 24, 2023 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183360Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah A slippery slope towards what? Not being Somalia? Then let’s go skiing!
April 23, 2023 11:46 pm at 11:46 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183244Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah, so then you would be OK with new laws restricting guns to, let’s say, one gun per household and a maximum of five rounds? Because all this talk and you still haven’t explained why anyone would need more if we’re talking home defense.
Yserbius123Participant@n0mesorah I’m repeating myself, but you flip flopped several times on the situation regarding non-Gemara non-Halacha studies in Lakewood high schools. First you said that they don’t exist because no one wants them, then you said that there are plenty of high schools. And you’ve gone through everything in between.
There are problems in every frum community. Most of them admit it and have long discussions regarding how to fix them. But there are communities that have very blatant open issues that are so big they affect people outside those communities. And people are screaming at them to fix it, but they adamantly refuse to acknowledge that there’s even an issue.
April 23, 2023 5:38 pm at 5:38 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2183095Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah So because it would take decades to work, we should just throw in the towel? To be honest, the whole idea of needing a gun for self-defense is like 95% NRA propaganda. (a quick perusing of the magazine rack in Rite-Aid would convince me that I am going to die within the year if I don’t have a four foot long gun that can shoot massive bullets at an outlandish rate) There are very very few cases where someone’s life was saved because they were carrying a gun (excluding security guards and police). And many many more cases of negligent gun owners leaving loaded handguns where their kids can find them and accidentally kill someone. Or where a robbery leaves the homeowner dead, because the crook started shooting when he saw a weapon. Or where a gun is stolen and used in a crime. At the end of the day, the prevalance and availability of guns in the USA kills far more people than it saves.
And at the end of the day, let’s face it. Even if you would buy into all of this no one needs more than one gun for home self defense. And there’s no need to have more than five bullets in it.
Take away the guns currently out there.
Limit their sale.
Limit their manufacture.
Limit who can own them and how many they can own.
April 21, 2023 1:21 pm at 1:21 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182746Yserbius123Participant@AvirahDeArah @mentsch1 You both miss my point. It’s not about the calibers, it’s about the need. There is absolutely no need for the USA to have five times more guns per-capita than any other major country. And the fact that there are so many guns, means that they are readily accessible to anyone wanted to commit a criminal act. So there is far more violence (yes, even excluding suicides) and violent deaths than any other civilized country! What we need to do is get rid of the guns. I don’t care what that would take.
And if you’re willing to go to war over that (which, let’s be honest, is the dumbest reason to go to war since “I like that mountain over there”), then I guess we’ll just have to see how a stockpile of Mossbergs, AR-15s, Glocks, and M2s in the hands of a bunch of disorganized survivalists will hold out against a single drone strike.
Oh, and @mentsch1? We need guns because of Moshiach? That’s a really bad take. Like, exceedingly bad. I’m just going to ignore it because I have more respect for you than that.
April 20, 2023 9:20 pm at 9:20 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182641Yserbius123Participant@AvirahDeArah .22 .9mm shmumty shmoo, who cares? Yes, people who are anti-gun generally have less knowledge of guns. Just like frum people have less knowledge of what bands are playing at Coachella. Guns are extremely dangerous. The 2nd Amendment has allowed gun nuts and gun companies to ride roughshod over the USA and put literally over a billion guns readily accessible to any meshuggenah some legally some illegally.
My point is that no one average person needs so many guns and so many bullets. You want self protection? Even with a .22QFB (or whatever it’s called) will cause an intruder to back off. If the intruder is armed, you carrying a gun won’t make any difference, except cause the bad guy to be more likely to open fire.
April 20, 2023 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182554Yserbius123Participant@Kuvult I am also unclear what you need four guns to defend yourself. You have a single .22 pistol that can shoot five times without reloading. Either the person your defending yourself against backs off when faced with a gun, or they don’t and are shot. Unless you live out in the sticks with a lot of wild animals?
April 20, 2023 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182552Yserbius123Participant@Kuvult The fact that you (presumably a mentally stable and non-violent person) can get a hold of four guns without problem means that someone less mentally stable and more violent can also get a hold of four guns. Therein lies the problem. Should we take dangerous weapons away from innocent people just because others will use them to commit crimes? YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES I DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHY THAT’S EVEN A QUESTION OF COURSE WE SHOULD!
Yserbius123ParticipantIt’s not so much a question of different conventions of order of operations, but that there are certain contrived cases where the order of operations is different. Like PEMDAS doesn’t tell you what to do for 6÷3/10. Also there are different ways of writing out equations (like ignoring the multiplication sign, or using ÷ instead of a superscript/subscript) that sometimes have different rules of orders of operations. So when you mix and match those signs, you give your equation a level of ambiguity that PEMDAS cannot answer.
April 19, 2023 9:21 pm at 9:21 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182431Yserbius123Participant@mentsch1 If someone thinks you have too many guns, you have way too many guns. “Gun culture” is like any other hobby, collecting, talking about, using, trading, buying, selling, etc. and in general being very “into” a particular thing. The only problem is over here is that this “thing” encourages the mass production and sale of deadly weapons that allow criminals to commit murders on a much higher rate than they would otherwise do.
Am I nervous that the nice well-adjusted guy down the block from me owns more guns than fingers? No. But I am nervous that because of that guy (and many others like him) people who are less than well-adjusted can just as easily acquire these weapons.
The idea that owning multiple dangerous weapons (when at most one or two would suffice) is somehow a human right has to die. Period.
April 19, 2023 9:20 pm at 9:20 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182433Yserbius123Participant@mentsch1 If you read my first comment on this thread, I gave a list of laws that in my amateur opinion I would like to see as the law of the land for guns. It’s logical, would save countless lives, and the only opposition to it I’ve seen so far is “But then you would take my guns!!”. Yes, yes we would. That’s the point.
April 19, 2023 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm in reply to: why is Yeshiva world news bashing trump non stop #2182325Yserbius123ParticipantThe question is why weren’t they more anti-Trump years ago? Trump has been in the news a lot lately and for some really disgusting things. So should YWN just ignore front page news because they sort-of kind-of lemme-speak-with-the-shadchan like the guy?
April 19, 2023 3:36 pm at 3:36 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182317Yserbius123Participant@mensch1 I don’t disagree that it would be difficult. I just want to clarify that we are on the same page: much of American culture is bad and dangerous. Gun culture is one aspect of it. We should recognize and publicize how dangerous it is.
April 18, 2023 12:11 pm at 12:11 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181993Yserbius123Participant@mentsch1 So you agree that we need to get rid of guns in the USA, you are merely pointing out that it would be a long and difficult process, yes? Great. Now lets get that process started by out loud declaring how gun culture is stupid and dangerous and we have to work on eliminating it.
April 17, 2023 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181749Yserbius123Participant@mentsch1 “Fun” isn’t a good reason for stockpiling dangerous weapons. Sports shooting falls under the category of “fun”. I fail to see how a single low caliber low capacity gun isn’t enough to fulfill the requirements for hunting and self protection. None of these are coherent responses to why gun nuts stockpile dozens of dangerous weapons whose only purpose is to kill many people as quickly as possible.
And yes, other things kill people. Take cars for example. Perhaps you’re right, we should treat guns like cars. Ridiculously expensive to the point where the average family can only afford one or two. Require a long period of training and a license to use that can be revoked at any time due to misuse. Regular inspections and clear identification of ownership. The understanding that, although they are fun, society still needs good ways to go about without them and should be designed so that people don’t need need cars (busses and trains are fine too).
Hashkafically, there are sources that say that a person can die before his time if he were killed. Guns kill people.
April 17, 2023 4:09 pm at 4:09 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181682Yserbius123ParticipantYes, taking away guns would be very difficult, potentially leading to a civil war, if we do it all at once. Which is why it needs to start slowly and immediately. We need strong efforts to get rid of “gun culture” in Red states and neutering the NRA. Soon, with more than a bit of effort, we can move towards the complete abolishment of the 2nd amendment.
April 17, 2023 7:59 am at 7:59 am in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181436Yserbius123ParticipantTo add to what I said in my previous post: many criminals who commit gun-related crimes aren’t yet technically felons at the time they legally purchased a gun. So to with the mentally ill. It can take months, or even years, for a mental diagnosis (if one happens at all) during the whole time the individual is perfectly capable of purchasing a murder stick.
April 17, 2023 7:51 am at 7:51 am in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181434Yserbius123Participant- A gun store that sells a weapon that is later used in a crime is subject to a mandatory closure and full investigation
- Ban all guns that hold more than five shots.
- Ban all calibers greater than .22
- Each individual gun a person buys requires that they show a reason why they need this gun and it must be approved by an impartial anonymous political committee. Turning in an old gun for an upgrade is taken into account.
- Limit the production and sale of guns based on the size of the local population. Gun stores in a zip code cannot carry more than X weapons where X is the population size in that zip multiplied by a factor of no more than 2
In some areas of Japan, people leave plastic bottles filled with water outside their house. When asked, most people will just shrug and say “This is what you’re supposed to do”. When pressed, some people will talk about how water bottles scare off cats (but won’t be able to explain why they want to scare off cats, if it actually works to scare off cats, or if there are even any cats in the area to scare off). But everyone does it, so it’s ingrained in the culture so everyone else does it.
That’s what guns are to some states in the USA. Everyone has guns. Few people can give a good, coherent reason why they need so many guns. Self protection? Hunting? Sport shooting? It’s fun? But since it’s such a massive part of the culture, logic has ceased to be a factor in this question a very long time ago. Everyone needs guns because everyone has guns. It’s as simple as that. And as long as these people are fighting tooth and nail to ensure that an archaic outdated law remains on the books, criminals and mentally disturbed people have easy access to weapons (legal and illegal) that allow them to commit harm on a much larger scale.
Yserbius123Participant@ubiquitin @emes-nisht-sheker You would be surprised how much of math is just conventional rather than a hard and fast grammar. Anyway, like I’ve demonstrated before, just like a sentence can be perfectly grammatically correct and still be interpreted in two completely different ways, so too can math. Which is why when mathematicians write out their equations, they do it in a way that makes it unambiguous.